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Sherry Miller's Comments

Comment Wall (442 comments)

At 1:57am on March 24, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
thats interesting. Where I grew up was a surburb closer to the city than where we are now. Now it is full of other nationalties. Careful no racisim from me. I guess we all get older something we cannot stop. We had market gardens where I grew up. Molly is licking me something that is not my favourite thing. They can keep chickens in their backyards in Alice as where we are staying have some. We have a state election on Saturday joy of joys. 
At 2:54am on March 24, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
our Mollys do look alike but I think yours has more interest in things. Well the vet.. Molly has not had any problems because she is used to going there waiting for the van to collect her to take her to the kennels. She is due for all her bits and p;ieces in May. She certainly is not over weight if anything a bit lean I would think. Your Molly has been through different circumstances to ours i.e the vets I mean before you took her. Thank goodness you have her now and she is loved so much and has a great home. Sleep tight and hopefully a rest tomorrow!!
At 3:00am on March 24, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
we have elections every 4 years. big event usually. State election which this is or federal election you would know our prime minister Julia Gillard she just had a visit to the US. Prime Minister is the federal election. There is an interesting thing going on here regarding having dogs on beaches which at the moment comes with a heavy fine. There was a discussion earlier where some did not believe me that is was like that in Sydney well this confirms our issue of no dogs on beaches. Anyway I will leave that alone but it would be good if they finally do allow it at certain times and designated beaches. Talk soon
At 6:45am on March 24, 2011, Robin Calderon said…

No one has yet come forward for this dog! I have check daily with the pound and all the other vets in town. I have been to the truck stops to see if perhaps he got away from a traveler. The ad has run in the paper for over a week. Spring break is over so families that went out of town for that are back. I have come to the conclusion that this sweet guy was dumped. The only fault I have seen so far is that he pulls REALLY hard on a long leash. If you keep him close in a heel position he does great, but let to move to the end of the leash he will pull.

So now I am seriously looking for a home for this dog. I cannot take him as I already have three dogs, including one very dog-aggressive border collie, in this tiny house. Two adults, two teenage girls, two large dogs and one small dog in a two bedroom, one bath home is not comfortable. LOL!

At 3:08am on March 25, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
hope you had a relaxing day. Molly stayed inside while I was in the city for over 6 hours and no problems. I am so happy got the all clear from doc
At 10:09pm on March 25, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
i could not stand that sort of weather. How far do you have to drive to work in those conditions? Your Molly is quite the bit of fun. Ours when inside as she prefers just sits on the lounge and watches the world go buy. I am downloading some photos to put on ebay so could put some more of Molly on. getting cooler here now... 
At 11:01pm on March 25, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
I am putting some of late mothers china on EBAY. It has been the cupboards here for ages and just takes up room. I would like that sort of weather it is raining and windy here today.
At 11:35pm on March 25, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
MY username is Eunicejasper. I haven't put them on yet but they should be under cat... china.
At 1:10am on March 26, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
i did exclude overseas so you may not be able to see them. Nothing all that exciting but brings back memories of when I was a child. EBay is o.k. For me a good way of getting rid of stuff. Molly getting ready for her dinner.
At 1:13am on March 26, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
no she hates the rain. Went to vote today and took her in the car. No parking so we had to park a few blocks away. When we were walking down the busy road she was getting spooked and that worried me so Neil went and got the car and I stayed at the shops with her. But I left one of my bags of shopping at the supermarket about $20 worth. Went back but someone had taken them. I thought hope they chock on the almonds. Not nice but nor is taking a bag and not returning them!!
At 1:38am on March 26, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
i have some country roses from my Mum that my daughter in law would like, can't find it so good thing or it could end of Ebay...
At 5:46am on March 27, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
my cousin came for dinner tonight. Molly thought she was great did the greeting thing and head through under her arm at dinner. Just as well she likes dogs. No training today too wet to go. Take care
At 6:35pm on March 27, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
The country roses I will keep for awhile until they are settled somewhere and can take it. My mother loved the set. Molly alseep on the lounge while next door are taking down massive trees in the light rain. We have a lot of gums here. Hope your weather improves and you have nice sunny days to look forward to. I will have to take Molly to the vets as her eye is still not quite right. She is off to the kennels again this Thursday and then when she comes home a nice long spell before she needs to go again.
At 1:16am on March 28, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
those photos are really something. Molly seems to be enjoying herself. I can't get over the amount of snow. We would only get that on the alps a long way from herein winter which is the snow season. Your Molly is absolutely beautiful so much fun for her.
At 4:50pm on March 28, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
i am not that busy.. that amount of snow is hard to imagine. Raining today which is good because it keeps next door away... Molly does not like the rain. do you have short days with the sun setting quite early in the afternoon. When we were in London a few years ago in December it was dark at 4pm. I will pack our camera to take photos while in Alice as might not get back for awhile.
At 5:40pm on March 28, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
i can't imagine your weather. We lived in Canberra ages ago for a few years. It got cold and about 100kms south is the snowy mountains. All we got was frozen pipes and heavy frosts. It must be magic at your place at Xmas. Molly alseep on the lounge.
At 6:06pm on March 28, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
i guess it is the same for u to imagine how hot and dry/humid it gets here. Not sure what I will do about the eye problem. Trying to watch costs at the moment. I might alert the kennels and sometimes they don't charge if their vet looks at the animal because they are there every day.
At 9:16am on March 29, 2011, Chantal McIlveen-Wright said…

Hi Sherry,

Indeed, and very sorry about that, I was not in the right country....  I love snow and playing in the snow with my dogs, so I guess I was already having fun in my fantaisy world.... very sorry about that.
Saying that I really liked and enjoyed your snow pictures and seeing your Molly having so much fun, this brings smiles on my face and happiness in my heart...

Thanks for the pictures Sherry, and sorry for the confusion. Cuddles to Molly   :-)

At 10:27pm on March 29, 2011, David McIlveen Wright said…

Hi Sherry,

I'm not bothered one way or the other about snow myself, but I like to see it (for a while!) because I know the dogs love it! I have photos some where of Darwin doing the same thing as Molly in the snow!


At 12:44am on March 30, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
left home at 10am back at 4.30pm Molly inside and no problem... good girl. She is off to kennels tomorrow

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