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This is hilarious! I laughed til tears were rolling down my cheeks and the pups were barking like mad. The sad thing is that my first setter did this to a wall once, it was a mouse...not all amusing at the time but family lore now. I too would like to post on Facebook if that is ok...and maybe a framed print on the desk as well! Thank you Rob!
A framed print on the desk! LOL....best idea!


Go for it. The original pic was with XYZ dog and we took creative license and plugged Keba's face in. I think the original one we saw might have been on Facebook. There's something called Life with Dogs. Not sure myself as Beth messes with all that stuff. We all know what the Red Devils are capable of and they will always look at you afterwards with that 'Who me?" expression. If you got a good laugh as did everyone else, that's what I was after.




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