Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

If you experience a combination of the following:

Your dog retches from the throat but nothing is produced, other than a small

amount of frothy mucus

Your dog tries to defaecate unsuccessfully

Your dog adopts the ‘Sphinx’ position

Your dog’s tummy goes hard and / or swells up like a balloon and is as taut as


Your dog is trying to bite, or worry, the abdomen

Your dog is very unsettled


Bloat is a true emergency - be prepared to

drive to the surgery straightaway. The chance of survival decreases alarmingly if you

delay getting the dog to the surgery more than 60-90 minutes after the first signs.

So whether you’re about to catch a plane, serve a meal to your family or go to bed -

DON’T. Instead take your dog to the vet.

It could save your dog’s life.

If you’d like a a copy of this poster emailed to you please send an email to

info@safedog.co.uk with BLOAT as the subject

Views: 138

Comment by Angela Clarke on August 26, 2014 at 6:05am

Good call Willco, may I add it is a good idea to find out next time you are at your vets, if they are able to deal with this emergency. This could save precious time should you experience this, and knowing where to take your dog in advance could save his/her life.

Comment by James Doran on August 27, 2014 at 7:11am

A very worthy warning indeed, Wilko.


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