Exclusively Setters

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The ISCA National Show - congratulations to ES member Xavier Vazquez Bracho and Parley

I was very fortunate to be able to watch the Irish Setter Club of America's show at Santa Rosa, California, and am still buzzing from what must have been a unique show. At first there was so much to learn about the US show system, and from watching the preparation and presentation of the dogs - such dedication and professionalism. Then it was obvious that there was an exceptional judge in Donald Sturz who gave each entry concentration and respect regardless of the status of the handler. He was rewarded when Xavier came into the Open Bitch class with his exquisite, lively, loving setter, Vabrill Parley. She had a popular win in that class and was Best of Winners and returned as an outsider the following day when over a hundred Breed Champions and Grand Champions were judged in scorching heat. The generous crowd loved her and her non-stop stylish ring presence and were thrilled when Donald gave her Best in Show.

Views: 260

Comment by Rhonda Fisher on June 22, 2012 at 10:35am

Vabrill Parley and Xavier, just lovely. Well done.

Comment by Chantal McIlveen-Wright on June 23, 2012 at 7:08am

Many congratulations to the winners and all those beautiful Reds!!! I guess you could say "grooming to perfection", great to have show news from our American friends  :-)

Comment by Jo Ottinger on July 12, 2012 at 12:02am


Comment by Alayne, Summer & Dash on July 18, 2012 at 9:14am

Congratulation to All.....and to Bruschi, CH Greengate The Boss At Beaubriar, (third in the picture) for Select Dog. pictured with Shelly DeChambreau

Congratulations Rick And Nancy Fiacco, who are members here!


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