Exclusively Setters

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Comment by Sherry Miller on November 5, 2016 at 11:00pm


Oh boy a new puppy! Hope you'll post pictures and puppy antics (mischief ) stories. Mac looks enthralled with his stick. Our Molly has been known to stand on her hind legs to pull her chosen stick off a tree so I know the constant fight. We let her chew a bit then distract her so we can make her stick disappear. Lawn work of trimming trees is one of her favorite times. We took out a young oak tree and cut and stacked it for neighbors to use in their fire pit.....Molly delighted in bringing it back to us stick by stick. Neighbors were laughing so hard watching her trot back and forth retrieving those sticks and small logs. Guess she couldn't understand us giving her favorite outdoor toys away! 

  Loved seeing a new picture of Mac and learning you have a new little one running around. Are you finding Abbie to be different from the lads? Hope you'll have David share some more pictures of Mac and your new little sidekick.



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