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Hi, I wonder if anybody has experienced their Irish Setter having problems with their tonsils.  My vets are not prepared to accept he has tonsillitis as it is not in their medical journal.  He has been on antibiotics for 6 weeks and as soon as he stops having them all the symptoms come back not eating, slavering then has a high temperature.  When back on antibiotics everything goes back to normal.  I have been advised  that in their 14 years of practising they have never come across bacteria tonsillitis.

If anybody has had the same problem and has a vet who has knowledge on this could you please let me know.

Fergus has now had his tonsils removed, and has made a full recovery.

Views: 356

Comment by Dawne Morgan on July 29, 2013 at 3:21am
Janice. I had an Irish 20 years ago who had to have her tonsils removed. She had several recurring bouts of tonsillitis and my vet finally said they would have to be removed. When I picked her up after the operation he handed me a little jar with a piece of cotton wool in it and a little black speck in the cordon wool. He told me the little speck was the cause of all Jassy's tonsil issues .......it was a grass seed that had become embedded in the tonsil and kept getting infected.
Comment by Janice Lumby on July 29, 2013 at 12:34pm

Thank you Dawne, it has been a very trying time for Fergus and ourselves.  Since the operation he has never looked back, so much better although the vet is not convinced that his tonsils made him so poorly.  He had a very high temperature, they think he has CLAD and have sent tests off which is ridiculous as he made a full recovery within a few days of the operation.


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