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Sherry Miller's Comments

Comment Wall (442 comments)

At 12:21am on April 14, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
he would have been one sick boy. typical IS
At 2:46pm on April 15, 2011, Laura Bayless said…

You're not far at all.  I'm in North County (Florissant).  Your photo gallery is wonderful. 

At 7:34pm on April 15, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
hi sherry... I put a photo of Molly on last night nothing special but also one of Sydney by mistake. Hope I have deleted it o.k. Molly very busy today. Raining heaps and she will not go outside. Funny  how they get on a mission and nothing will stop them.
At 10:02pm on April 15, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
she is a funny girl. Molly does not want to go out because of the rain... had a few accidents this morning... I just about pushed her out the door and she got very wet so back in and tried with the towel.
At 1:51am on April 16, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
just reading about bad storms in central US. Hope not near  you?
At 6:44am on April 16, 2011, Laura Bayless said…
Sadie will be 2 in June. I was just reading your profile page. Miss Molly is one lucky darling. I can't imagine who could have abandoned such a sweet face.
At 5:45pm on April 16, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
that would have been very stressful. Angie would not have forgiven herself if anything had happened to Miss Molly. Hope you are o.k. I know only too well how you would have felt. Both our previous ones were experts at that sort of thing. It is the worst feeling to look for the dog and its gone. Hope you are o.k. and Miss Molly is back home. We have to have a tag with their name and phone number of their collar but not all people do it. I would have lost count of the number of times I received calls about the last IS. Your Molly is too precious to go wandering looking for adventure. Take care
At 10:22pm on April 16, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
Let me know how you are. You have most likely gone to bed for the night now. Hope Molly is behaving herself.
At 11:03pm on April 16, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
I could fill a page with stories of both setters who got lost. The last one was gone for over 9 hours one day and just wandered home. I really felt for you when I read what had happened. That is why I am so protective of Molly. The last two used to dig out under the fence. Poor Neil had to put wire under the ground to stop Cherie. She was a an escape artist. Glad all is well and maybe Molly will remember not to do it again. I wonder what the issue is with the car engine running?? take care
At 11:25pm on April 16, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
The other concern here and most likely for you also is the traffic. we do not live far from a very busy road 6 lanes across. How the other survived that I will never know. The first IS was hit by a car because my son thought she could go out the front with him while he washed his car. She was off they run and run. That event cost us dearly and Sharla lost her tale. IS with cropped tale...
At 12:14am on April 17, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
I am multi tasking. Talking on the phone and sending u a message. Yes we like the name Molly and it does suit her. Good how u finally was able to have Molly as a name. They are very special to us....
At 12:32am on April 17, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
i sometimes call Molly Molly moos.... talk later as it is late over your end of the world. Hope Molly sleeps tight and keeps herself at home. Made me laugh at the future granddaughter possible name of Molly.  
At 5:28am on April 17, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
brushing Molly tonight noticed a small lump on her back. I squeezed it and some stuff came out. I will keep an eye on it hope it is nothing. She is behaving o.k.
At 10:48pm on April 17, 2011, Eunice Marott said…

the earthquake is about at least over 2000kms from us.Could be  like you having something in Texas. It is starting to worry me all these earthquakes. New Zealand and Japan are off the holiday list. We have been to new zealand a few times but Japan was a place I would liked to visit. My daughter in law's parents are going there in a week or so on their way to Europe. Not for me. Also my good friend is doing a few hour stop over next week on his way to London.

I think you are right about Molly's lump I will keep an eye on it. You see I get worried about those sort of things because that is what Cherie had. Keep fingers crossed.  Molly is noticing the cooler weather now. Remember that discussion of setters and keeping you warm well that is starting to come into play. We will have to get the wood going in the fire soon. Lots of noise next door today. The large ginger cat just frighted Molly by jumping on the lounge near her. She jumped and ran outside. Back now though and watching the big trucks out of the window. 

At 10:54pm on April 17, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
keep an eye on those ticks. Deadly here where we live.
At 11:08pm on April 17, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
ha ha thats right... they are dogs but very dear to us. I could not stand to have another one go. She is o.k. I will keep an eye on it. I think Molly is so precious to me because I am home with her more and the others I was working full time. Thats why she hangs inside all the time. Your Molly has Alan when you are not there which is good for her. She sounds such a delight.
At 6:39pm on April 18, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
the workman are here fixing the damage caused by the recent storms in the roof. I put Molly outside because I thought they would leave the front door open. I was right but Molly opened the back door and ran inside. Luckly I closed the front door in time. She is checking them out and now sitting on the lounge. They are closing the door. Now she is off to see what they are doing. She is a funny thing you can tell she is not sure but maybe they are o.k. Standing on the top of the steps leading into the kitchen checking out the scene watching them. So funny. She is so busy.
At 8:40pm on April 18, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
thats so funny. Molly does that with Neil. The workman said should she be so skinny. I said she is o.k. does not need anymore weight maybe a little but I think they thought we were under feeding her.Insurance companies are gems they gave our job to tradesmen who live over 2 hours away. Cannot see their logic. Been here since 8am now nearly midday. Your Molly sounds fun. I bet they did not know how to take her. She sounds more like our Cherie who was so friendly. Our Molly can be somewhat reserved sometimes
At 9:20pm on April 18, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
Easter next weekend. We get 5 days this year due to Anzac Day falling on Easter Sunday. Should have planned it better and gone to Alice then but more expensive at Easter and we will stay home with Molly and do some things here. Do you have anything special planned?
At 9:38pm on April 18, 2011, Eunice Marott said…

happy birthday to alan Is he pieces?

the guys would have included their travel time in their quote. We are about $1.50 a litre and more in the country areas. Whatever that is in gal...

I would be interested in a sugar free cheesecake and how is the icecream for Molly. They had some receipes for dog birthday cakes in the mag here but I think I threw it out by mistake.

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