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Eunice Marott's Comments

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At 10:35pm on April 22, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Thanks for the thoughts for my sister...will be a long four or five months for her so please keep her in your prayers.

  Sounds like your Molly is working you also.  Tonight I am trying to figure out what I need to add for my summer wardrobe ....know I have to have at least a current summer jacket or top for work here but think basically it is boiling down to a navy shell and crops for everyday!  Sandals are the other item I guess.  So funny as I am putting winter /fall things away as you are getting them out! 

  How is Molly liking your cooler weather?  bet she is wanting to spend more time outdoors.  Ours loves sunny brisk windy days the best....perfect for hunting her shadows and not getting hot doing it.

At 11:18pm on April 22, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Ahh sounds like she is an active little one! Perhaps trying too hard to keep up with her older sister?  I will defend the middle child as I am the middle of the first three girls in my family.  Hate to hear they get hurt....especially when we can remember the same injury from when we were kids.

  Molly cuddled up here tonight....she is less active when it is rainy....she will go out but unless she is chasing something she tries to keep her feet as dry as she can. Should not have cleaned my closet tonight...found a bad of Molly toy's I had hidden last fall....oh well ....will leave them for another occasion to surprise her.

At 10:30pm on April 23, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Happy Easter Eunice!  Give Baby Molly an IS hug from Miss Molly.  Hope you had a relaxing day with some nice weather.

I have eggs getting ready to be dyed here but wanted to drop you a quick note.  Well , seems last night (Friday night here) while I was chatting to you 7 tornadoes hit the St Louis area....all north of here (15 to 30 minutes from us) ...lots of damage and closed down the airport but miracle as no one severely injured.  Another storm hitting here now and seems like we will have another four days of them at least.  May need an ark here if it keeps raining!  Just wanted to let you know we are fine here just wet.


At 11:37pm on April 23, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Fall and Easter just seem so odd to me....Easter and Spring !!!! Halloween for you all is in spring?  Halloween here is falling leaves, bonfires and leaves changing colors...and right after harvest so pumpkins and gourds are easily available.

   Molly tiptoes between batches of raindrops and tries her best to avoid the worse mud to make her outside trips...has been really good about going out but does not really like to have her paws  wiped when she comes back inside....too bad she won't wear boots...but then the boots would be muddy so guess it is an ongoing battle of which is worse...wrestling her into and out of muddy boots or just wiping her paws clean?  :) though I still think someone needs to develope a "paws bidet" that washes and then quickly air dries their paws as soon as they come inside.

  Noticed you blamed Neil for riling Baby Molly up!  sounds like me blaming Alan for any wildness inside the house...and for babying Molly and for anything else I wish to blame him for!   Is Baby Molly romping thru the house or jumping on things inside in her naughtiness?  Isn't it funny how these males in our life can stir up even our female dogs?  Has to be that male/female  bond!  Glad you are getting your painting done....I have casserole in oven now so tomorrow will be just warming up and cooking some asparagus here when Angie gets home from work. Ohhhh meant to tell you that yesterday I found and had to buy some hot cross buns made strictly with strawberries as the fruit in it.....think I really liked them...only got one for me but it was different...did seem odd to not have raisins or dried fruit in them...my Grandma would have a fit at my buying them as she always made them from scratch.

At 12:10am on April 24, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

12 AM so is officially  Easter here.!  Got home from work around 9 pm so just finishing up what I wanted to get cooked ahead for tomorrow here...it is cooling before I put it into the refrigerator.  Hot Cross buns were made with strawberries instead of the raisins or dried fruit that is traditional,  they had the right shape and the cross on top and when I heard what they were I had to have one for Good Friday for myself.  I love strawberries...it was not a strong flavor but was decent.  Hard to find good ones here also.

  Laughed at Baby Molly's romp....and know that coffee spilling well here...Our Molly also likes to greet us in bed....just a little too excited when I am still asleep....she would love for me to sleep in family room as I did the other night with her....kept watching to see if I was going to get up and go to bed but seemed content just to be able to see me.  Molly thinks we should drink our coffee out on the patio and watch her hunt...so when she sees a coffee cup here she heads to the door...goes out and then waits for us ...makes us feel bad if we are not going out as she sits so nicely watching for us to come out....we started that early morning coffee and late evening iced coffee on the patio when she first came home....never did it in the winter but we do it when weather is nice and now she thinks coffee means we are ALL going outside!

At 12:30am on April 24, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Humpty Dumpty eggs?  dyed hard boiled?  name sounds so cute.  Glad you got to see pictures of the little ones.  I will talk to our oldest grandson this afternoon..he will fill me in on all the Easter Bunny fun...and his egg hunt.  Wish they were closer.  Think we will be lazy this Easter due to weather...think I may put off Molly's treasure hunt til yard is dried up some here as it was so much fun to watch her last year. She will get her mini basket though .
At 12:33am on April 24, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Molly is eating fine again but trying to con us out of things she likes...like the doggie icecream I gave her when we were worried about her.  Such a smartypants ..plus hard to resist when she gives me that please mom look!
At 1:04am on April 24, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

wonder what would happen if you did not use bananna?  or would one bananna make quite a few of the treats for Baby Molly<  this is one I might like to try as ours lovesssssss her ice cream! 

  So far oldest grandson is only 7 so he does not FB .....talks to me by phone a couple of times a week.  2 year olds do not talk much so it is more you talk to them and they make noises back.

At 1:12am on April 24, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Eunice enjoy the rest of your Easter ...and the walk with Molly. I am heading off to bed here as last casserole is in refrigerator.  Talk to you soon...hugs to little Baby Molly!


At 11:04am on April 24, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

now that would be as easy thing to make....though I do not thaw the frosty paws before I give them to her...she likes to lick them too much...so not sure if I would thaw these.

  So nice that you get to talk to the grandkids....twins at 2 seem to have their own language so so far no one else is sure what they are saying.  Donavon though can chatter up a storm.  Hope you had a wonderful Easter.

At 11:17am on April 24, 2011, Marjolein Bogaard said…

Happy Easter Eunice!!

At 8:43pm on April 24, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

We had a very quiet Easter here....rain so all muddy outside so Molly's treasure hunt is postponed til it is dry out.  I did get to talk to Donavon and seems they had a nice day...and too much candy!  We had a late dinner as Angie worked and Molly enjoyed her Easter basket...two toys still in basket but the two I hid in the house she has played with all evening...so guessing she would rather I hide things for her to find.  Bully stick has been hidden for about the tenth time....will be interesting to see if she ever really chews on it. You can see her thinking as she walks around looking for the perfect hiding spot...this one is about an inch wide but is about eighteen inches in length so little harder for her to hide.  She keeps trying out different spots in the house. 

 What is going in where the dining room set was?  Molly would also think it was her new playground!

At 10:09pm on April 24, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
I am laughing about Molly behaving herself...reminds me of taking Alan with me to the vet for heartworm check last spring......she was just wild....took three of them plus me to hold her and whole time she was squirming and acting like she was being killed....and looking right at Alan the whole time.  Well , when she was due for her injections and another blood test in July Angie and I took her....and only I held her for all the injections and blood test....Dr Linda looked at me and laughed as she has known me since she was a little girl....Alan now banned from the exam rooms!  Molly just happy to see everyone at the vets and no problems at all....she does hide the bone the vet gives her after she gets her injections...right by the door that leads out of the exam room.  Seems your Molly also acts up for her Daddy! 
At 10:23pm on April 24, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
My understanding of a bully stick is that it is a sterilized beef tendon...hard but softens as they chew on it and is digestible unlike raw hide.  This is the first time we have tried one for her....does not surprise me that Molly is running around hiding it as she hides her hidey bone for two to four weeks before finally chewing it and eating it (it is an edible bone).  Molly just loves to hide things...and for us to hide her toys for her to find them...think  her favorite thing to do is play hide and hunt!  Never have had one hide things like this before so we all enjoy watching her ...just wish we understood why she does it but as she enjoys doing it I figure let her have fun.
At 10:51pm on April 24, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Has to be the male thing!  I sometimes just call Alan Molly's boytoy....as she is just crazy about him...and he is extremely flattered and secretly I think very pleased to finally have one of our Irish's be that way over him....as all the boys were that way with me.

   We have had steady rain all day...and reading the paper shocked me today...I knew tornado hit Friday night north of us but not how bad it was ...worse one in 40 years....so I guess I better go back to paying more attention to forecasts here. With more rain and storms for early part of week figure we will have local creek and road floodings....will have to adjust my route to work til river goes down.  Just a miracle no one was killed and only minor injuries . Lot of homes condemned and not liveable so will be quite a while before those people are back in their homes. 

At 10:54pm on April 24, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
dates differently?  we do month, day and than year ...and you all do?  so much is backwards from here to there....seasons you have your holidays in seem so funny to me but guess it is all what you grow up with so ours have to seem so odd to you.
At 11:55pm on April 24, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Molly still hiding her bully stick and moving it every ten minutes....now is under my desk with her dragging a rug under to cover it up,  I just have been trying to find something for her to chew on that is not as hard as sterilized bone so will see if this works,
At 12:19am on April 25, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Thank you for explaining how you all do the date....I will get my brain around it at some point.  Bully stick now buried in her toy box under her stuffed animal collection.....two toys that were in her basket are still in there....will play hide the bunny with those tomorrow night.  Molly sleeping behind me on the sofa....tiptoed outside just a bit ago so figure she is down for the count now.   We had put some special doggie treats in her basket....one looked like a sandwich cookie, one a biscotti and the other a bagel....she ate the cookie and biscotti but has ignored that bagel.  So funny  when we give her a new treat even.....she will put it on the floor and sniff it for quite a while....then walk away from it....evidently thinks about it..comes back and will lick it and flip it over to check it all out again and only then if the new treat meets her standards will she eat it. She evidently has her own set of rules for so many things and we still are learning just what they are....sure aren't the same as the no rules my boys had!
At 12:20am on April 25, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
will do now
At 12:28am on April 25, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

uhohhhh on that bully stick....do not think Alan will be getting her another one when I tell him this one...they told him leg tendon.....might even make Alan squirm a wee bit when I tell him what tendon the internet says it is.  Thank you for telling me to look it up...and I will be asking the lady at our pet store why she did not tell him this?

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