Before... During...And after Crufts is a photo relation of our trip to UK. I must admit that we had great time there. We were watching beautiful dogs,sightseeing,spending time with our friends and striking up new acquaintances.


Coventry Cathedral

Coventry Cathedral

St Michael's Tower at Coventry Cathedral


Very friendly squirrell

and again...:-)

Me and Agnieszka


Ania Szlawska and me:-)

Agnieszka and me (before shopping:-))

Shopping time...

SH CH Lestannons Micky Blue Eyes & Sh CH Shaytell Andante

SH CH Lestannons Micky Blue Eyes & SH CH Shaytell Andante

SH CH Shaytell Andante

SH CH Lestannons Micky Blue Eyes

SH CH Shaytell Andante

Veteran dog

Veteran dog

Veteran dog

SH CH Lynwood Pioneer of Seadog

SH CH Lynwood Pioneer of Seadog

Jonola Dr Doolittle

Jonola Dr Doolittle

Balintyne Once in a While

Brinara Morris Traveller

Glenvarna Himself JW

Glenvarna X Factor at Riversett

Jonola Quest For Fame

Kirkavagh Dalakhani

Roguechien Firecracker

Reddins Elsa Of Lymish

After Crufts we came back homes where our Red Heads were waiting for us. We had to somehow compensate them long separation. We chose the easiest way : bribery;-)They got many presents especially goodies;-) but what they liked the most were toys: ducks and pheasant.

Maggie with her duck:-)

Greta with her duck:-)

Conner with his pheasant:-)

again Conner:-)
I forgot to add that the part of bribery was also long walk :


The End:-):-):-)
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