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Sasha at the Blessing of the Animals in the Riviera

We are very delighted to share the above photo taken last weekend on the annual animal blessing in Gorbio village. Although in recent years there used to be horses and sheeps as well, this year we saw lots of dogs, a cat, a duck and two chickens on this event. Each animal were called by it's name and blessed by the local priest. How phantastic it is, that these old traditions are still alive in this beautiful village and what a wonderful feeling it was to be part of it!
You can find further pictures under http://www.rivieradogs.com/2014/08/sasha-at-blessing-of-animals.html taken by Jilly Bennett, who also runs an excellent blog in which she shares photos and information about all the interesting events around us. One of her photos is from 'behind the scenes' showing you how difficult it can be to keep a dog motivated for photo shooting on a hot summer day!
We really enjoyed the day and thanks to Jilly for the wonderful post!

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Comment by Ellen Turberfield on August 31, 2014 at 5:58am
It's a lovely idea blessing the animals (",)


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