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Sherry Miller's Comments

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At 5:52am on March 6, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
i am going to extend Molly's stay at the kennels. I am going to Alice Springs when I return from the wineries and Neil will go to work. Can't bear the tought of her staying home alone for a week 12 hours each day.
At 10:01pm on March 6, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
that makes me laugh you both checking. Molly will be o.k. Neil will be in Sydney at work. I will be with my son and two granddaughters in Alice while my daughter in law will be in Sydney with the two younger boys attending her grandfather's funeral. It will be good for her though as she has not been back since she left and will have a lot of catching up to do. Not many of the family have seen the new little one. I watched a movie New in Town last night and I think it was located somewhere near the area where you live. Very cold and heaps of snow.
At 11:26pm on March 6, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
your Molly must love you both so much. I guess it is like us humans daughters seem to go to the male figure. Our Molly loves Neil to bits I am sitting on the lounge with the laptop on my lap and Molly is so close she is just about on my lap. She sleeps heaps but when Neil gets home she goes really mad with excitment. They are a joy that is for sure.
At 2:14pm on March 7, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
they are so funny. When you say she roos I guess it is like Molly does almost like she is talking. Molly does the waddle her bottom thing and turns her body and then makes those noises. Sometimes I take her to the local shops and meet Neil when he gets off the bus from the city.. I have to watch her doing that because she gets so excited in the street when she sees him she could forget about the cars etc around her.
At 5:00pm on March 7, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
our Molly is like that sometimes just wants to walk along. our first IS was more into doing her own thing and didn't want to be made a fuss of. We can walk to the shops but coming back is up a steep hill which I don't like all that much. We drive it is about 700 meters to shopping village and beach. It is hard to get good pictures of them as they are too quick. Molly has pulled some rubbish plants onto the decking and doing her gardening.. looks a real mess.
At 5:23pm on March 7, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
thats so Irish. I will be in Alice on St Patricks day... wonder what they do there. The aborginal culture is very dominant in Alice. Molly just goes and gets plants usually not important ones and brings them up and chews them up. She has not done it for awhile but I guess now is time. It is cooler but still reasonably hot. Will be mid 30's in Alice I really don't know how they stand it. Sometimes in the outskirts in middle of summer it has been known to reach 50 c 
At 8:52pm on March 7, 2011, Eunice Marott said…

there are parades in the city of Sydney and various other areas. I must admit I have always been too busy at work to care much about it. Your Molly will be looking great in her green and enjoy the corn beef etc. have not had corn beef for ages...I think I am helping out at number 2 grandchilds pre school on st patricks day.. that will be a laugh.

first IS was the garden one. She would dig up anything in sight. My roses one year I was not happy. Second IS just did the escaping thing. Molly is a good girl most of the time. 

At 9:38pm on March 7, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
thats so funny. can picture Molly all in green what a delight. The bars thing would be like our Australia Day. Countless arrests and accidents occur that day which is the end of January. They are going to demolish the house next door in a week or so I am going to keep Molly inside and also the cats. I guess it will be noisy. Molly is alseep on the deck amongst her gardening now what a life. She is lying in the sun with the two cats.  
At 2:27am on March 8, 2011, Eunice Marott said…

we are much the same here. We had the gay parade in the city last saturday night. they are trying to change trading hours for drinking... who knows. We live about 40kms from the city of Sydney.

I wonder what your Molly was doing?? The people next door are re building I must admit I am not too happy about it. Molly outside now playing with her toys.

At 12:01am on March 9, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
i was just going to send you a message. Molly seems to have an infection in her eyes and off to kennels tomorrow. Any suggestions on what to do. Her eyes are quite mucky.
At 12:54am on March 9, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
they don't seem to bother her. I will get Neil to wash them when he gets home but one eye was a bit mucky the other night and Neil cleaned it but it came back. Her eyes look a bit dull if anything. It is nearly 6pm here hopefully Neil will be home soon.
At 12:55am on March 9, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
i am taking my laptop so I will have contact. I will send you a message between tasting our wines ha ha
At 1:22am on March 9, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
green I just had a look. Neil home so he can clean it up and hopefully the place where we drop her before the kennels pick her up will not notice.
At 4:37am on March 9, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
as i am not the vet nurse i left it until Neil came home. He has cleaned them but will do again in the morning. Thanks for your help, hope she is o.k. i think she will need some cream for a vet.
At 6:14pm on March 9, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
Molly definetly has an infection. Neil sorted her and we dropped her at the vets for her 2 hour trip to boarding kennels. I am at the airport it is 11.15am in Sydney. thanks for your help.. I hope they phone and mention it to me so I can get it sorted while I am away. 
At 2:51pm on March 13, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
monday morning here just before 7am. Back in Sydney great wine and food. Have not heard how Molly is but I email later today when I arrive in Alice. What a weekend lots of wine and I am exhausted. It will be interesting to see whether they mention Molly's eyes unless they have cleared up. anyway talk later.
At 3:12pm on March 13, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
in Sydney off to the airport soon. Stayed here last night. Because Neil worked for Qantas we get staff rates for another few years which means we go standby which is always stressful. Anyway wish me luck and then we I see grandkids 2 will be going on the plane to Sydney and the other two with me. I don't think I will get much rest and I can tell u I am tied after all that great food and I mean great and wine.
At 1:54am on March 14, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
great flight. Now in Alice they are 1 1/2 hours behind Sydney.
At 5:02am on March 15, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
all good. Took the girls to the movies this afternoon. no news of Molly I will phone or email them to see how she is. Hope you are o.k. and your Molly xxx  
At 5:13am on March 17, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
i sent an email and received a reply that Molly was fine. Interesting to see how her eyes are when she returns tomorrow. All good here but really hot over 30c nearly 38c. I thought I had done with this weather. We are in central Australia so I suppose it is standard but even the girls said how hot it is. Very humid for this part of Australia. you are still having cold weather. How was your St Patricks day with Molly? We don't put on that much here. i will be glad to be home but will miss our girls.

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