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Help for a friend who lost her home and six Irish in April 2014.

I hope this is allowed. If not PLEASE let me know. I don't want to break any rules or post anything inappropriate.

A very dear friend of mine of over 15 years lost her home and six Irish in April of this year. She lives in a small rural Texas town. After literally hundreds of phone calls and emails I decided to do a fundraising page for her on GoFundMe to try to raise enough money to get her a reasonable and safe place to live and a vehicle to drive she didn't have to worry would break down.

I am posting the link and hope people will at least read the story and if possible donate. Even $5 helps out. With winter around the corner I am very concerned for her and her remaining dogs. I would also be extremely grateful if everyone who reads the story would post if to their FaceBook page and share it with everyone they know.

I am aware there was a recent incident in which people used the same situation to get donations which was nothing more than a scam. For this reason I want to point out there is a link within the page to the newspaper story done on my friend's fire. I had just returned from helping her deliver and care for a litter we bred in January 2014. I have one of the puppies. This lady is a wonderful, decent human being who has suffered more traged in the last seven years than most of us go through in a lifetime. If you have questions, comments, suggestions on people/places I can contact for help please let me kow. I will always respond as quickly as possible.

Here is the link to the page: www.gofundme.com/dhk0i0 (those are zeroes not o's)

Thank you.

Mary Fairchild Shader

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  I am sorry about the tragic time your friend has gone through.I am afraid I am unable to help financially but she is in my thoughts.



Denise and I both understand how difficult it is to have anything extra financially to help others at this time. Thank you for going to the page and reading it. If you could pass it along to others that you know it would be very much appreciated. Thoughts and prayers are often the greatest gift one can give and sometimes the biggest help to others in need.





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