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Eunice Marott's Comments

Comment Wall (472 comments)

At 8:34pm on April 7, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Not too bad until it rains and gets all muddy....then the three of them romp and cover each other with major muddy messes!  is why fence is back up now as rains are due.
At 9:58pm on April 8, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Mostly our ticks here carry Lyme or Rocky Mountain Fever but they can cause illness of the blood , and anemia if not taken care of....those are the common ones you would find here.
At 10:01pm on April 8, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
My Molly would have a fit if an opposum got near her food and she saw it....hope Molly is feeling better.  Did she keep you up ?  Hope that opposum soon leaves you all alone.  So now Molly is getting a wee bit nosier as the weather cools....we will have to see if my Molly slows down on her nosiness as our weather gets warmer.
At 10:16pm on April 8, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
You really have got them both misbehaving on you....hope Neil is well enough to go to his sister's with you....and if Molly has been acting right all day and has not been off her food I bet she will be alright for the wee bit you are gone.  I hate it when they are sick as they can not tell us so it is like a puzzle we piece together! hugs from Miss Molly to Baby Molly!
At 10:42pm on April 8, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

It is muggy and humid here tonight...windows open due to it being warm...storms overnight possible and then a warm summerlike weekend....afraid we are going right into summer without much spring weather here.  Molly outside tracking the owl she hears hooting.....she can get it down to direction but not see it as it is in yard behind us/  very frustrating for her as she would love to stalk it.  Was Neil home from work again today?


At 10:59pm on April 8, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Eunice I just downloaded some pictures and when I look they show up same place yours do on your page....after you scroll down thru some comments and then the brief profile we filled out when we joined.  Is that what you see on my page?

  Does Neil have upset stomach or respiratory?  so many virus's lately...and different forms of the flu even.  Hope he feels better soon,

At 11:29pm on April 8, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Hope Neil is soon recovered and that you do not catch the bug from him.

Eunice I see a slide show of your Molly on your page and under it it says add photos...see if that works.  Think you can also add them from the main page at the top.  New pictures of sweet Molly?

At 11:55pm on April 8, 2011, Sherry Miller said…


  Midnight here and work in AM so heading to bed .  HOpe all goes well and you get to visit your sister inlaw....and that Molly does fine while you are gone.  Will check tomorrow night to see if you have new pictures posted.  Take care and enjoy the rest of your day! 

At 12:02am on April 9, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Eunice right above this message box is your comment about the cyclone back in January and above it are your photo's of Molly....and they do a slide show on their own or I can click on view all and just small pictures of all your pictures will pop up///then I can either cick on one of them to view it or make a large( fullscreen slide show of all your pictures) .  Think that is what you were asking ? 
At 10:50pm on April 9, 2011, Jo Ottinger said…
Thanks for the friend request, hope weather and everyone is ok
At 7:43pm on April 10, 2011, Jo Ottinger said…
Hi,  I only have Tiz and Hawk.  Scout passed in 08 and Lady passed just last year. 
At 11:15pm on April 10, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Hi Eunice...Miss Molly is sleeping but earlier today when I got home from work we spent  few hours on the patio watching her do her hunting rounds....this is one busy little lady when she is hunting....she never stops!   Funny but I understand about the pictures as I tend to take the same ones over and over...perhaps because the camera is handier inside? 

  How is Neil feeling?  and sounds like Baby Molly has bounced back from being sick?  how is her eye now?

   I work in AM and then off two days....yay!  Ended up working my day off Friday so am ready to be lazy after tomorrow AM...


At 9:57pm on April 11, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Hi...glad Neil is at least feeling well enough to go back to work and hope he is soon 100 % better.  We have a wee bit of time (month to 2 months) before we are in real summer here....so weather will see saw here for a while yet.  Molly loves the spring weather where it is not so humid and hot and especially loves it when it is windy here.  Silly dog wanted to go out other night when hail was coming down....is not afraid of storms at all and infact loves to watch them....nice change after my last Shilo who was petrified of storms.  Hope your Molly won't be fighting fleas anytime soon again....always seems like they come out of no where...none today and tomorrow here is a circus of them!
At 10:35pm on April 11, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Eunice I swear they have an internal clock....messes our Molly up with the time change here as it stays light later....but she quickly adjusts to it...dinner she says is 5 pm for her....and she will let you know the time!  For us it is the car coming home that Molly listens for....with Neil taking the bus home and then walking it is definitely a time issue for her....her getting excited he is coming home soon is fun to know how much she misses him....and I bet if you were gone on a regular basis she would be pacing and waiting for you also. 

   Well we went from the 90 degrees over the weekend ( which is like a summer heat for us) to a high of 66 today and whole week is cooler , I was getting ready to get sandals out here !! 

At 10:57pm on April 11, 2011, Carmel Stringfellow said…

Hi Eunice,

just flicking around Es and noticed you have been having a few problems with Molly's eyes. Hope it is all resolved now.

And is Neil your husband? Is he on the mend too?

Annabelle is now on 71 points. Has picked up a couple of big BOB and is starting to beat Mac regularly. Looking really good after her season.

Nice to have the cooler weather!



At 12:33am on April 12, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Funny how we always want different weather then we have !  Right now no heat or air conditioning needed but by end of week we will have to use heat at least at night....and last weekend we had air conditioning going!  Hope to at least get a month or two with no heat or airconditioning in use here....have fans to at  least keep air moving...though Molly thinks the one belongs strictly to her!  She is a bit spoiled as she does not like to be hot. 

 I sometimes wonder how I stood it for over a year without an Irish in our home....or perhaps that is part of the reason Alan and I both are just crazy over Molly is we had time to really miss having a dog in our home.  Had  to just let Molly out so she could do her nightly patroll of the backyard before she settles in for the night....almost like you could draw a map of what and where in the yard she searches first....it is also the time she will bring in any of her furbabies she left outside earlier...she has to locate them in the dark so it has to be from scent.  She just greets me at the back door carrying her baby or sometimes two of them she wants to bring back inside.  My boys never carried babies in and outside like Molly does.  They would carry a tennis ball in and out but never their soft furbabies.   Does Molly carry her soft babies around?

At 11:26pm on April 12, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
I do have FB just to keep up with nieces and nephews....what should I look up to see Baby Molly?  I would be proud of her also....and you should be just cause she is your baby!  Beautiful day here today...spend a good portion of it outside watching two cardinals do their courtship ritual....tried to get pictures but they just did not stay still.  Molly busy while I was watching the cardinals doing her bird shadow hunting....what a way to wile away a day. I do need to do a wee bit...to be honest a lot of cleaning tomorrow as I have been terribly lazy lately.  Did get in our walk tonight...Molly got into a stare down with a cat on next block...funny looking cat....main body is a very soft diluted grey stripe but all four legs and the tail have two solid black rings around them so that part looks like a raccoon!  Cat finally streched and stalked off ....we were across the street from the cat so no danger to either one of them.  Molly just happy to get her walk and to see the world from the end of her leash just seems to thrill her no end....adventures around every corner for her....stalking robins on lead....I get to go stalking with her which is really sort of fun as she really gets into her stalking and sneaking up on them stance. 
At 12:18am on April 13, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Cardinals are bright red birds here and robins have orange/red breasts...both sort of favorite birds here at feeders and in yards. 

  You really made me laugh with that tv comment...ongoing debate here as I say Molly would watch nature tv....and she has stalked turkeys on a hunting show on there once and Alan saying she would not watch tv while we are gone.  Wonder how our Molly's got so spoiled!  Does Molly have a favorite show ? 

At 12:31am on April 13, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Think I will try that flipping thru the channels for Molly...drive Alan crazy as he is usually the channel flipper here.  Good that she does find some comfort from it while you are gone....our Molly seems to sleep in chair by the front door waiting for us to come home....too lazy to get out of chair til we are actually back in the house with her.....then she comes streching out of chair wagging her tail with one of her babies in her mouth. 
At 1:08am on April 13, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
found the Hanrob site////now to find wee baby Molly???

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