July 3rd Lego had his 4th birthday
and I did not post anything because we were super busy ;-)
He had a ice cream for breakfast, cookies, went to the doggie park, came back had a nice steak dinner ( he got the whole one, Bryan and I split the second one ;o)))) and then there was, of course, the cake.
My sweet boy, who is increasingly and extremely bossy and demanding, had turned 4 years old. :-) I remember a day that I went to O'Hare to pick him up ... the person bringing him over was delayed in the customs for 2 extra hours for suspicion of terrorism *VBG* I guess one-way ticket and no baggage sets of all kinds of the alarms... Poor little baby was covered in pee :( but was apparently so quiet and nice throughout the flight. Until he got into the car. :) Then he had enough of travel. :)))))
This is his first picture after the first bath with a little blue towel as a cape :)

The next picture is the big boy devouring the doggie cake and chewing on his present- Spotty Cow . :-)

oh, how fast they do grow up ...
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