Exclusively Setters

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hi guys,

Going back to a previous discussion and blog about Abbie and her fits, thanks to information I recieved from an ES member and a little extra diging, I can now report that Abbie`s breeder did not breed from her sibling. Only one of Abbie`s sisters had a litter ( in 2008 ) and this was from a different breeder, strangly from my home town, also none of this litter of 12 now 5 years old have been breed from to date, so maybe this chain has been broken.

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Thank you for this update.

Thank you for the update. Fingers crossed for the future of these Irish.

I have been in contact with the lady who breed from Abbie`s sister, pleased to say puppys now age 5 have had no problems. Abbie`s sister has enjoyed good health to, good news indeed.( Shame my biggest helper will not read this, maybe someone can tell her. )

I am replying the same post on 2 discussions, as I realy want the person concerned to know that I am so grateful for their help which has given me peace of mind, that at least the chain appears brocken and that a few less Irish will have to suffer what Abbie has. So anyone in contact with Sue Humphrys, please thank her from me.




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