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Dee Rance's Comments

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At 7:32am on October 17, 2008, Deborah Christopher said…
Hi Dee
We won't be able to make it to the dog show tomorrow. Good luck with yours though.
At 2:48pm on October 17, 2008, Nicole Wilson said…
Hi Dee
We're back from our epic journey :-) I see you've got a show tomorrow? Good luck and hopefully see you next week for a walk?
Nicole & Busby
At 5:10am on October 18, 2008, Deborah Christopher said…
Hi Dee
Unfortunately my husband lost his job a couple of weeks ago so we are having to be careful with the cash until he gets another!!
All the best
At 4:48am on October 20, 2008, Nicole Wilson said…
Congratulations on the open class win! It's always a tough class - I'm sure you can get the trophy back from somewhere ;-) How was Tay Valley?
I've got to start trimming Busby for the next two shows in November - lots to trim off now!!
How is Jas? Is she well again?
Uploaded a few photographs from the holidays with Busby's friends...
At 3:47am on October 22, 2008, Sandra Mather said…
Hi Dee ive had a lot of trouble getting on i emailed gene about it . When it happens i can go days without being able to get to my page and its frustrating . At the present we are on a good day and can get to my page.How are the dogs hope they are keeping well.We will be at Midland Counties sat and then Setter and Pointer the week after they are my fall out of bed shows.
At 4:43am on October 22, 2008, Nicole Wilson said…
So Tay Valley was worth it in the end! Well done :-)). I may very well need your help with the trimming!!! Yes, Faye, the Swiss Irish setter does look similar to Jas, actually. She's a bit older, though, and won't take any nonesense from Busby ;-) She used to be his "surrogate mum" when we lived in the same village in Switzerland.
Hope you can still do Friday? My cold will probably last til the end of the week but it's getting better :-)
At 5:20am on October 22, 2008, Kristina said…
Hi Dee. I see a lot of new photos. Nice. I hope you and the girls are well.
At 7:22am on October 22, 2008, Kristina said…
It realy looks better (the photo beside your name I mean). I am suprised I'm not the only one who has problem spelling. I went so school long time ago. ;-)

Flora and I are fine, thanks for asking. I am very much in love and things revolve around my new love. He also has a dog (not setter) and we get along very well.

Enjoj the res of the day!
At 12:49am on October 23, 2008, Kristina said…
Thank you for all good wishes. :) Unfortunately he doesn't have an older brother.

He also has a pointing dog (Deutsch Kurzhaar), but some years ago he had a gordon setter (close enough), unfortunately I never had a chance to know him. A hear it was a great dog.

All the best!
At 2:12pm on October 23, 2008, Vanden Berghe - De Vos said…
Hi Dee,
Thank you for the comment on our page.
The baby on our main picture is Ensor Of Funny Home and Vicary's Cobalibre.
It was taken a few years ago. We do like your dogs too. Very nice pictures.

Greatings Jo & Marleen and Setters.
At 11:20pm on October 24, 2008, Danica Morarova said…
Thank you,Dee.
At 3:53am on October 25, 2008, Nicole Wilson said…
147 entries for the Irish setters at Gundog Breeds in Ingliston:
At 5:04am on October 27, 2008, Danica Morarova said…

Thank you,Dee. Yes ,you are right,our little red devil looks like your Saffy.:-))
All the best to your girls and grandchildren/or to your grandchildren and to your girls:-)
At 12:46pm on October 27, 2008, ursula wilby said…
So I suppose a very happy-quail-day! :-)
At least for the ones that got away!!!!!
At 1:06pm on October 27, 2008, ursula wilby said…
Dee! That sounds awful! I hope she is allright and that whatever-this-is, sorts itself out.
Good luck to you both.
Keeping fingers crosses here for you.
At 1:29pm on October 27, 2008, Laura Kolbach said…
hi Dee, just read your comment to Ursula, hope that Saffy is okey!!! i wanted to write about beautiful shapes and elegance etc but hey, healthy and happy dogs are so much more important!!! thinking of you, Laura
At 1:31pm on October 27, 2008, Nicole Wilson said…
hey there - did you go to the vet's and is Saffy back home with you yet? Hope it'll all be fine and back to normal again soon.
At 2:56pm on October 27, 2008, ereni said…
I am thinking of you. Much love for Suffy.
At 4:36pm on October 27, 2008, Vojna Medvedec said…
Thank you Dee for your comment,Ihad puppies,they are gone ,so I will have some more time to write.
Yes Summaric Sallazzo-Red at Loving red is Jingle's litter brother.After leaving paren't's home in UK,the brothers met for the first time now in Budapest
We all enjoyed our meeting!
Best wishes for you and Suffy and the whole gang!
At 5:57am on October 28, 2008, Danica Morarova said…
Hi Dee,
I hope,everything is under control/Suffyś problems/
Big kiss from Bratislava

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