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Eunice Marott's Comments

Comment Wall (472 comments)

At 12:39am on June 22, 2011, graham edwards said…

Hello Eunice,

Yes we are looking forward to the pup. It's been a long while since we have had a red but the passion has always been there. It's really great news about Mac and Annabelle with their points. Such a nice pair of dogs. Mac had a real passion for my Granddaughter when he met her. Their personality really won me along with their looks, that is why we are prepared to wait as long as it takes.

Just read Carmels comment to you, I'm sure all will be well and there will be no problems. She seems a bit worried.

My wife Gay, has been hooked on traceing the heritage of Annabelle and Mac back and has gone a fair way. along with the pedigrees of our previous setters.

Cheryl Corey has been a great help with that but Gay has been addicted. 

Any way, great to hear from you,

all the best and keep in touch.


At 2:17am on June 22, 2011, Carmel Stringfellow said…

Hi Eunice,

sorry it has taken a while to answer. Kids and dogs!!! What a dreadful combination.

Annabelle will be monitored through every step of her pregnancy. I will NOT allow anthing to happen to Annabelle. If, on ultrasound, we see more than 14 puppies, it will be an elective ceasarean. I will quite simply put everything else on hold to be with Annabelle and the puppies!!

I can't wait.

Will contact the breeder of Annabelle's mother and find if big litters are part of her line. I have emailed her before and she was a bit worried about the lack of contact with the owner of Annabelle and Molly's mother so is very happy to talk to me. Linda the breeder - has just had some big wins in Ireland!

I see you are talking to Graham. That is great. Mac is actually besotted with that child and is quite embarrassing.


At 2:56am on June 22, 2011, Carmel Stringfellow said…

Linda King is a very well know breeder from the UK, Her Kirkavagh lines are all over the world. Molly's uncle is in NZ and is a champion there. Another litter sister, Molly's aunt is a champion in the UK. I have always liked Linda's stuff so when Sally contacted me about Brodie I was very keen. It took another year before she actually brought Phoebe up to be mated and I had already said that my stud fee was the pick girl!! Hence my lovely Annabelle.

As you know the reason dear Molly has my kennel prefix is because Sally didn't want to go through the rigours of registering with Dogs Qld.so simply transferred Phoebe into my name.

And we know the drama after that.

Mac is very special as well. He was born on the same day as Annabelle and things didn't go so well with that litter. But I got Mac and I am grateful. He has got his title in four months...so very proud of him.

He is from a rather unknown line from the UK and my own Sophy. She is from Amhurst lines with good old Mountshannon lines thrown in.

I am extremely confident that this mating will produce great puppies.

If you are interested in pedigrees and heritage, I suggest you contact Cheryl Corey. She actually has Molly's half brother and she is a demon with pedigrees!!

Take care

Talk soon


At 3:03pm on June 22, 2011, Carmel Stringfellow said…

The black spot on the tongue is called the Wendover Spot. Very common in the 'english' lines as most of the dogs can be traced back to Wendover breeding.

I don't know what the snoring is about. Brodie, Molly's Dad, snores occassionally but not persistantly. Maybe comes from her Mum?!

At 12:20pm on June 23, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Hi Eunice...just looking at Baby Molly's pictures again...sort of got sidetracked answering you!  She sure is a cutie...love those with the kitty's.  My Molly is helping Alan fix the fence this week...waiting for neighbors to come home so they let her two Black Lab girl friends out so they can romp before the new fence is up! Afraid the three of them are going to miss having double lawn to romp about .  Off to work in a bit
At 10:40pm on June 23, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Should not have to be woken by their music! and know something? you are not really complaining but asking them to show some simple human decency!  Our Molly has just worn herself out today....played all AM with the two Black Labs next door....fence down so they are having a ball...Alan said she ran and played so much she basically slept the rest of the day away.  Funny to watch them take turns going to each others back door to see if the other will come out to play.  Molly actually ignored them this PM.....she was one worn out little lady.  I don't have a day off till next Thursday....working in between the two stores but think next week will be my last week out there.  Funny to see the difference between the two stores.


At 11:04pm on June 24, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

hi...sounds like you have been keeping busy.  Molly here had the play day with her two girlfriends.....they are loving having that fence down..I told Alan they voted to keep it that way.  Suits my Molly to a tee as their yard is fenced with a low see thru fence so she can see the sidewalk and street.....on two sides as it is a corner house.........she is such a busybody that she loves that.  Everyone is getting greeted as they walk as she is nosey..........most people around here know Molly so she gets petted also.  What a nosey little lady she is....social butterfly.  Tristan has taken one of Molly's sterilized bones home to chew .....which is fine as she never chews one outside but funny to watch as Molly could have cared less if Tristan took her bone...think she wanted to help her carry it home! Trinity is the younger Lab so they play really well together...Tristan is older and has some issues with walking now so Molly just nuzzles her mostly.  Their owners are expecting their first little one in September...a girl...so will be interesting to see how Molly reacts to that new little one.  So far she just loves all the little ones she has met....loves to watch the little one two doors down thru the fence...seems fascinated with seeing what she is doing.  I do believe she would have been a wonderful pet for young ones. 

  Worked other store today...and open in AM and have that trivia night tomorrow for my sister.........then work straight thru until Thursday alternating between the two stores.  Think this will be last week I am out there.


At 12:27am on June 25, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

No sign of that bully stick and hoping Alan forgot he has one more of them.!!! Know how I was thinking of getting Molly some deer antler to chew on?  one's in stores here are pretty pricey so have been teasing Alan and Angie everytime we are out that they find some antlers for me....well sure enough Angie came back from Montana with a deer antler!!!  but  even though Molly wants it I think Angie wants to keep it for now as a souvenir of her trip as it is a whole antler.  I lost out again!  Sounds like my Molly...getting excited about getting a pat from people....it is more an expectation than anything I think with her....people are supposed to pet her because her name is Molly I think!  She is pretty tired again tonight after spending the day playing with her girlfriends....wonder if they gossip? 

  It sounds like your grandkids will have a very busy trip...and may well be more than ready for just some downtime with you....and take lots of pictures of them with Baby Molly?  hugs


At 12:36am on June 25, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

now not so much wine that you are looking at the film with rose colored glasses!  Hope you enjoy the film....should have some beautiful scenery....not sure but thought I heard Alaska had an earthquake?  I m off to bed as need to be up at 6 am.....talk soon...give Molly a Molly hug from My Molly.


At 6:38am on June 30, 2011, Gene said…
Hi Eunice - Sorry you are having issues.  When I report issues like this to Ning, there standard answer is try another web browser.  I know that could be a hassle.  I get the impression that Ning works a lot better on Firefox and Chrome than it does Internet Explorer, based on the comments.  Please let me know if this is not an option for you.  Thanks...
At 10:42pm on July 19, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Hope you had a wonderful birthday Eunice...and got your chocolate cake to share with those wonderful grandchildren.  Hugs!
At 6:48pm on July 31, 2011, Di Andrews said…

Hi Eunice,

So good to hear from you, selling houses is always very distressing & no doubt Molly has picked up on it.  So sorry to hear she has had to go to a kennel.  I wish I could help out.  I have a new boy, quite unexpected I have never had boys before but he is a good liitle chap.  The breeder was hanging onto him & said she thought I should have him.  She had named him Sean & after about 5months I said well I will trial him thinking all the time I won't cope with a male puppy & my old girl, who is very incontinent & demented!! (What a mix!!!)  But she has picked up & he is such a good boy.  When I looked up the meaning of Sean it says a gift from God so I knew I had to stay with the name.  He really responds to Shawnie.....so, still fighting to save my home, but by Gods grace we are all well & still here.  Have a great day & talk soon.

Love Di Mahogany & Shawnie

At 7:51am on August 1, 2011, Peter Hennig said…
Hi Eunice we are hoping we will get to see joey at some point there are three roos including mum and joey it's great seeing them bound around our place
At 5:55am on August 30, 2011, graham edwards said…

Hello Eunice,

How are you going, it has been a while since we have been in touch.

I hope you, Molly and your family are all well.

As you most likely know Annabelle and Mac's mating is now on hold but we do still hope to get a pup from them in the future as they are great dogs and I am really taken.

I haven't been on ES for quite a while but I still find some of blogs and comments interesting but some of the topics are very scarey.

I remember a while go reading a comment from you to someone about bull chews, and I take it you found out what they are made from. As a side line we sell pet treats and equipment and I remember a customer saying to me once that he bought one for his dog and it got left in the yard and reverted back to what it was.

well, I'm just filling in a bit of time and winding down after a long day so take care and all the best.


At 9:29am on September 24, 2011, Tracey Burns said…
Thank you, i feel lucky to have such a well behaved dog. She is my first Irish, so loving. Used to have GSP's totally bonkers!!  Maggie has certainly made me want another Irish, it's just convincing the husband!!!
At 6:27am on October 13, 2011, Barbara said…
Hi Eunice! How are you and Molly? Best wishes Barbara
At 7:57am on October 24, 2011, Barbara said…
Hi Eunice! Oh a new house! Have you already moved? Hope Molly have not to stay to long in the new boarding kennels. Barbara
At 11:35pm on December 29, 2011, ricky young said…

Hope you have a great festive season and a joyous and prosperous 2012. Enjoy your new house.

Cheers Rick

At 1:43am on March 23, 2012, Carmel Stringfellow said…

Hi Eunice,

the puppies are powering on!!! So big and beautiful. Annabelle is doing a wonderful job. I am just waiting for them to open their eyes and then I will start offering them some solid food to take the pressure off her. At the moment still coming to Sydney. My husband assures me that he can look after them. I am not quite sure.


At 4:56am on March 23, 2012, Carmel Stringfellow said…

Yes, bringing Dad and Grandad. Very exciting but still scary. My husband says he is going to start training the pups for the Iditarod...the big sled race in Alaska. That is the most scary thing of all!!!!

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