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Sherry Miller's Comments

Comment Wall (442 comments)

At 10:36pm on April 8, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
thanks... see how we go. Baby Molly sends her love
At 10:48pm on April 8, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
weather is really strange. Yes Neil come again went to doctors. Sherry how did you do your page with the sideshow of Molly? I think Neil may have picked up a bug in the NT when we were visiting last week. There are many funny viruses around.
At 11:16pm on April 8, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
thanks. Neil has flu like symptoms I will give it a go.
At 11:52pm on April 8, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
yes it is there. Do you see it when you comment to me?
At 10:59pm on April 10, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
how is dear Miss Molly. I was going to put some more pictures on of our Mollyon the site this morning then realised no good as they are all the same. I guess she spends most of her time on the lounge. I will have to get her moving. She just hangs with me all day. I do a lot of work on the computer and she just sits near me. We need more exercise.
At 11:52pm on April 10, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
Computer issues here see how this goes
At 11:58pm on April 10, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
worked from my IPHONE. Amazing... Neil back at work but still not 100%. Hope I don't get it. Molly's eyes seem better. I think they treated it at the kennels and did not say anything. Also she came back flealess which was good. Glad you get a rest soon. Hate it when they call on us on days off that used to happen to me. Weather certainly getting cooler here. Molly is going o.k. I guess... must get moving though. 
At 10:25pm on April 11, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
thanks... Molly alseep on the lounge what else is new. It is quite abit cooler here now. Our last IS was terrified of storms. Molly is o.k. thanks goodness. Insurance is finally starting to move on the damage and next door have been better although kiss the damage to the heater goodbye. I think I am over it. Every time I look at your Molly's pictures she does remind me of ours. I am sure Molly just waits on the lounge for Neil to come home. She starts getting restless around 5pm he gets home just after 6pm  
At 10:53pm on April 11, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
you are right. She sees him coming up the hill and into the driveway. This morning I let her inside and that tale I swear it can hurt when she beats it against my leg. The others did not have that tale thing. Anyway I complained when it was so hot now I wish it was warmer, although we have never had heat like that before except when I was a child and not living so close to the sea. I hate winter. Will have to buy wood soon. our electricity costs in NSW are getting higher and higher. Your Molly will enjoy the warmer weather they can do so much more. When we can find time and funds we will take Molly away but the coast to pet friendly accommodation for a run on the beach. Not for awhile though as I have another trip to Alice and Adelaide to my hypnosis training in June. 
At 12:48am on April 12, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
NO Molly just runs around settles after Neil gets home on the lounge has dinner and sits and sleeps. Hope this is normal because the last two were more like your Molly. She is so spoilt. When it is time for bed she goes outside but not happy knocks on the door to come in and then on the bed with the 2 cats not much room for the humans. She is now snooring on the lounge next to me.
At 6:04am on April 12, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
not sure whether you use facebook. The kennels where Molly goes have printed a mag for our flights promoting their kennels in Sydney and Melbourne airports. Baby Molly has her photos in it. I am so proud of her... They took them last year at training.
At 11:36pm on April 12, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
if you look for the HANROB site if u find it let me know and I will tell u where to find the brochure that has Molly in it. Good on you all for walking.  
At 12:06am on April 13, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
sounds like a weid looking cat. Our Molly is great with our cats but no sure about others. Were they birds you and Molly were watching? Going into the city tonight so Molly will have to watch TV and wait until we come home.... I am sure she does watch it
At 12:22am on April 13, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
not sure whatshe likes best but no to the footy. When I leave I flick through the channels and wait until she look interested then off I go...
At 1:08am on April 13, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
they are so much alike... talk tomorrow, don't do to much cleaning
At 1:39am on April 13, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
hanrob on facebook. There should be a brochure with a girl on the front and another witha buy. You will have to look through all the dogs and cats and Molly appears twice. It is a brochure that will go on the planes
At 1:46am on April 13, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
not sure but you may have to become friends with hanrob to see the brochure??
At 7:40am on April 13, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
back home... Molly a good girl and no problems. Going to bed soon hope you find the Hanrob site and see our Baby Molly. Tell Allan she watched TV
At 8:01pm on April 13, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
if you found the brochures you should see Molly. You have to look through them for a bit. She is in the middle at training and another one when she was younger (her first boarding). I will try and copy but it would not let me the other night. Molly is outside chasing birds away from her left over dinner... They eat her dry biscuits magpies awful birds
At 8:22pm on April 13, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
yes she will chase them no time to stalk. She sits on the lounge with the back door open and if she hears them near her bowl she is off like the wind. Had a alternation with a possum the other night. I think I mentioned that. She is more lively now with the cooler weather. Is that a todd or frog. We have cane todds here mostly in Qld. they are poisenous

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