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Important information contained here. American behaviorist Wendy Volhard wrote about this many years ago in one of her books.
What adding this to my dogs diets has done for them is truly amazing. I don't think she makes a strong enough point in all honesty, considering it has actually reversed a terminal illness in one of my dogs.
I'm curious Fran....What was the terminal illness and how do you know for sure that it was adding enzymes to the dogs food that reversed it?
I thought 'terminal' meant that the illness is too far advanced to be cured by medicine or any other method.
That's precisely what I was told Torie, both by my local vets and by the specialists at Cambridge,. I can't remember the name they gave to the condition, but it is something like a doggie MS but isn't that. Her nerves were demyelinating and they said that they knew of no dog who had survived more than 9 months beyond diagnosis. There was no treatment available, all I could do was make her comfortable until the end came. Believe me, it was horrible, because in the state she was in during September of last year, I could see the end starting her right in the face. She was even falling down and struggling to get up as she did her poops. I remember crying as I watched her struggle. A few days later I was told about the enzymes, and then watched another Becker video, which described Tallulah's early symptoms. I thought I have nothing to loose, but my gut feeling was telling me "get them, get them you can't get them quick enough". Whilst my logic was saying "don't rely on this" my gut feeling was saying that I could buy her more time if nothing more. Well, within a few days, of having them,.I noticed what came out of her rear end was different. Nothing undigested, and she got up faster than she had. I remember thinking, well this has happened within a few days, lets just see where this leads. A week later, she took off across the field after a rabbit!!!!! She came back in a near collapsed state. I didn't report any of this to the vets because I didn't know if this was a one off rally of energy. The next day, she could barely move..... another week went by and off she went again, and again and again, and bit by bit I saw my girl re-appearing. I then sent a video over to Cambridge, and to my local vets, and they were shocked beyond belief. The last time she was checked over by her conventional vet (about 3 months ago), he said "whatever it is you are doing for her, keep on doing it because I am truly amazed", Her new holistic vet she that she is surprised about the extent of the reversal of her condition, but she is absolutely over the moon about it, as it will obviously give hope to other people whose dogs have this condition. In fact, the vet who treated her at Cambridge, his mum has an elderly Setter who was failing in a very similar way and was expected to be put to sleep over a year ago...... she is still here. She hasn't regained the strength in her legs which Tallulah has, probably because she is over 13 years of age, whereas Tallulah is 9, but she is still here and still very much enjoying life.
Stress doesn't help Tallulah, her gut has been upset over the past week or so because of the fireworks we have had going off around us with both November 5th and the Asians with Diwali and I have noticed Tally wobbling a bit again so I have increased her enzymes now and put her back on her Phosphorus which her holistic vet has recommended. Apart from that, a couple of weeks ago, this dog who used to do agility, and had to stop leapt over some railings, and then leaped over the railings in the park which she always loved doing.... effortlessly, therefore there is still a level of reversal going on. What I have also done recently to assist with her gut issues is start adding (very small amounts at first) of fermented food into her diet, to help turn bad gut bacteria into good. Latest research has shown that many gut issues in humans (and probably dogs too) are caused by bad and gut bacteria. I remember a vet telling me years ago that some bloated dogs have what he termed as "weird" bacteria, not good, not bad - but "weird stuff". I am also adding fermented food into my diet, and am starting to notice some surprising changes, and I am still in the very early stages. Evidently it can take up to 2 years to reach a good balance of good and bad bacteria and for the full effects to take place. Again, I have a very open mind about it, and am just prepared to do it and see where it goes. For myself and Tally, we have nothing to loose from it. It might not do any good, but if we do it correctly, it wont do any harm either, and correctly is very small amounts to begin with.
Hi Fran
I am pleased that what you are doing is helping Tallulah.
I have been fighting to keep my English Setter, Hobson alive particularly in the last 12 months since Hammer, Rose and Annie died. All of Hobson's health problems have been caused by vets, both non-holistic and holistic. I have been on the mailing list for Dr Becker/Mercola for quite some time. They could not help me with Hobson but recommended I purchase Dr Becker's book. I learned nothing from this book re nutrition for Hobson but was relieved when it was stated in this book: We think it is more important to eat a fresh diet than to be stuck in the fixed belief that food must be raw. Animals who should eat cooked food include those who have suppressed immune systems. Don't let your philosophy about food lead you to ignore what your animals tell you. Be observant and flexible.
I provide Hobson with a choice of food and I listen to him. His health problems are complex. Digestive enzymes have not worked for Hobson. Each animal (and human) is unique. There is no doubt that the stress and grief Hobson has suffered have aggravated his health problems. In saying this, I am very pleased that digestive enzymes have helped Tallulah. Digestive enzymes depend on the ingredients. Possibly where you live the ingredients are more suitable and are more appropriate for Tallulah's health problems. All that matters is that you have been able to help her and that you have tried and that you were prepared to seek out alternative options.
I have always believed that a natural diet supports a healthy immune system which will prevent disease. Until 2009 Hobson had never been given drugs or vet products for fleas and ticks etc but an holistic vet behaved deplorably and then I trusted another vet who almost killed Hobson. Unfortunately from my experience, holistic vets in Australia are primarily motivated by greed and arrogance. From my experience their diagnostic skills are atrocious. This does not help someone like me. The non-holistic vets on the other hand will not consider for instance, that yearly vaccinations compromise the immune system of dogs. Dogs are becoming sicker and dying too soon because of unnatural diets and drugs and vet products.
Since Hobson suffered GDV because of an incompetent vet he cannot tolerate raw food. He tells me what to feed him. I continue to try natural supplements because he needs help. Some work. Some don't. I am trying something different with him now. I continue to seek out people who care. Hobson is only 9yo. He looks older than Jessie at almost 15yo. There is no doubt that Misty, even though she is "over the top" in a way, is helping Hobson. Hobson keeps going because of my love for him, and I keep going because of his love for me. Holistic health includes unconditional love.
Hi, I really cannot agree with you more. There is another vet who speaks a great deal of sense too and that is http://peterdobias.com/
I am sure it was him who said that good nutrition is the key to all good health and my goodness this is just soooooo true. There is no one good diet for all dogs or humans BUT the quality must be good and species specific. I personally would love to be able to switch to the raw food caveman diet, but at the moment, my processing system is so badly damaged that it has caused me major problems when I tried it. I have to eat good food cooked, even if only lightly, and I am unable to eat most vegetables, raw or cooked, but can if they have been properly fermented. Everything has to be taken into consideration..... and taking everything into consideration is a truly holistic approach.
Tallulah's body told me that raw was best for her, and the quality of that raw diet was essential too, otherwise I would see completely undigested food coming out the bottom end, looking exactly like it did when it went in the top end. Her problem was, she had good food, really good food, but just wasn't absorbing it so that it could do what it should have been doing;. Something was missing, and for her, the missing key was the enzymes which enabled her to start using the good nutrition to support her broken body. I know from my own illness that bad nutrition and eating (and drinking) far too much sugar has left my body likewise very badly damaged. Bit by bit, I have managed to pull myself back from the bring, by changing my food, my lifestyle, but like Tallulah, there have been things missing. Bad gut bacteria has been a major issue, which I am now trying to address, and I think I have just hit upon another amino acid which my body needs to help it repair too, but things are still in the very early days of trying my theory out (today - I have had something very surprising happen, but at the moment I am not prepared to say what, just in case its a fluke.
Vets....... doctors...... my personal view is that they are now trained merchandisers for the pharmaceutical companies. They are not there to make me or my dogs well, they are there to sell drugs which they hope will make us well. Even our trip to the specialists at Cambridge just resulted in a concrete diagnosis, but no hope, and no advice on how I might help her to get better. They are there to 'treat' the symptoms, and not to dig deep and find out what the underlying cause was. That appears to have become my job, and its been the same for my own health. I have paid out to see top specialists, who just pat me on the head "keep taking the tablets and you will be fine" no - no - no. Again,. armed with what they have told me about my condition, I have come home and looked to the underlying issues and am working from the bottom up. Not just the outcome of what is going on at the bottom.
All diseases are just that DIS EASE and its finding the root of that DIS EASE and hoping to find a key to restore EASE. Everyone one, man and dog are individuals, and one mans meat is another man or animals poison. It is a constant journey for both me and Tallulah to find answers as to why our body's weren't processing the good foods and turning them into good health. The digestive enzymes could well work for others who have tried everything, including good food, but still finding like me, that things are still failing and going downhill. I do know of other owners who have found the enzymes very beneficial, including a cocker spaniel owner on my facebook. Like Tallulah, it was the key to unlocking his health. Another dog with another condition it could be something else which unlocks the door. All of our bodies are ecosystems where one this is dependent upon another thing operating properly. If one thing isn't working properly then it can bring the whole system down like a pack of cards, or at the very least - slow things down and create the odd symptom.
Unconditional love is the most important thing. Without this, I would not have kept on going in my quest to help Tallulah. I hoped the answer was out there for her, and it was a case of keeping on going until finding something and then trying it out. After all, what had we to loose. This afternoon she gave me the look which says it all "yes, I have been naughty, but it was great fun and I'm so happy hahahaha". That is worth more than any pot of gold on the face of the earth. Its pure magic !
You clearly give Hobson the same as I give Tallulah, and that's the chance of living life to the full and prepared to go to all lengths to ensure that he does. That is pure love. Please give him a hug from me too.
Hi Fran, I gave Hobson a hug from you. Thank you from both of us.
Hobson has developed a "cult following" (the word used by a staff member of one of the organisations who are trying to help) because of all the children and adults who we meet on our daily walks who are so worried about Hobson.
I am waiting to see how this new treatment goes. If Hobson improves, I will share some details in the hope this might help others. Even though I knew Hobson had to heal from the inside I have also tried every type of shampoo/conditioner for itchy skin. I believe I have now found a natural product which would suit every dog. Hobson has become their mascot. xxx
Hi Finn
Thank you for the hugs. I enjoy hugs as much as my English Setter kids. xxx
Yep Sue. I should have gone 10 years ago..... but I am still here hahaha...... I know I have had my moments where I wish I wasn't, but I int done yet. I obviously still have a reason for being here hahahaha.
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