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Has anyone out there got any words of wisdom when caring for a dog recovering from an operation for Bloat (GDV). We have just come back from holiday to find out that Bailey had to have an emergency operation. He is fine apart from trying to keep him from jumping up. As directed he is being fed 4 small meals a day and only 10 min gentle walks but as the op was almost a week ago and he has five days until the stitches are removed, he is becoming a bit of a handful (again)!

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I suggest you use a crate, this would stop him from jumping up, but only 5 days until his stitches come out, so unless you already have one, a bit late now to get one. He is very young to have had Gastric Tortion, and I believe it can be stress related, perhaps a D.A.P collar would help if he has to be left again. Hope he makes a good recovery. I have experienced bloat in the past, and suggest feeding twice daily, and never later than 6.00pm in the evening, I expect he has had his stomach stitched to prevent it twisting again, but dogs can still bloat even after having surgery. Good luck with him, regards Linda.
Thanks Linda. We still have the crate which we are using and although with the his collar it is not easy for him to move but as you say we have only got until Friday. I have never heard of a DAP collar and will investigate. You are not the first to say he is very young to have had this and as we are not due to go away for a while, he will not be left until 2011. Thanks for the advice
Oh Shelley, so sorry to hear about Bailey, hope he recovers well and is back to his usual self soon. Where was he when this happened?? Was he in kennels? Its such a scary thing to happen and he is so young. Setters do love to jump up, we have tried for years to get Tilly not to but she still does at times Hope you are ok too! xx
Bailey is almost back to his normal self - half the problem. I hate kennels and none of my setters have ever been sent to them. Bailey went back to his breeder but unfortunately she was away for her own holiday when this happened.
Bailey is not normally a stressed dog and I have no idea what actually caused it (and probably never will) which makes so much more distressing for us. He is also so young for this to happen - only 13 months. Will also investigate a Telling Touch body wrap - many thanks
Bailey has had his stomach stiched and hopefully that will work. Bailey is our 4th setter and from the start we have always been so so careful not to feed and then exercise that I am at a loss as to why this happened, especially when we were away.
We changed Bailey's food about 2 months ago to something called Barking Heads which was recommended to us - we changed from Iams. At present he is still on tinned food from the vets to which I will gradually introduce his normal food later in the week which apparently from instructions I was given yesterday, I do have to soak. He was actually staying with the Breeder when this happened although she was on holiday at the time.
Hi there,

I have a dog who suffers from bloat. He developed the problem at 9 months and has now had two major operations to alleviate the problem the last being back in October last year. It appears younger dogs are now developing bloat more so than previously where it could be several years before any problem became evident.
Stress is a major factor and a strict food regime is also very important. He cannot eat any form of kibble. We still feed four meals a day. We are 50% through a partial diet change which seems to be working but this is being done over several weeks and we don't intend any further changes until he has by seen by the specialist again next month.
I'm told by the specialist that a gastropexy does cure the bloating problem in a significant number of cases although unfortunately in our case it hasn't. But at least this procedure does help prevent the stomach turning in a subsequent bloat episode and does help the owner's necessary "peace of mind" that Sue Humphrey mentioned previously.
Thanks so much for that - am sorry you also went through it - I was beginning to think that Bailey was the youngest dog ever to get the condition
Hi Shelley, hope Bailey is ok, just thought you might find this information of some help:www.globalspan.net/bloat.htm I have found the site quite useful, and always feed my dogs some raw minced meat with their dry food, which I never add any water too. Good Luck.
Thanks for the article which was very interesting. Only thing is that it says that the feeding bowls should not be elevated and we have been told that they should be! He is on 4 small meals a day and although he loves the food he wants more - I feel like I am starving him!
Thanks for all your help Sue - will now put the bowls on floor level




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