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Eunice Marott's Comments

Comment Wall (472 comments)

At 10:42am on May 24, 2011, KC and the boys said…
Thanks for the friend request. It's good to know I can make people laugh! Your Molly sounds like a right little rascal. She and Errol would make perfect partners in crime (but I dare say we'll ever make it to NSW)!
At 2:19pm on May 26, 2011, Michelle Walsh said…
Hi Eunice ! many thanks for your comment on Lego's photo, I'm glad you think he's cute...looking that hair in 3-d everyday is hilarious :)
At 5:12pm on May 26, 2011, Michelle Walsh said…
Hi Eunice ! Isn't it funny how setters differ :) My lads consider cats the enemy & wouldn't think twice about 'hunting' them, my neighbours cat wanders past the back field & drives them crazy :) no way they'd cohabitate like your lovley family ! And as for toys...oh dear, anything fluffy or with  squeeky inside must be terminated a.s.a.p :) both boys are from serious working strains...everything is  potential prey & all they think about is hunting :) My old boy Connor was so different, cherished his teddies & loved to groom them, especially their ears :)
At 4:56pm on May 27, 2011, Michelle Walsh said…

Hi Eunice ! Oww I know exactly how you feel, I went through that last year , a new dormer bungalow was built on a site beside me...so, so many saturday mornings ruined with the glorious sound of diggers, cememt mixers, hammering etc. etc. I was so happy when it was all over. I like my saturday lie-in :)

Hope things get sorted soon & it's built quickly. I think all setters can be a bit devilish at times, my lads got another bird in the garden this morning, there's just no getting away from that hunting instinct.

Bye for now ~Take care

At 5:29am on May 29, 2011, Elayne Murphy said…

your photo's are fab.....  they have to be the most gorgeous dogs... i would say that though :o)

lady is 2 on the 1st june she is great entertainment...

At 6:06am on May 29, 2011, Elayne Murphy said…

Well its just me and lady here so she gets ALL my attention but its not hard work... it was tough with her up to a yr and a half then she just calmed down... would love another one. was thinking i will wait until next year then get one the lady can teach the lil one instead of me... sounds good on paper eh..



At 6:18am on May 29, 2011, Elayne Murphy said…

yeah she is 2yrs old 1st june.. big bday party ha ha 


i think  molly and lady are very similar. she would be great in the snow... they love it, mind you lady eats a lot of it... we got way too much snow this year... not funny

At 6:49am on May 29, 2011, Elayne Murphy said…

they have a mind of there own :o)

I have seen a few here in ireland - but not as popular as other breeds as they require so much exercise 

yes it would be lovely for them to meet there online buddies - next time its snowing here jump on a plane :o)

At 7:01am on May 29, 2011, Elayne Murphy said…

No ive never been to australia but i will some day... my dads brother is living in sydney so ive got lots of cousins ect over there - dad would love us all to travel over. a big murphy reunion ha ha 


well when you do come to ireland be sure to drop by and say hello to lil lady :o)

At 7:34am on May 31, 2011, Elayne Murphy said…
yes her mammy and daddy are from co. cork.... but she is a dublin girl ;o)
At 12:14am on June 3, 2011, Carmel Stringfellow said…

Hi Eunice,

sounds like Molly might be a '12 month' bitch. Which means she will only come into season once a year. Which would be quite convenient for you.

Annabelle is now on 90 points. Only 10 more to her show title. She is due in season in August. I have quite a few girls who tend to bring each other 'on' so am hoping that she will keep in with the rest of them.

Will post pictures and a brag when she gets her title.



At 1:53am on June 3, 2011, ricky young said…





At 2:51am on June 3, 2011, Carmel Stringfellow said…

Yes to the Sydney Royal. When I get a judge that I feel happy with. Would dearly love to meet you and Molly!



At 6:55am on June 6, 2011, sarah stevens said…

we had Ziggy at 6months old from my parents in the Isle of Wight, my step father past away and my mum could not cope with a puppy, so we took him back with us on the understanding that we would find him a new home but as you can see we still have him and we would not change that for the world. He is such a loving boy and we have all got use to having him around, I can't really recall what it was like before we had him.

Well apart from our cats sitting on the back of the sofas rather then a big dog.

So ziggy had not meet a cat untill he moved in with us and Max & Miffy are not really doggy cats, they tend to chase other dogs for fun...


At 10:22pm on June 7, 2011, Lyn Woyzbun said…

Hi Eunice


Nice to hear from another Australian.   We bought this puppy from near Coffs Harbour so she is having to acclimatise to our cold winter.  She is gorgeous but I had forgotten how boisterous Irish Setter puppies are.  Our last Irish lived till she was nearly 14 so it's a long time since we had a puppy - and I was a lot younger then!   But it will be worth the effort - they are the most wonderful dogs.

At 2:33am on June 21, 2011, Carmel Stringfellow said…

Hi Eunice,

fingers crossed for Annabelle this weekend. She has two shows and only 5 points to get. After that Aust Ch Shadowvale Annabelle. Then I will take the poor darling out of the ring. She still gets so distressed about travelling. She starts to drool and shake when she sees the dog trailer!!!

Her 'husband', Mac got his title last Friday. In just four months!!! So proud of both of them..

Will post on ES as soon as she gets those points.

Give Molly a hug from us!!


At 2:50am on June 21, 2011, Carmel Stringfellow said…

Naughty Molly,

but Salmon is so good I don't blame her.

It would depend on how many dogs I was bringing as to how I would travel to the Royal Easter Show. But I am definetly coming soon. Would love bringing Molly's neice and maybe our Annabelle if she coud grow out of her sickness.

I am getting glared at by my daughter who wants the computer.

Will chat soon.


At 7:40pm on June 21, 2011, Carmel Stringfellow said…

Sorry Eunice,

I was talking about Molly's niece that hasn't been concieved yet. Just getting a bit ahead of myself.


At 11:16pm on June 21, 2011, Carmel Stringfellow gave Eunice Marott a gift
At 11:19pm on June 21, 2011, Carmel Stringfellow said…
Yes, excited and a little scared. As you know, Annabelle and Molly's litter numbered 16. Their mother's uterus split and she had to have emergency ceasarean. I will be carefully monitoring Annabelle with several ultrasounds and will do an elective ceasarean if neccessary!

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