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Eunice Marott's Comments

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At 7:51pm on April 13, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Found the Hanrob site and brochures but not the rightone with Molly,  Glad she behaved and enjoyed her tv time...I took Molly with me today while doin some running....sent Angie into stores as I do not leave her in car alone. Just finished our walk....her adventure tonight was trying to get some guys to let her play with their basketball....she was really wanting to try playing with it ...think she thought it was like her water polo ball here at home.  She was not quite sure of that shooting basket deal though. 
At 8:15pm on April 13, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
We mostly feed Molly inside here....just her watermelon outside in summer ...though I will put her water bowl outside .  She is fussing right now that she wants out but trying to keep her in for a wee bit longer as there was a toad hopping around the patio.  One setter eating a toad is enough for me...I tried to find it but could not so hoping it is making it's way out of the yard.  Just another nature moment I would like to avoid here.  Seems like there are a lot of those lately.  Does Molly try to sneak up or stalk the magpies? 
At 10:39pm on April 13, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Molly here stalks them  ....like they can not see her coming!  funny to watch as she moves like clockwork but very very slowly so you almost can not see her moving forward.  That would be a toad in our yard...we do have frogs also that live by and in our lakes, ponds and rivers.  Some of our toads secrete a foul tasting toxin if picked up in the mouth...our Shannon had picked one up and when it released the toxin instead of spitting it out silly boy swallowed....one sick dog and one big vet bill but after that we relocated toads out of our yard,

At 9:40pm on April 15, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Hi Eunice...finally we have same weather on same day!  We had rain here today also....Molly cuddled up and only went out when she just had to ....tiptoed around puddles though.   Tonight I was being lazy but she was not having any part of that.,....she can really nag you!  First it was cuddling up and being extra sweet to me....then it was flipping my hand up and nudgeing me to get up....then it was little ruffs at me...telling me what she wanted !  then she fetched her leash...I was not getting out of her walk!  We can not say walk or leash here but have to use the word promenade!  so far she has not figured that one out yet.
At 10:08pm on April 15, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
We are lucky here with Molly as so far she has not had any accidents in house since first day she was home.  She will try to avoid going out when it is pouring but if she needs to go will sneak down under the eaves to try to stay dry and out of puddles.  We have two rugs down to help catch some of the muddy pawprints and her foot towel....we get that long suffering look from her while we dry her paws. 
At 7:07am on April 16, 2011, Laura Bayless said…
Hi, thanks so much for the kind words about Sadie. I was reading your profile and wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss. When are you expecting your pup?
At 11:23am on April 16, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Just some quick thunderstorms here...wee bit of hail..states south of us seemed to really get hit on this round.  It is storm season here ...we do have sirens outside that alert us to dangerous storms...plus tv and radios to keep us informed.  Worse for me seem to be the ones that come in middle of night.  Molly had a little adventure this morning....Angie left early and forgot to lock the front door.....it is windy here today so door blew open and Molly went for a little walk.....I woke up to house feeling cold and no Molly....threw on coat and some sheoes and took the car to go find her.  Did not have to go far as she was on block behind us....captured and on leash and with two gentlemen who we had met when we walked last year.....they could not remember her name but knew she was the Cardinal DOG......that made me laugh!  She went right up to them wanting to play with their golden retriever at the one house and they were going to walk her back this way until they found where she belongs.  We noticed the other day that Molly will not come near our car or get into it when it has been started and again today I had to turn the car off for her to get into it.  Told Alan she is just so friendly that it worries me plus I do not ever want her out running off leash.  I have the remedy for that door and will try to talk Alan into a storm door so at least two chances before she escapes here. 
At 8:08pm on April 16, 2011, Carmel Stringfellow said…

Hi Eunice,

Annabelle is fine. Had a false pregnancy and moped around for a few weeks and didn't show as well as she normally does. Back on form now and is on 78 points!


At 10:58pm on April 16, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Hi Eunice...we are fine here....cool here this pm but no rain.  Worked this pm and then we met some old friends for dinner.  Work in AM tomorrow so busy weekend again.  Molly is happy we are back....Alan only gone the three hours but she acted like he was gone a week.....all over him for hugs and petting. I got greeted but not like he does if we both are gone.  Angie not back yet but will talk to her  about making sure that door is locked from now on....do not like Molly out in front unless we are with her....plus she is just too friendly to everyone......everyone is her friend and she expects them to make over her...that diva syndrone she has going on.  Hate that uhoh where is my baby feeling.  You know it well it seems ....most of mine got out a wee bit and usually I am right behind them .....just Molly is different as my boys just needed to hear my car start up and they were on their way to get a ride ....Molly will not go near a car that is running so she will not come to me unless car is off. 
At 11:20pm on April 16, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
I think Molly was out about 15 minutes before I was after her....and I do think she would have headed home but it is just I do not like her out like that ever!  She headed across our street and down thru the common ground which leads to the street behind us....and she did know both gentlemen from last year....but it was their dogs she was really wanting to play with....I think she thought they would just open the gate to let her come in to play like she does with the two girls next door.  Car issue can be a good one...least I know someone would have a hard time picking up Molly if she was out running as she will not go by any car that has engine going.  Her quirk which can be a very good one....now a motor cycle might be different as she perks up when our young neighbor next door starts his up or comes home on it so we think that at some point in her earlier life there was someone special who rode a motorcycle....perhaps her owner's son who we think played with her as her reaction to them has always been an all perky one like here the fun starts!  We will never know and it is just one more of the mysteries of Molly.
At 11:47pm on April 16, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Like how you redid your profile....and happy gotcha day to Molly and you.  Cute how you came up with Molly for her name and doesn't it just suit her to  a tee?  It is a name I have always loved....wanted to name one of our girls Molly Elizabeth but lost out to Alan both times.....so when our first IS that was female came into our family I got the honor of naming her!  I did think of Maggie Mae (Rod Stewart song) and Miss Kitty but knew from the beginning I was finally going to have my Molly! 
At 12:14am on April 17, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Eunice you know exactly my worry.....I am sorry you had to go thru that with Sharla....so scarey for all of you.  I try very hard to be sure none of my dogs run,,,,between cars, getting into something they shouldn't, worry that someone will pick them up , getting lost and just the fact that MY DOGS are not supposed to run wild!  Molly is allowed off lead out in front IF Alan or I are right with her and paying attention to her.  Snow pictures were mostly taken in front yard that night.  Molly has done really well with front yard privelege if we are with her...she knows one paw into the street gets her put in back yard and she loses front yard  so if we are there with her she has been really fantastic about staying within boundaries we have set for her.  I can just see her looking at that open front door this morning....but also bet it did not take long before she decided to walk out it....and not much longer after that before she was off to explore.  We had one that climbed fences but never got very far as once he climbed over it he would sit and cry for us to come get him.  None have ever dug out or jumped ....one jumped twice but seemed like he could not figure out how he ended up in neighbors yard....and like Shannon he just cried til we came to get him.   Had a few adventures when someone opened or left open a gate ( the golf ball incident at the golf coarseI and Pebbles taking Shilo for a walk one day and coming home iwthout him when they were both old. I walked for miles til I found him






















































At 12:25am on April 17, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Eunice I did ask both my daughters if they would ever want to use Molly for a future possible grand daughter's name before I named her Molly.  lol....do you add things to her name...ours is Miss Molly McGee and then Alan added McDolly to that mess....I call her Miss Molly or Molly Dolly a lot or Molly, me darlin which always makes Alan laugh.
At 12:45am on April 17, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
I like that Molly Moos....I was just going to tell you good night as it is almost 1 am and I want to hop into church before work here tomorrow.  Have a great day and give Molly Moos a hug from her USA Molly!  Hey I had to be sure they were not wanting to use the name Molly.....as I know they would not use it if I called my IS Molly!  My Molly sound asleep by the locked front door....but will follow me to bed in just a second.  Take care,
At 1:44am on April 17, 2011, Carmel Stringfellow said…
Yep, 100 oints. She should be there well and truly before I mate her next season.
At 10:32pm on April 17, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Hi Eunice....hope you did not feel any shaking and that your family is all alright.  That small bump on Molly could be a lot of things...is it really small like a pimple with a whitish discharge?  can be as simple as a bite she got outside to a blocked pore.or a small sebaceous (spelling?) cyst....just watch it and I bet it goes away ...don't worry too much unless you see it growing ...then it's off to the vet for her!

  We found our first tick of season here on Molly....so went over her really well but only the one so far.  Just thankful she does not mind my checking her over like my one old gentleman did.  Molly really active tonight after I got home from work....we had dinner on patio and watched her hunt in the yard and then played fetch with her before she had her walk.  Alan said she was out for about three hours this AM but came in for a long afternoon snooze ....what a life to have! 

At 10:58pm on April 17, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

It does make you stop and think with so many nature dramas going on around the world.

   I had one of those on Molly last year on her back leg...seemed like it was there forever....naturally once you find it you keep checking on it and it just seems to catch your fingers anytime you pet that area.  I just found something the same size ( pin, pencil lead etc) to use for future comparisons to be sure it did not grow.  Hard when we lose a loved pet to any disease ...and fears of a repeat with our next one is hard to avoid.  Sometimes I think our girls just want to tell us to calm down and let them be DOGS! iinstead of our little darlings!  though of course if it comes to spoiling , new treats or toys or something they like then they want to be our little darlings! 

At 8:35pm on April 18, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Now that sounds just about like our Miss Molly here....nosey and has to see and know everything and one around her.  Tonight walking with her and she literally begs everyone to pet her....wants to even walk into gates not normally open to get pets from the people inside.  Three teenage boys hanging out she loved having fuss over and pet her....she was trying her hardest to get them to play chase even though she was on lead.  Molly was lying in the grass on all fours( that alert way they lie) and stamping her paws to try to get them to play....they just laughed as they thought she was being such a clown.)  Just fun to watch them watch the world around them and try to figure out what is going on inside their heads!
At 9:28pm on April 18, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Hope those workmen get paid for the two hour drive at the insurance company's dime!  Here a lot of companies charge for drive time as part of job....and ouch at the cost of gas for those guys! (we are at $3.79 a gallon right now ).   We heard those same skinny comments about Molly over and over.....and she has gained some weight these last six months....looks right where I would like to keep her weight wise right now...will let you know after we see vet where she is at .

In process of making a cheesecake right now...waiting for crust to cool so can fill it and do the first baking.....Alan's birthday tomorrow so he requested my sugarfree cheesecake.  We do have Molly's doggie icecream for her so she gets included in all celebrations.  

At 9:50pm on April 18, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Anzac DAy?  So you all normally get Good Friday, Saturday and Sunday and the Monday off?  Afraid here for us I am working Saturday PM....retail for you!  Decided to take off next year though and let someone else work the holiday.  I am off on Friday....and we are lucky in that our mall is not open on Easter Sunday.....Angie will work Easter AM but then we will have a late brunch here....ordered my ham today but will make a fruit salad, potato casserole and an egg casserole and some asparagus....have not decided on dessert yet.  We will dye eggs here .....and try to make the traditional black egg....been doing that for 22 years now as Alan turned 40 years old on Easter way back then!  Easter basket for Angie will have a wee bit of her favorite candy's and Molly will hopefully do an Easter treasure hunt outside if it is nice....we did that last year with her and she had a blast....as did we laughing at her.  Have a few new toys for her...need to pick up a stuffed bunny for her ....new bone, balls and a Lamb Chop (stuffed dog toy) which squeaks like crazy so she will love that....my excuse to spoil Molly but also clean out some of her toy box.  This was always my favorite family holiday with my girls....coloring the eggs, Easter Dresses....and hats, Easter Egg hunts and just spring and I loved making EAster baskets for them....wish my grandsons were closer but can not change that.  So Molly will have to indulge my wish to hide things this year....Angie absolutely refuses to do a scavenger hunt anymore which I started doing when my girls hit their teen years here.....What are you going to be doing with all that time off?  any special plans?

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