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Sherry Miller's Comments

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At 9:57pm on April 18, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
that sounds so much fun. Decorating the eggs WOW. I am afraid nothing really special here, just Neil and I. Our grandkids do the egg hunt. We did it last year in Alice.Anzac Day is the 25th April to do with the first world war. Now my history is shocking I should be more interested. Last year Easter fell at the beginning of april so Anzac Day was a separate holiday which it usually is. So much fun you will have. We are doing painting downstairs so Neil should really finish that. The Easter Show is on and I noticed that one of our members was travelling down with his setters to participate. Not sure whether we will get to the show this year. Just noticed your email come through as I type this...
At 10:03pm on April 18, 2011, Eunice Marott said…

where do you get doggie icecream. The other thing you mentioned I am not sure what that is. I also have to watch my sugar although not diabetic but could be border line. Neil has a special birthday this year so we may go to Ayers Rock.

Do you have a special lunch on Easter Sunday like Xmas. We are boring Xmas is our big thing here. Your Easter sounds so much fun. Wish our Mollys could meet wouldn't that be fun. Unfortunately not possible. Molly seems to be winning over one of the workman. She just went out on the deck with him while he was having a smoke. They have gone to get lunch and he made the comment to his mate look she looks almost human sitting on the lounge like that, then asked her if she wanted anything at the shop!!!   

At 10:16pm on April 18, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
hope you get the dog birthday cakes. I found it
At 10:43pm on April 18, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
sorry I meant Aries. My granddaughter in Darwin is Aries.
At 10:55pm on April 18, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
neil is a computer programmer in his employment but very handy at home thanks goodness. Oh well as I said the best we do at Easter is eat chocolate eggs and hot x buns. I don't eat fish so Good Friday we usually have homemade soup etc. Boring some Aussies do the egg painting I think it is just we have never done so. I do enjoy the easter hunt with the kids though. Not good having them so far away for you and me!!
At 11:10pm on April 18, 2011, Eunice Marott said…

yes to one of those milstones

At 11:12pm on April 18, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
yes to one of those milstones. I looked at the blog yes funny. Our Mollys would have a ball.
At 11:19pm on April 18, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
the royal easter show is where people come from the country with their live stock and there is also dog shows. I am not sure when the IS are on but it is a really big show here. You have to be eligible to show your dog at this show. Not sure whether we will go.Molly would have to stay home yes as it is just for exhibitors and the general public. They used to have it nearer the city but now it is over the other side for us in Sydney. Kids love the show bags what a rip off. They used to be sample bags and samples they were now there is the Barbie Bag etc etc hardly samples anymore. Anyway it is a good time at Easter. When do you think you will be able to see your grandsons again?
At 11:22pm on April 18, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
no buy hot x buns. We have sampled a few this year but not so good. Easter would not be easter without them. Will have to find some good ones to have.Neil loves fish but sorry not for me.
At 11:29pm on April 18, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
not sure abut the trading hours this easter. Sunday is a public holiday so maybe 10-4 not sure. Certainly nothing is open good friday it is like Xmas day. Our chemist is open limited hours I noticed the other day. Shops like yours not sure about those. Hope your other daughter gets to come up to see you. And yes just noticed Molly on the lounge legs and paws nearly to the ground. She is making friends but just nearly got into the paint.
At 11:41pm on April 18, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
funny you say that about Sundays.Shops have been open here for years on Sundays and public holidays. Even Boxing Day. Sunday when I was little was going to sunday school/church, sunday lunch sometimes with extended family and mostly family time. Now just like another day... When do we rest Neil will have 5 days including the weekend for Easter.
At 12:04am on April 19, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
yes we have timer we will have a nice break
At 11:45pm on April 19, 2011, Eunice Marott said…

you are most likely busy with birthday celebrations but had to tell you this.

Getting a little cool so I went to put jumper on. Molly on the lounge and when I walked into the room she grawled at me. Took her until I sat next to her to realise it was me

At 12:23am on April 21, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
Molly was on the lounge as normal not alseep and I got abit cold so went upstairs to put jumper on (no hood). On my return walking through the room she noticed me and growled. I went over and sat next to her and let her know it was me. After a few seconds she was fine. I think if anyone did come in and try anything she would protect us. The others would just jump all over them (I assume). I have pictures with Cherie when they came to measure up for a pool some years ago with her standing next to them having a very friendly time. She did not know them, Molly would not do that.
At 1:08am on April 21, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
thats sweet. We have been watching more DVD's lately and last night Molly was getting restless waiting for us to sit on the lounge and she does the same thing. Head on both our laps and sits there for cuddles and pats... They are so spoilt.
At 2:03am on April 21, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
thats so funny... our Molly does that also she licks and licks
At 1:08pm on April 21, 2011, Michelle Walsh said…
Hey Sherry ! Hope all is well with you  many thanks for the well wishes for legolas. He certainly was out of it Sherry :) only a few hours after his general anesthetic, he's really only back to his full usual self today. Good job I have a fairly decent dvd collection, I think you're right about the movies & massages ~Thanks again xx
At 1:35pm on April 21, 2011, David McIlveen Wright said…


Thank you, but I still have a few hours left as a teenager - only kiddin!

Beautiful weather here today, so we have been in the garden. Our wee garden got destroyed during our renovations and we are just getting it sorted out again. Darwin likes to be in the middle of everything - a typical setter!


At 9:55pm on April 21, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
Sherry... hope Molly is o.k. have you checked for ticks. It is always a worry when they are off their food.
At 10:32pm on April 21, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
keep us posted

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