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Eunice Marott's Comments

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At 1:03am on April 30, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Sounds like she does not like her space invaded...sometimes I think people don't think....I try to stay ahead of people and introduce Molly to them and give her time to warm up to them.  Molly does let us know if someone is around out in front (and back) at night...gives her come look  bark! but settles down once we tell her it is alright.  I did have her in the car when we ordered some roast beef sandwiches to bring home one day at the drive thru window....she loved poking her nose out when I went to pay for the sandwiches...and rode rest of the way home sniffing the air smelling those sandwiches.  Molly is just so nosey that she could see and hear them using the slicer on the roast...fascinated her but think it was the odors that really got her attention...perhaps her idea of heaven? 
At 1:25am on May 1, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Our Molly does not ride with head out the window either....just has to pop it out when we stop at a drive thru as she is soooo nosey,  I do not think she would like Joy's glasses....would drive herself crazy trying to get them off I fear.  Even a bow added to her collar bothers her it seems...but she did wear that pearl necklace for Halloween and seemed to like that .Worked today and then had dinner with old friends....nice evening.  Off tomorrow and then start a wild work week....wearing my bad knee out so will see how this goes.
At 1:31am on May 1, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Sounds like Baby Molly is perking up ...weather cooler there?  does the cat tease her to be chased? and does the cat have a spot to go to where she can get away from Molly?

Our Molly is cuddled up on the sofa here....spent most of the day outside while Alan mowed lawn....and over my ornamental grasses...when I got home from work Miss Smarty Pants here had to get me to go out with her...and ran to where my grasses were...and back to me twice til I followed her over to look at what is left.  Alan says she is a tattle tale...lol.  Grasses will grow back but Molly will miss them til they do as she sometimes decides to lie in middle of one of them...and alo hunts her bunnies in them.


At 2:59am on May 1, 2011, Peter Hennig said…
Hi Eunice
I left a reply on the forum about cool coats I only just read your question sorry I took so long to reply cool champions is the brand name you can buy them online
cheers Peter
At 6:42pm on May 1, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Uhoh on dangerous snakes that close !  would worry me as I know my IS would have been curious to see what that thing wiggling is!  Had one IS that kept teasing a black snake down at my Dad's ...Alan laughing like crazy as each time snake tried to leave Shannon would hit it's tail with his paw  so snake would coil up and then try to strike...dog dancing out of striking range and just waiting for that snake to leave again so he could hit the tail and make it coil again...I finally went out to see what all the guys were laughing about and just about blew my cool when I saw Shannon playing with that snake.  Just am not a snake fan here...or mice either....light rain here this pm....my one road on way to work unflooded finally and will see how close my main route is to being clear again.  I miss my backroad route as other ways take me fifteen minutes longer!  Molly always wants to play when we come home....and usually while we are gone she just sleeps waiting for us to come home....has figured out chair right by the door is the best spot to wait for us as that way she can greet us faster.  Funny how fast they figure us out and how hard we try to figure them out!
At 10:11pm on May 1, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Most snakes we get right here where we live are the garden variety...garter or black snakes ....out in the country you will find poisonous ones like copperheads, some timber rattlesnakes and water moccassains.  I like my bunnies, squirrels and my Cardinals, robins and wrens in my yard but not any creepy slimely reptiles or little creepy animals like mice!  Molly I think loves chasing her bunnies and squirrels out of our yard...and you know how she is about her birds.  Just sent you an email about what we are hearing here.
At 10:35pm on May 1, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Have not been to Canada...anything special your reading?  We have talked of taking trip to VanCouver and then to Alaska with his sister in future. 

  We had a few May Day parades here...but not many.  We used to have special May DAy celebrations when I was a kid.  We all would take flowers from our yards to school and brb

At 11:10pm on May 1, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

May Day as a kid we took those flowers and made and decorated paper cones ..lace, cutouts, and then picked from those big pots of flowers we all brought to school to fill those cones...when we went home we were supposed to hang the cone of flowers on the door knob and ring the bell and run away....could be your own home, neighbor or someone who just needed a special surprise where you left the flowers.  Sometimes we had the May Pole ...pole wih long ribbons and the girls would hold those ribbons and dance around the pole. Some schools would crown a May Day queen.  Those things seem to be things of the past here....no more special May Day flowers but I wish they would do it again to encourage the little ones to think of others who might need a smile added to their day. 

   Why do you have to go by 2013?  we just started talking of taking that trip this past month....will be talking to her next month to try to figure out when we all can work out our trip.


At 11:53pm on May 3, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Hi Eunice...Molly  has had an interesting day...couple down the street were sure she was a show dog...insisting she should be...and Molly putting on quite the show for them...still thinks everyone should make over her and if they do she knows how to keep the compliments coming it seems...she stood (stacked) like she was being judged, than sat and offered her paw to them..all the time I am trying to not laugh!  then off we go around the block..on next block she is attacked from behind by a basset hound ..Molly wee bit of a panic ...tries on lead to avoid the barking dog who keeps coming  up behind her....they could not call their dog or grab it so I kept trying to go forward with Molly but then Chewey would get in her face and bark at her...think if I had let her off lead they might have played but not taking any chances either so kept trying to walk away from silly dog...Molly I could tell was wanting away from it also...she is not one to bark much nor have other dogs in her face especially when they are barking.  Finally they got the dog corralled and we continued our walk...another stop for her to show off to a neighbor while I chatted with them...but can tell Molly is disappointed as they did not make over her or pet her so she is soon ready to walk again.  Home I let her off lead so she can run around the front yard for a bit....she has to be sure she has all the critters off her yard it seems...then back inside she goes.  I had tried to not take her for that walk but she can be quite insistant when she wants something...putting toys in your lap, running to front door and giving her let's go woof....tugging on her leash to get it to come off the table....acting like she has to go out but when you open the back door she backs up and runs to the front door....I finally give in and let her have her promenade....we do not dare say the word walk here as then you will never get out of not taking her for one! 

How are you all doing today? 

At 12:13am on May 4, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Molly did fine and is sleeping in her chair by the front door.  I was thinking of throwing my shoe at Chewey if he tried to grab Molly....Alan was pretty upset that someone dared to bark at his baby.  Did not ask if I was alright but had to  be sure Chewey did not bite his baby .  lol  Now wants me to find a new route to take her for her mini evening walk. 

  What type of  camera did you finally get?  I am still trying  to figure mine out here but it basically is a point and shoot.

At 12:41am on May 4, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Chewey usually is always outside barking from his backyard at us while we walk...Molly ignores him as she does most dogs while we are walking.  She is on a mission when walking....think it is to see what is around next corner!  or perhaps it is to find the leprechaun with his pot of gold?  It is getting down to freezing here again tonight...not sure if mini winter is ever going to leave!  Keep putting heavy coats away to just have to get them out again,

At 1:33am on May 4, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
should be spring now...this is just a late freeze for us ...but I never plant any outdoor flowers until Mothers Day as have seen this happen all too often.  Do you all celebrate Mothers Day this Sunday?
At 1:51am on May 4, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

that sounds like fun.  We will probably do brunch.....mimosa's for MOM...and then home to walk Molly if weather is nice.  More rain in forecast for Thursday, and Saturday so ground here will still be wet.  Normally Alan plants small garden out in front for a flower surprise for me that morning....seems to change flowers most years so always look forward to seeing what this year's special flower is.

At 2:05am on May 4, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

She is speaking to you...telling you to pay attention to her.  Ours air barks (no sound but you will hear her teeth chop together) when she wants to go out in backyard....Alan swears she is saying open door servants as she often does it three times in a row.  Only time we hear her chop barks here. lol 

At 10:44am on May 4, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Not sure if Molly would back down another dog or not....she might be the one to play with another dog or escape if she felt threatened.  She normally loves to play with other dogs but this time he came after her which scared her I think.  Will see what happens and keep close tabs on what Chewey is doing when I walk her .  Hate to change my whole walking pattern cause of a dog....I was here longgggggggg before that other dog was.  lol
At 2:01am on May 9, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
ahhh poor Baby Molly...wonder if the cat is feeling his oats also due to change in weather? or is Molly secretly teasing the cat? or just her being more active may have the cat upset as Molly is not in the usual routine?  love that she is playing with her toys more now.  I love to watch Molly play with hers...and even funnier to watch her dig around til she finds the exact one that is the plaything of the moment.  Night and hugs to little scratched nosed Molly.
At 6:25pm on May 16, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Hi Eunice...think work is going to wear me out yet! Day off today and called in for four hours...and so it goes.  Molly upset as I was gone so much lately....letting me know it with her pouting and clinging...she knows just how to hoist her fanny up on the sofa so I can not watch tv and have to pay attention to her.  Hope you all are doing good and that Samson is allowing Baby Molly a wee bit more freedom in the house.
At 7:15pm on May 16, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Hope Molly is alright.  Has she perked back up? eating? drinking?

  Part of my job is filling in when needed ...and will miss that time in June so guess I can say I am earning my time off? 

At 8:19pm on May 16, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Molly here will unstuff some toys but then will carry the outside of the toy around swinging it...what we call her roadkill here.  Sometimes I swear those are her favorites!  She unsuffed the tummy of the LambChop she got for Easter but that is the toy she greets us with all the time..and one she had in her mouth with the big stuffed ball in that picture.  I think I need to try to find another Lamb Chop for future for her as it is a favorite,  Hard to know what they will tear up and what they won't and I know our Molly lovesssss to shop herself for new toys!.....last summer's bargain she found for $3 is still around ....just a fleece long piece like a smaller dog would play tug with but she loves to toss it around herself or to have us toss it inside for her to fetch.   
At 8:45pm on May 16, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Perhaps Samson is feeling invaded?  Molly more active and assertive this year ...and now this rare grey cat invading his territory?  Betcha that Molly and Samson will settle their battles soon in a truce. 

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