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This picture was placed on the staff notice board of one of my part time jobs which is a library. Even though the wages are very low, I love this job. I am surrounded by books and a gentle, positive environment on the whole.

I was drawn like a magnet to this picture because of the words and because the picture shows a horse with a child. The softness in the horse’s eye and the child’s touch are clearly visible.

Depending on the attitude of the adult human being, a 500kg horse will fight rather than submit to this adult, but in a gentle child’s hand, this same horse is “putty”.

All my English Setters have shared their lives with horse brothers and sisters. We are an extremely close family even though we are of different species. This is why I include photos of our horses on my ES Page, as well as Sam, our White Faced Heron family member.

If only, more human beings could choose kindness over being right.

Richard Carlson’s quotes are certainly inspirational. I admit I have not read one of his books yet. As with all inspirational writers, I question some of the words in his quotes because Life is not simple and Life can be extremely painful for many. Take Grief for instance. The hope of the Rainbow Bridge and the After Life certainly does not make Grief any easier. Grief is directly related to Love. 

Unfortunately Richard Carlson died in 2006 at the young age of 45 years. His books are difficult to find now. I am on the waiting list for one of his books.

The title is: Don't Get Scrooged: How to Thrive in a World Full of Obnoxious, Incompetent, Arrogant, and Downright Mean-Spirited People.

I wonder how many of us can also relate to these words.

All these words remind me of internet forums. It would be wonderful if all members could choose to be kind. But, we are dealing with human beings here. Yes, we should all ignore the rude comments but sometimes they really do get under our skin. I believe there are times when we need to make a stand.

Unfortunately I have not been able to visit ES often for a while, not because I am not interested or I prefer FB. “Real” life has interfered. Even though there are not as many comments on ES forum topics I notice that all members are behaving courteously towards each other. I believe this is Good. Quality is always better than quantity.

Views: 158

Comment by Angela Clarke on December 17, 2013 at 11:41am

Lovely picture Susan, and lovely words that make so much sense. Some times I think comments are read as rude or critical depending on how we feel ourselves, an example of this is one I made on the topic seizures in puppies not nasty but maybe uncalled for, but this was the evening before we lost Abbie and I was a little sensitive. So as you say we are all human and that is how we cope sometimes. Take care dear friend.

Comment by Dianne cook on December 18, 2013 at 6:40pm
Beautiful words Susan. And yes a wonderful quote! We have been dealing with a sad situation with one of our fur babies. I mentioned this to another ES member I had befriended as my close friends who knew what my dogs meant to our family had not contacted me to see how things had gone for her. The ES friend said she too had had a similar situation with friends too, when she lost her much loved setter. The ES friend said that if she had to choose between heaven or crossing rainbow bridge, she would cross the bridge.....I said...I'll follow too :0))

Susan have a beautiful Christmas with all your fur babies who love you dearly and appreciate all you sacrifice for them :0))
Merry Christmas, take care. X

Thinking of you too, Angela :0) Merry Christmas, take care x
Comment by Finding_Beau on December 18, 2013 at 7:29pm

Hi Angela, I went back and read your comments in the Seizure topic and if you are referring to your comment when you said you had got it wrong, these words were fine. This is how you felt at the time. We are all entitled to our own opinions too. We all interpret words differently too. The same words in one sentence can be interpreted lots of different ways by human beings. I deleted my comment in the Seizure topic because I was more "muddled headed" than usual due to fatigue and when I read it the next morning, I knew what I was trying to say but I thought no one else would have any idea of what I was talking about! Therefore, so as not to confuse the issue, I thought it best if I deleted it.

I agree with you though that our emotions and feelings at the time can make us more sensitive to words. That old saying: "Sticks and stones can break our bones but words can never hurt us" I believe is so untrue. Words can be extremely hurtful and even if they are not meant to be, all of us can over-react at times.

I hope you are doing okay. I am thinking of you. I have some idea of how you are feeling from losing Abbie. You are entitled to feel extremely sensitive and emotional, and not just "a little sensitive".

Take care too, dear friend. All my animal children and I are thinking of you, and try not to be so hard on yourself. xxxxx

Comment by Finding_Beau on December 18, 2013 at 7:41pm

Hi Dianne, I am very sorry to hear about Shelby. I hope somehow she will be with you for some time to come.

As for human "friends", most are as "fickle as the wind", and human beings seem to be getting more and more selfish. This is what is so good about ES. When one of us loses one of our "special children", our ES friends rally to try to support us. I will always be grateful for the kindness shown to me by my ES friends.

I have to disagree with your ES friend though. I do not believe there is a difference between Heaven and Rainbow Bridge. Where are beloved animal children go, we will follow. I have always had much more respect for animals than I have had for human beings. I believe animals are here to teach us human beings, and not the other way around.

Happy Christmas to you too, Dianne. I hope all your family stays well and I hope Shelby defies the odds.

Comment by Dianne cook on December 19, 2013 at 12:43pm
We hope and pray our Shelby defies the odds too Susan......Shes a tough cookie :0)) Thank you for thinking of her. Take care xxx
Comment by Sherry Miller on December 19, 2013 at 6:04pm


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