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Ruth Danbury's Comments

Comment Wall (11 comments)

At 1:46pm on December 2, 2010, Shaun and Julie Nicholls said…
Hi Ruth,
Yes Clancy will be Gibsons brother, Gib is Cordarragh Panama Jack, he is a fantastic boy and really does make us laugh. We do show him and dont do to bad considering we are new at it and still learning how to handle him. He goes back to the Cordarraghs for his holidays and comes home with lots of bad manners but does enjoy himself.
Clancy looks like a lovely boy, nice coat and expression, is he laid back like his brother or a bit of a tearaway? fussy eater? comes back when called? go through the bins? tear his bed to shreads? steal all your socks, these are the things Gibson has done (still steals the socks even takes them of our feet) nice to know another brother is about, only know of two others, Ollie and Flash, take care
At 3:55pm on February 21, 2011, Catherine Carter said…

Hi Ruth,

Just wanted to say hello! I have just noticed you live in Tydd St Giles which is where all my husband's family came from! In fact, Anthony was christened in the church at Tydd and I have a watercolour of the church here in my home!

At 8:38am on February 22, 2011, Catherine Carter said…

Hi Ruth,

Thanks for the friend request!

We live in Hampshire, outside a village not far from Romsey. Tydd Manor was the home of Anthony's grand-parents! But they both died in 1979 and 1981 and then his uncle moved in for a while too before it was sold!

At 2:32pm on March 28, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Clancy is so handsome...can tell he is well loved.  Love the pictures of him waiting for the table to be set for him.....next he will want someone to handfeed him from his silver spoon.
At 6:18am on April 10, 2011, Shaun and Julie Nicholls said…
We found the play got a bit rough at times, put Hudson in a crate when he got tired and that gave everybody a rest.
At 3:30pm on April 10, 2011, Shaun and Julie Nicholls said…
Sure you will have as much fun as we are having :-))). Gib can be rough but is so loving. Hud pays us no attention when Gib is around, they are best of mates.
At 1:51pm on April 16, 2011, Shaun and Julie Nicholls said…
Hows it going with the boys, has Clancy let Rory take over yet.
At 7:31am on April 17, 2011, Shaun and Julie Nicholls said…

All sounds the same as our boys, there a bit laid back today sunshine knocks them out a bit.

Gib still gases up after water, gripe water gets it out of him but he is still a bugger so must be OK.

At 12:57pm on June 5, 2011, Shaun and Julie Nicholls said…

How the boys doing, driven you nuts yet.

At 4:55pm on June 5, 2011, Shaun and Julie Nicholls said…
Hi Ruth, we have built a double kennel for our two, it helps to keep them apart after meals and gives us a peaceful dinner time, there only in it during the day and with us in the evenings. Like Clancy Gibson puts Hud in his place when needed but can still be the cause of most of the trouble, he is a bad teacher. Hudson is lovely, bad but lovely, then so is Gib. Enjoy your boys. Will there be a third, not in our house there wont LOL
At 1:41pm on January 20, 2012, Chantal McIlveen-Wright said…

Happy Birthday Ruth!!!  sharing the B-cake with Clancy and Rory? :-)

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