Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

I have never been to Crufts mainly because I am in two minds about the whole show business side of dog breeding and also because it's a bit of a trek to get to Birmingham from the South Coast.

However, I fear it's the only time I'll ever be able to see a whole load of Setters of all different shapes and sizes in one place.

So I've been looking at dates and have noticed that the gundogs are lined up for Sat 9th March which is nice because I won't need to take time off work and the hubby will be able to look after the Peril. 

Is anyone here thinking of attending the show? And what are the general recommendations for newcomers to dog shows? Are all the Setter breeds kept in one area? Are breeders/exhibitors happy to let you interact with their dogs and ask questions?


Any thoughts and suggestions will be much appreciated.


Best, KC

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Hello All -

thanks so much for the rich feedback. A trip to Crufts would involve 3 trains and one hike across London so I doubt I'd be making it to Birmingham before late morning/12 noon. Hand on heart: would that be too late? I think Sue H. suggested judging starts at 9AM.... Eeeek!

As a result of my travel arrangements I really hadn't planned on buying any bulky items but was hoping - as Jean suggested - to check out a few doggie accessories in the flesh (before making any potential online killer purchases).

Also, I promise not to bother any stressed show people. Not my style really. In fact I'd probably be too shy to approach anyone anyway for fear of coming across as an imbecile or being in the way.

I really like the idea of seeing LOTS of Setters in one place though. My idea of heaven really....




The good thing about your plan is that you shouldn't be charged the sky-high commuter hour rates on the train fare London to Birmingham. I used to arrive at about that time as otherwise it would cost a bomb. Dogs and bitches will be judged at the same time and you'll miss the early classes. However the entry numbers for Crufts are higher than any other show so the classes take longer. If there are no unexpected holdups it may average about half an hour per class, if the class entry is around 20 dogs as usual, so you may miss the first four classes or so, that would be Veteran, Special Puppy, Junior and Special Yearling. Timing is just a guess as the entry numbers aren't known and people judge at different speeds.

376 Irish Setters entered for Crufts - is that enough?

Hi KC and Errol

I will be coming down from Scotland....but as a few people have said we as owners and breeders of these beautiful dogs, are more than wiling to talk about our 'offspring'' but do ask first before making contact with the actual dog...some of them 'guard' their benches and will 'mug' anyone that comes near...grabbing them and drawing them into their domain...usually to lick the person to death....lol

One little thing that I would leave you with as a 'must do.......wear comfortable shoes.......it is a very long day...and your feet really do suffer, well speaking as a slightly older person mine definitely do...lol, 

And I am like others very willing to chat about my handsome ''kids'' and there is usually a lot of lovely people to talk to...if you get a minuet do come chat...

Give Dee's furbabies a hug from me too Catherine. Such a great opportunity. Enjoy.

The four setter breeds are all close to each other in the same hall, so its not difficult to watch something of all of them. Crowds tend to be densest around the Irish Setter ring. Mel's advice about not trying to chat up exhibitors before they have been in the ring is sensible,and particularly not just as they are waiting to go into the ring, they are too busy to talk to you, better to watch what is going on in the ring earlier in the day, and talk to exhibitors on the benches later . If you really want to learn something its a good idea to find a seat by the ring, catalogue in hand, and concentrate on watching the dogs and the judging carefully, rather than drifting around not really focussing on anything. Yes, comfortable shoes are essential!


Hey KC!

Gaby and I will be attending on the gundog day (only ever been on Pastoral days so am very excited!). Obviously we'll only be going as spectators though :P you've met the terror.

Would be great to see you so let me know if you do go along!

Look me up! Would love to meet you!:-)

That would be great! :)

Howdy all - have been out of the loop for a while. Mainly because of recent developments: we have a new addition to the clan! His name is Byron and he's 8-months old. All going well so far but had honestly forgotten how exhausting a puppy can be...  :-) FB and ES just had to be put on the backburner for a while.

Anyways, as a result I'm now not going to Crufts this year as I have decided to spend the money I had put aside for the trip on enrolling Byron on a KC accredited Good Citizenship Puppy Class. Will just have to watch the show on telly (assuming there will be coverage). Hope to join the masses and to hook up with ES people next year.

All those going - enjoy! Hope there will be lots of stories to tell.

Crufts will wait......enjoy your new baby! He is sitting quite obediently already! :-)

Catherine - I think you are overestimating Byron's attention span. I took 6 quick snaps yesterday and this is the only one not totally blurred or with half a dog missing....   :)

Indeed there will be plenty of opportunities to visit Crufts. I was looking forward to the show of course but getting Byron has given me a taster of all the different shapes and sizes IS come in.




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