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Eunice Marott's Comments

Comment Wall (472 comments)

At 3:34pm on February 2, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Following Yasi information here and hoping all are safe .  Hard to imagine what they are going thru as here our tornado's are a matter of minutes .  Will you later have wind and rain from this?
At 7:23pm on February 2, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Wish we could trade a few degree's of temperature...down to 0 here tonight and looks like a solid week of below freezing...even Molly does not like it this cold!  So no walks for us for a bit...we play games inside instead and Alan will chase her a bit in back yard to wear off some energy. In summer here we do either early morning til about 11 am  or early sundown walks here due to humidity.  News here hitting just a little bit about Yasi...Eygpt has all the news attention here at the moment it seems.  Hope your son and family are safe and have no damage....it's hard when our children do not live close...our oldest and the three grandson's live in Texas so it's a 14 hour drive...flying so far has not worked cause Grandma fills the car with things for the boys!  Have put the collar question on the forum and gotten lots of food for thought so am mulling those over.  I usually can't do a lot of walking with Molly until temperature is higher as I have bone graft and screws in my left knee (courtesy of the Brittany) and the cold weather just starts it acting out. Today as it is colder here she goes out and comes back in fairly quickly...yesterday she stayed out longer as it was not that cold.  Our Molly is spoiled as she also does not like the heat of summer here....wants to be in the AC except early in morning or early evening.  She is very birdy so spends a lot of time chasing shadows or our resident squirrel.  I love it when the doves are here as she points them and will hold point for a long time til they fly .  She does try to sneak up slowly on things also which is always funny to watch...like that rabbit can not see the big red dog in the yard.  Does yours like to hunt in the yard?
At 8:44pm on February 2, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Hi...I sure hope those new little babies are all safe today with their parents.  I am sorry you all lost a soldier...have a nephew headed there within the month.  What is a bandicot?  So this is not summer there and you are that hot already>? Does your  Molly like a fan blowing on her?  before we turn AC on here she goes where ever the fan is and stakes her spot out. What sort of pool are you trying to get her to use?  One of mine was terrified of water...found out from breeder he had fallen off a small decorative bridge into a shallow stream at about 9 weeks...that fear never left him.  Molly will play around edges of a sprinkler, wade in a river or lake but have not been able to get her into a wading pool.  She puts her foot on top like testing the water and then pulls it back really prissy like.  Neighbors laugh at her as their two huge Labs lie in and fight over the pool....Molly will snorkel in a water fountain or deep pool of water though.  Sticks her whole head in and blows bubbles out her nose....she also does that when it is very hot here in her water bowl...then drips it onto the kitchen floor. Think it is a way for her to cool down faster,  One nice thing about winter here is she has not been snorkeling in her water bowl. 


At 10:13pm on February 2, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Does Molly come to edge of pool when you are swimming?  and would a favorite ball going into the pool with you tempt her?  I would not force her either as that fear could be life long. My other setters (except the one afraid of water) used to swim in the lake with us but had to be careful as they thought I could hold them up...fine as long as my feet were on the bottom of the lake.  We did have one who swam to middle of the lake when we were out in a canoe( my Dad let him out after we had been gone half an hour and he found us )..Alan ready to jump in to save the IS and me heading toward nearest bank as fast as I could as did not know how long he could swim...right by the bank he got distracted and started to retrieve a water snake...and it all headed toward where we were .....silly dog! Thank heavens throwing a few rocks got Shi wanting to retrieve the rock and scared snake off.  Love sharing nature with my dog but not that sort ever!




At 11:23pm on February 2, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Does Molly like frisbee's? anything that floats that she likes to play with might help entice her into the water. 

    I have been reading your snake story in the forum and find it so amazing that you have a snake man you call to come and get snakes.  Do you have to capture the snake or will he come and get it out of the yard? We do have companies that deal with wild animals here but not one that specializes in just one thing.  I would be scared to go outside in my yard if a poisonous snake had been out there.  We do have some usually nonpoisonous snakes here where I live and futhur out in the country we come across poisonous snakes....I am not a snake fan or spider fan at all here .

    Just was looking at the photo's online of damage from Yasi....how terrible for everyone who has lost their home....looks like it is a beautiful area and I hope soon the flooding and rains will stop so people can start to rebuild their homes .  I was happy to see the picture of one lady with her 14 year old poodle in an evacuation shelter....that was part of problem here with Hurricane Catrina....they did not allow animals into shelters....plus not enough help to evacuate people to keep them safe.  I can only applaud seeing that dog in that shelter.

At 12:38am on February 3, 2011, Sherry Miller said…


   I will be praying that no flooding reaches Alice Springs and that your son and family stay safe.  Keep me posted on how things are going and take care,


At 3:46am on February 3, 2011, Barbara said…

Hi Eunice! Thank you so much for your gift. I am glad you liked my Photos. Sorry for my bad english. Best wishes from cold Vienna and please cuddle your lovely Molly from me.


At 2:33pm on February 3, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Aren't children wonderful??? and they wonder why we have white hair!!  Hope things are alright there.  Two snakes where one snake was put??? uhoh!!!!!  would have me in an uproar making Alan search everywhere to be sure there are no more .  I did not sleep in our bedroom here for over three months til he presented me with the body of Charlie the spider!  It was huge and took us that long to find him....he had found Charlie's mate but I knew Charlie was huge so I cuddled up on the sofa until he found Charlie!

At 4:13pm on February 3, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Just a huge big black one...did not get close enough to see if it was a Black Widow....Alan laughing all the time as I scurried in and out of bedroom to get what I needed that "Charlie was waiting for me" .  Your snake therory sounds feasible...but I would have been nervous about going outside after that for a long time. We had that same setter play with a snake at my Dad's...he'd hit the tail as it tried to crawl away and snake would coil and strike at him as he jumped away....repeated until I got brave enough to grab the dog by the tail to get to collar and get him inside....afraid I kept him onlead for the rest of that visit.  I know it is only natural instinct for a cat or dog to play with anything that moves but can't they at least not scare us with their "new" toys? 
At 5:58pm on February 3, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Had to convert that temperature...no wonder your Molly is not hopping around!  that's 100 degrees here ...my Molly would be vegged out in the air conditioning except for early morning or early evening .  There just is no real way to get cooled off without it here ...is that normal temperatures for you all?  Do most homes have AC?  Now I understand why you are trying to tempt her to swim!  Even though it is freezing here and will remain so for another week at least  I don't look forward to July when we get the hot humid weather here. Spring and fall are my favorite seasons here...not having to use heat or air conditioning and windows open so we can hear the birds singing.  Too bad we can't  send you a wee bit of cold air in exchange for some of your hot air.
At 7:34pm on February 3, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
We have had more snow (double) and colder temperatures here this year...Chicago usually has more snow and colder then we are here....this last snow stormed missed us with the big amount and headed east so Chicago got ours!  I don't mind a little snow but hate the ice and sleet we got...but especially the cold deep freeze we are now in temperature wise.  Molly goes out and plays a bit but does not like this icey cold here...anything above 30 to 75 degrees here keeps her happily outside playing, birding or chasing balls.  We do have to be careful to be sure she is not out too long as iceballs build up in their feet..plus danger of frostbite.  She bounces around inside playing with all her soft toys a lot and if we are gone meets us at the door with one of them usually...if she does not bring out from her hiding spot the stolen dish towel! 
At 3:44am on February 4, 2011, Barbara said…

Thank you Eunice! Oh, you have twice visited austria, hope you liked it. Except our car drivers - hope your husband was not hurt! I have never been to Australia, but hopefully at some time. On your profil I have read that you lost your dog with cancer, I also lost my Billy very sadly with cancer. Take care Barbara

At 12:37pm on February 4, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Eunice...a year ago she would have opened the door herself to anyone who wanted to come in ( more belly rubs and loving ) but now she alerts us when someone is around.  I have noticed that this winter as few people are out and about that she is now using that alert bark even in the backyard when a neighbor is out. Yesterday while Alan had her off lead out in front as he was clearing some more ice off the driveway she barked at a guy across the street so will be working now to make sure she knows who and what she is to use that bark for....she is guarding not just our yard and home now but the neighbors it seems!  Will take a bit of work to get this thru to her I know but all we wish is for her to alert us to people actually around on our property and not to the people who live around us!  Odd how a change in seasons can change her behaviors so quickly...last fall she only barked at strangers who came around...or perhaps it is all the neighbors in full winter gear (hats and bulky coats) that is causing her to not recognize them right now?  Will be keeping on her about this but also curious to see what spring brings. She does bark at dogs that are running free who come onto our front yard but so far has not barked at the trash collectors or the mail man so perhaps this is just Molly feeling cabin fever as we have been in so much this winter here...two more light snows predicted for this weekend even! Is your Molly guarding your home yet?  I really found with our IS that they guarded our home ( and the neighbors at night if anything was was out of the ordinary) from about 2 years on. I found that usually if they were barking at night there was a good reason for it...had one bark fiercely the night houses here were burgled and our lawn mower was taken so learned to get up to check what was really going on after that.  Just have to be sure she does not develope the habit of excessive barking at everyone for attention
At 9:54pm on February 4, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
That would be so scarey!  I am glad that Molly is alerting you all to what is going on around your home.  I know the year and a half we were minus a dog I hated being home alone ...missed my shadows but also made sure house was locked up tight and hated even to have windows open in the evening. I do try to keep front door locked here if I am in the backyard....just sometimes the others wonder what I am locking out!  ( them cause they forget keys!
At 10:59pm on February 4, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Eunice ...I hear you and wish we could trade about 30 degrees of temperature!  Opening tomorrow AM (Saturday) and two more inches of snow predicted tonight...grrrrrrrr and then I do an open and close on Sunday and seems our Super Bowl evening will also bring more snow in....and again on Wednesday next week...streets in subdivsion still an icey mess so this will just add to it!  and more below average temperature for at least the next week. Seems your having a long summer while we are having a long winter!  Remind me I was wanting this to go away in July when we are 100 degrees? 

   Glad Molly got some relief from going under the hose....will she play in a sprinkler? or even a kiddy pool?  Does she playbite at the water out of the hose?  Have a video of Molly trying to catch the neighbors sprinkler here last summer...it was so funny watching her wait for it to sweep her way again thru the fence.  Molly played out with Alan today while he chopped up some more of the ice and had a ball racing around the front yard...wore her out so she was ready for a long afternoon nap.

   You mentioned my Molly's tail in an earlier post...to show you the difference if you look at the Christmas pictures of her in front of the tree that was taken in 2009 (just a little older than your Molly)and the one of her watching the snow fall was just this week  so it was just a little over a year later....big difference in tail and even her feathers and chest.

Never thought of it til you mentioned it...guess when we see them everyday we don't notice the changes in them as much.  Also watching her nose change colors here...sort of a pinkish brown right now instead of her usual black....wondering if it is the cold causing this?  Our first ,Shilo lost his black nose for a bit when we fed him out of a plastic bowl,,,,stopped using it and went to pottery and back it came.  Odd! Stay as cool as you can and hope we both soon have a break in this weather!


At 8:32pm on February 5, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Hi...4 more inches of snow this am...ride to work a slippery one but thank heavens for 4 wheel drive...then it finaly got above 32 and sunny so some of it melted...but not enough in our subdivsion. Molly slid on some ice today and scraped back of her hind leg while I was at work....Angie held a towel on it and washed it so waiting for her to settle down to check it out to see if I need to put any ointment on it or rewash it.  She seems fine so figure it is just a scrape.

   Well at least your Molly is going in the hose to cool off....ours will wade in a lake or river( first time trying to get leaves floating ) but so far has no use for a kiddy pool here. She will run around the edges of a sprinkler and tries to stay out of range of a hose if someone is trying to squirt her....not sure what she will do if we swim in lake ..will try to see if we can manage to do that this summer.  To be honest would rather she be in a swimming pool as lake and river swimming means a bath for her after a rather smelly drive home!  Wet Wool!

At 9:16pm on February 5, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

Super Bowl is the National Football championship game here....big deal and lots of parties...snacks and drinks...almost a holiday. Missing the party due to work but will have some special treats here at home and fresh strawberries as I will miss the first hour . Commercials on the tv are usually fantasic and well worth watching the game to just see those!   Springs official start here is March 21 but we sometimes have frost and snow in April.  Just wishing for an early spring here. I usually plant spring flowers on Mother's Day as threat of frost is usually gone then.

   Molly sometimes eats grass also and same result...not often enough that I have worried about it as all my IS and the Brittany did also.  Think it is sort of natures ways of helping them settle a stomach.  If it was frequently would worry about it....part of reason we use no lawn chemicals here is to be sure she is safe in the yard. What sort of food do you feed your Molly?  and treats?


At 9:28pm on February 5, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Molly finally settled down ( Alan and I went out for a late lunch and just fooled around before going to the grocerystore today so I was gone almost 9 hours today ) so she was pretty excited to see us when we got home.  No limping and seems to be a small scrape...washed it again but will just keep it clean and keep an eye on it til it heals.  Do not want to make too big a fuss or she will start the licking it routine which keeps it from healing. Angie was really concerned and kept checking it while we were gone it seems...Molly just does not slow down here to walk carefully where ice is....hoping this helps her figure that out.
At 12:24am on February 6, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Waiting for oatmeal chocolate chip cookies to finish baking so will answer this .  Hope Molly does not develop a fear of storms ....that is a rough one to deal with...had one here that would wake me up before it even rained...barking and crying...so at first I would be up walking him indoor on leash...worked for a while and then finally discovered if I sat on the sofa and let him bury his head under my arm he calmed down...we spent many a night sleeping on the sofa that way. So far our Molly hasn't shown any fear of storms or fireworks and hoping to keep it that way.  Silly Molly would love for us to open the patio door so she can watch the lightning....she seems to like watching the weather!  What movie did you see?
At 2:30pm on February 6, 2011, David McIlveen Wright said…

Eunice, thank you for your request. I am very happy to be your freind on ES!


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