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Sherry Miller's Comments

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At 11:23pm on April 26, 2011, Eunice Marott said…

I guess baby molly does not do as much as Miss Molly. She hangs with me but when Neil gets home then it is on. She does not have lots of toys like Miss Molly and only plays with her toys outside. We should do more activity but she seems happy enough.

I bet you felt something when they moved and took her cat. 18 years is a great age for a cat. Neil has one when he was younger who lived to 21 but ours I think only 14 or 15. Our IS Sharla was 15 when she died.

At 11:56pm on April 26, 2011, Eunice Marott said…

she is a funny thing. Seems to have so much character. Molly's toys are wet from the rain and sitting on the desk railing to dry.

You should get some nice weather soon. We always have rain April and sometimes in May.

At 1:44am on April 29, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
are you going to watch the Royal Wedding. Molly and I are now watching the coverage live. I wrapped some feathers around Molly so she would look dressed up for the occasion. I think I need to get back to work... going back to my second childhood!!!
At 10:51pm on April 29, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
The wedding was great. I loved her dress just simple. The whole experience was excellent. We started our telecast around 4pm in the afternoon. The wedding was around 8pm. William looked good also. Molly has some photos on the site. When Neil got home we cracked the champagne to toast the couple. Just a nice wedding 
At 11:30pm on April 29, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
i just put them over her and she thought they were pretty smart. Just sat there with her feathers on. I got them when we went and saw Rocky Horror Picture Show last year. Come in useful for something
At 12:14am on April 30, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
ha ha ha.... very funny I think Molly would look better in the feathers. It was a great show
At 12:50am on April 30, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
went to a place to disgard old paint today. Got into queue with Molly in the back of the car. Man stuck his head in the window and she really growled at him. I thought she was going to take a piece of him. He started talking to her and all was o.k.
At 2:56am on April 30, 2011, Eunice Marott said…

roast beef yum my favourite

I did not have time to stop Molly but I think if he had placed his head in further she would have leaned forward and the rest I am not sure. She places her out of the window too not while we are driving through. Just sits on the back seat. How's joy glasses so cute. I don't think baby molly would wear them. Joy looks so good

At 7:34pm on April 30, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
how is it going today. Molly is now chasing the cat. I am not interfering they will sort it out. All o.k. here.
At 9:04am on May 1, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
just after midnight here. Molly was inside since 4pm... good girl now running around the back yard. I need to go to bed so she will be in soon.
At 5:59pm on May 1, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
Molly probably could not wait to tell you about the lack of grass now. They are like kids. Those kind of grasses are really nice but as you say will grow back. The big orange garfield like cat really puts heaps on Molly but unlike the others she fights back. Not that she would hurt him but she likes to show him she is boss but I think he thinks he is boss. Next door were gardening yesterday and found a snake danageous one. I saw them pick it up not what I would have done. They said they threw it down the back so hope it goes away. Would have been disturbed from the other side where the building is going on. Also we have had some mice from there so snakes and mice usually go together. I am really tied today after last night. We went to see my cousins and had dinner late. Molly was really good though unlike she usually is when we got home she had gone to bed for the night. Most likely gave  up on us. Then wanted to play but we just wanted to go to bed. She finally settled down and today back to her normal self. Don't work too hard. 
At 6:57pm on May 1, 2011, Eunice Marott said…

yes snakes and mice, rates, bandicots or anything like that is a no no with me. I would have let fly if I had seen my dog playing with a snake. The snakes should be alseep now for winter. I think it was and because they were gardening they disturbed it. Overcast here today and no work next door maybe they are having a holiday... GOOD

Number 2 granddaughter is going in a float today. In Alice they have a public holiday for May Day and she is riding in a parade with her pre school.

At 10:17pm on May 1, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
yes I just read and replied. Have you been to Canada? I am just reading some stuff on it in the paper. 
At 10:57pm on May 1, 2011, Eunice Marott said…

In sydney we do not do May day. In Alice they do... Australia has different public holidays in each state and school holidays are at different times just to make things difficult. No a brochure in the paper. Neil would like to go on a cruise in Alaska. Friend of mine did that last year. If we do anything like that we would have to do it before 2013

At 11:39pm on May 3, 2011, David McIlveen Wright said…


Darwin is a weird boy, but so lovable! His paw story is very long and unbelievable ... but here goes! It goes back to when he was a pup and he somehow got a cut in his paw, right underneath on the pad. It seemed to be healing up, but it got inflamed and infected - yes, through a grass seed getting in there! We guess he was trying to get at the source of his pain and started chewing one of his nails ... bit the nail off completely over time and exposed the tender flesh underneath. We bandaged his lower paw to try to keep him away from the nail, and then he started licking further up his leg .... exposing the flesh there because his tongue was so rough! For months now we have been trying to stop him doing this and it seemed that we just had success, but this morning he was at it again! I was so angry with him a couple of hours ago, and had to put a bandage on it again, but I believe the way the paw flexes when he runs put pressure on that spot and hurt him again. I want to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I could have killed him a few hours ago!

At 12:05am on May 4, 2011, Eunice Marott said…

i have just been having the problem where I could not reply. Poor Molly is she o.k. I hate it when they attack from behind. She should be able to go for her walk and have fun not have to worry about other aggressive dogs?

Glad you did not take her off the lead. She is now safely home and tucked up in bed

At 12:23am on May 4, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
i sent u an email because I could not send through your profile page
At 12:24am on May 4, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
i really do not have any patience for dogs like that. Molly knows the dog does she.. poor thing IS are not like that and would not it barking in her face
At 12:50am on May 4, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
freezing!!! where is spring and summer
At 1:40am on May 4, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
sure do.. the second sunday in May. If weather o.k. I have requested we take Molly to a park (where they allow dogs) and have a BBQ

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