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Eunice Marott's Comments

Comment Wall (472 comments)

At 11:00pm on March 22, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Eunice....they should have to fix it ...really !  Talk to owner of the house and take pictures of your damaged heater before you all do a thing.  Do you know how they damaged it?  I would be getting pretty upset over that also....first all the noise of construction and then they are not going to be responible for damage they do?  I don't think so.  Here they would have to replace or repair all damage they do...and should carry insurance for just that purpose.  I would be talking to law officials there if they don't,,,,but document with pictures and also would send them a letter ( keep copy) and see if they respond that way.

Our Molly would probably be trying to get in the plumbers way to see what he is doing.  She does bark when someone comes to the door but soon as they pet her she is their new best friend.  Nothing like trying to do something with an IS looking over your shoulder to be sure you are doing it right.

Trip sounds like it could be really fun if you have a little bit of free time to explore.  Afraid we have not planned any trips yet and not sure how far we will be going this year...hoping at least for a few long weekends down at the lake....place that just relaxes me 100 % ....though if we stay with his sister we won't get to take Molly.  She would be left alone a lot though as if we are not out on the lake we are running around Branson proper either to shop the outlet malls, or the antique shops.  We also try to do some of the country music shows when we are down there.

At 1:37am on March 23, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Molly would go to the kennel...doggie daycamp program...she loved it last year but it wore her out!  Would love to take her with us but it is not our house so I honor house rules always.  I would love to live down there I think....but would want to try renting a spot for winter to see if I can handle that time of year...have done spring, summer and fall but never been there during cold weather. 

  How much longer on that demolish and rebuild next door to you ?  hope not too long.

Molly has been loving our bit of mini spring here....outside romping most of the day and wonders of wonders she is finally lying down outside!  before she was too busy birding all the time to even think of lying down .  Guess that is maturity showing !  She loves it when it is cool and windy but sunny....her favorite time to be out.  You can just see her wind up when the weather is like that....almost an excitement you can feel.  Hope you had a good trip and drive with Molly. and ouch on that plumber bill!

At 7:55pm on March 23, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Eunice ,

  Molly has had her home life disrupted by all the noise....and then add the kennel to it and it just keeps building.  I bet she will get used to most of the noise of the rebuilding next door ....some of the noisier things ...drills or saws that are screechy may hurt her ears as they are so much more senistive than ours are but she will adjust to most of it when it is ongoing.

   We started out today here warm but windy but temperature took a really big dip here quickly about 3 pm....down to freezing again and hearing sloppy snow later this week.  Molly loves all this wind.....and her feathers are just blowing in the wind.  She just keeps running in and out...checks to see what we are doing and out she goes again.  So nosey she does not want to miss out on anything.  Got called into work today so only have tomorrow off this week, 

At 10:46pm on March 23, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

There will be a lot of coming and going while they are building...new people in and out....can she see the house from the yard?  I found with my IS that when something new is going on that best thing I can do is to put a leash on them and go with them to see what is going on.  Helps to let them know it is not something bad or something you are worried about.  We had a lot of commotion out in front yard this past year...new sewer lateral, had to take down our two trees because of it, new water lines put in as it seems the water main is next to our driveway...so when it burst we had a river out in front.  Then they did major street repairs, dug out our lower driveway, and new sidewalks...lots of big machinery and men moving around and making noise all day.  So we let Molly investigate those big machines after the men left the first day and explore all the new or missing things in the front yard and it seemed to settle her down unless they came right by our front door....then she would bark to let us know they were there. Guys got to sort of know Molly as I would walk her while they were here.....because they woke us up early making all that noise!! 

  How are Molly's eyes tonight?  and did you get hot water heater fixed?  Hope nothing else happened today....sometimes I think it comes in threes....like the sewer lateral, our trees and that broken water main!  Hope that does not happen again anytime soon...they replaced only the one side and all water lines are due to be replaced at some point so they will tear it all up again on our front lawn and driveway...can not count how many times they have replaced the lower two slabs of our driveway after we drove on the gravel for three months til the ground settled. 

At 11:34pm on March 23, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

My Molly will sometimes snore lightly if she is asleep in her chair with her head over the arm....I swear she does everything more daintly than my boys did !  She will give soft muffled almost a puppy bark while asleep occasionally and usually when she does her feet are making a running motion....so I figure she is dreaming about chasing her friend the squirrel!  All my IS have done that . Molly will sort of guard what she can see out the front window here....but if it is the neighbors she does not bark at their cars or them...just someone who is not usually in the neighborhood.  Glad she does not bark at the mailman, trashman or the Fed Ex truck when it comes to deliver things to people.  Hope Molly's eyes clear up for you soon,

  Is Neil excited to be seeing the grandkids?  are they out of school while you are there? and are you planning some exploring adventures with them?  I know you will miss Molly...but it's good to share the grandkids together so you build those memories for all of you.  Hope it will not be so hot while you are in Alice. 

At 11:57pm on March 23, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Hotels can sure add up fast so lucky you to have a place to stay.  Green desert?  vegatation ? trees or cactus?  is the sand green?  The red rocks....are they clay? think you are figuring out I can be as nosey as my Molly is.  Sounds like they have a little bit of everything there. Are the grandchildren off school?  Do they have a long summer vacation?  Here they start school around middle of August , have two days off in November for our Thanksgiving, a week to ten days at Christmas, a week of spring break in March , the national holidays off , and a few other days during that time for school teachers meetings and finish up around end of May. Summer vacation is June and July and first part of August for them.

Molly is asleep in the chair behind me as I type this..she had another really busy day...carried about half her babies outside ...hid a few in the yard but gathered I think most of them up to bring them back inside right at dusk.  Funny to watch her bring them in.  If she forgot any they may come back in when she goes out for the last time tonight. Not sure if she looks for them in the dark or just comes across them while making her rounds out there.  My boys would have never gathered their toys up to bring back inside...now if she would put them in her toy box instead of putting a few in each room.  Reminds me of when my girls were small and scattered their toys around the house but at least there are no Barbie highheels for me to step on...those things hurt like the devil...even worse than Legos ! 

At 11:59pm on March 23, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Take some pictures of the scenery when your in Alice...sounds like a really interesting place to visit...and so much contrast.
At 12:06am on March 24, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
still up and having a diet pepsi here....though coffee sounds good!
At 12:50am on March 24, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Pictures are awesome!  Thankyou. Makes me want to see them for real as they look so huge!  I also had to relook at Molly's sunnyside up photo as it makes me laugh....put a note up on pictures for you.  Amazing and overwhelming is the feeling I got from looking at that first one. Do you walk thru the pass?
At 1:09am on March 24, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Missouri has Elephant Rocks State Park which are huge pink granite boulders....and they have one area called Fat Man's Pass...and you better not be too big or you won't get thru it! Boulders are more rounded and look like big fat elephants....you can climb up on them but have to watch for snakes and they sometimes can be slippery.  I used to walk Pebbles there when I was at my Dad's .....there is a path around it and a couple of quarries from where they took pink granite out.  Will have to take my camera next time we are in that area...as all my pictures of it are on photo's only (before I had a digital camera)   In the Ozarks we also have the Royal Gorge which is rocks all tumbled down a cliff area ....really pretty in fall when you have leaves changing colors here.  I know other parts of US have similar scenic and famous rock formations but just fun to see what you all have. 


















At 1:30am on March 24, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Saw that this AM....remember National Velvet?  I wanted a horse so badly after seeing that movie as a girl.  Have to remember I grew up in the city...and my parents did not get the cabin on the lake til I was a teenager...and no area there for horses either but did not stop me from begging....and that is why we probably got our first dog.  Had parakeets and my sister had a fish aquarium but not the same as a cuddly dog you can take for a walk.  Sent you an email back...will have to figure out how to send you some pictures from Lake Tablerock in Mo tomorrow....or ask Angie next week to help me as she is one busy girl this week. 
At 1:38am on March 24, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Will email some lake photos to you as soon as I figure out how to do it! 
At 1:50am on March 24, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

We first moved to an older suburb of St Louis...Kirkwood....then out to Fenton in 78...when we moved here there was a farm next to our subdivsion....and the new school built in 89 had a field of cows next to it and a field of horses across the street from it ...but sadly those are gone now and replaced by subdivsions. The golf course our subdivsion butted up to is now a hospital...that was only two years ago so we have watched the area grow up....some good but I miss hearing the rooster crow from the farm that was by us.  Progress can be good....I don't have to go far to get anything I need anymore as it is all right down the road but I do miss our little town feel we used to have, We are lucky as we are not far from the Meramac River ( not close enough to ever flood though) and have quite a few parks by us.  We were lucky when we first moved here to meet some of the  'oldies who grew up here and to hear their stories of how it used to be.  Guess to the young ones my stories of farms right by us would be the old days to them,,,,,uhoh! am I getting old? 

  Funny you mentioned chickens as some of the really affluent areas of the county now have allowed residents to have a few fancy chickens as pets so they can go green with having their own eggs. 

At 2:22am on March 24, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Same thing here with the city.  Molly is just giving you the kisses we can not get from my Molly.....you got them all!  Instead of kisses she rubs her neck and side of her face over your face and neck....so you have the kissing Molly and I have the necking Molly,

Thankyou for comment on Molly's face...don't let her fool you though she can be the Diva,....though a sweet one .  I do think our girls look a lot alike.  Next time you see the vet I am curious to know how much your Molly weighs.  We go next month for heartworm blood test and to check to be sure no worms so will get her weight then,  Don't want her to gain anymore here as she looks just perfect to me,  Alan will not be going to the vet with me as she acts up when he goes!  Took three people holding her last spring to get the blood work when he was with us so in July when she got all her injections I took her and only took me to hold her.....she was also that way first time I took her so vet and I have kicked Alan out! 

  We have elections the first Tuesday in April...they are always on Tuesdays here, Polls open at 5 am and close at 7 pm....this time our polling place is furthur away as church we usually vote at is under construction.  This is not a major election so voter turnout will be light....I need to study issues though so I can at least decide what I want to vote yes or no on!  I better head to bed or will not get up in AM,,,hoping they do not call me at 7:30 Am like they did today to come in....want at least one day off....did laundry when I got home today and then Alan and I went out to dinner,  Think he feels bad that I am working so much so is not expecting me to cook much....though I think Molly likes me to cook incase I drop something.  She had an uncooked spaghetti noodle last week and acted like it was the best thing she ever had....kept searching to make sure I did not drop any more.  Night and ty for pics

At 2:58am on March 24, 2011, Carmel Stringfellow said…

Hi Eunice,

I saw that you were online! I won't be on for long I have to cook dinner. Molly is going through the 'leggy' stage by the look of her latest photos. The cat seems very happy though. What a great pair. Annabelle just finished her first season. I will be maitng her on her second season as she is quite a tall girl...like her sister I think.

Take care,

Talk soon


At 10:00pm on March 25, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Hi...just looked online....glad you had a good Dr's report...and that Molly did fine while you were gone.  I worked this AM and then had errands to run...oil change for car and grocery store.   Cheated and had them bake the fish for me !  Work tomorrow night which I am dreading as they are saying more rain changing to sleet and snow in late afternoon ending up in about 3 inches of snow.  Hate driving in sleet and snow!  We had about an inch of snow this AM on the grass...and drove to work first in snow,,,changed to rain and sleet right at end of my trip in.  Silly winter still here but first day of spring was last Sunday.  Molly even is fed up with snow...she loves those windy spring like days...can hardly get her to stay inside except her trips inside to be sure what we are doing.  Molly is running around with Alan and Angie's socks she stole from downstairs...wants us to chase her to get them...in a wee bit she will hide them if I have the game figured out right...and bring them out again tomorrow.  She is bored after spending most of today inside....upended her toybox to get to her stick of dynamite she has not played with since last fall....wish she would pick up her own toys!
At 10:35pm on March 25, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Life is a fun game to Molly here....and she makes almost everything into a game....it helps that she almost always gets a good reaction from one of us I think....her chase me game is funny as she will roo roo at you with her mouth full of the stolen socks or tea towel ...comes out all funny which always makes me laugh.  Perhaps because we went over a year without a dog here ...and fact he said NO MORE DOGs ...we all are just enjoying Molly so much.  I know how lucky we are to have her ...and also how lucky we did not have any major training problems with her.  I need to get battery for my camera so I can download some pictures .  Keep forgetting it!  What are you putting on Ebay?
At 10:51pm on March 25, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
I drive about 20 minutes to work...avoid the main highways and take the back roads to avoid traffic jams . 
At 11:31pm on March 25, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

You are smarter than I am as I have no idea how EBAY works ....let me know so I can look at the china....I love old things!!  Though I have plenty here I still love to look. :)

Molly now all snuggled up for the night it seems....and socks hidden under my computer chair.  I will trade you our sloppy snow and sleet and near freezing weather for that wind and rain.  Does your Molly go out willingly in the rain? 

At 1:31am on March 26, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Not something you want to pass on to your son?  I have a set for Angie that was my mother inlaws....just an everyday china set but sooo many memories for even Angie as it was what she used in spring starting on Easter and going thru summer.  I just have to look at that china and it feels like Easter to me! 

  My Molly is all snuggled up here behind me....she follows me from room to room til I finally go to bed....will nag me in a wee bit to go to bed if I do not go on my own, 


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