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Anne Elizabeth Sandle's Blog – September 2009 Archive (3)

Final holiday of 2009

yes the boys have had their final holiday of 2009!! they had great fun as right next to the campsite was a disused road that they could have a good run up and down, and the kind farmer had just ploughed his field so Charlie took great delight in jumping over the furrows!! Fred had a go over one or two then decided it was better on the road with dad!! Well it won't be long before christmas and all the merryment that comes with it! then the setter… Continue

Added by Anne Elizabeth Sandle on September 29, 2009 at 3:31pm — 2 Comments

Charlies 1st Birthday

Despite eating phones, bluetooth headsets and blowing up alarm clock Charlie has survived his first year unhurt!! Small miracle considering some of the things hes done. He was even allowed in the local hospital recently to visit my dad whose in ill health at the moment, where he got rather spoilt by all on the ward (I think the fact the ward sister has an irish setter of her own might have been one reason for his visit). I'm posting a picture of him… Continue

Added by Anne Elizabeth Sandle on September 7, 2009 at 2:40pm — 3 Comments

Charlie's antics

I bet all Charlies fans are wondering what hes been upto latedly? Well hes been to visit my father in hospital where he got absolutely spoiled by the nurses. Hes also blown up my alarm clock by chewing through the cable? I was asleep at the time when i heard a big bang in the bedroom, opened my eyes to see a flash and the smoke from it. By the time i put the light on Charlie was hiding behind Fred (my older setter) and looking quite innocent,… Continue

Added by Anne Elizabeth Sandle on September 2, 2009 at 2:54pm — 3 Comments



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