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This was posted on the Pets As Therapy forum today


LOST Dalmatian dog Haywards Heath RH17

From Dal list:

Please help us find Jaxx, he went missing from kennels on Sat 30th April.
The kennels didn't tell the owners until today when they went to pick him
up. On Sat he was been walked when a sudden thunder storm scared Jaxx and
he ran off. His owners are really upset and are we (we bred him) here is his
lost dog poster it has our number on as owners are out looking for him

http://www.doglost. co.uk/dog_ blog.php? dogId=29610

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I hope he is soon found.What an awful worry for you and the owners.
The worse nightmare possible!!!!  Wishing you all the very best in your search and let's believe in a quick positive ending.
oh no!! how awful for everyone concerned, do hope he is found soon safe and well ):

I can't believe the kennels didn't try to notify the owners sooner, very bad practice.  I volunteer for DogLost and although Jaxx isn't in my area and too far to physically go out searching for him (I'm in the North West) I will keep looking for him on the dog forums in case anybody finds him and posts.  It's promising that there have been a couple of possible sightings and people are out looking for him.  Hopefully it won't be long before he is home.

Will keep fingers and paws crossed x



Yes let's just hope that this poor dog is returned safely to his owners.  I will post any news I hear from the PAT forum let's hope it good news and soon .
I wonder sometimes about kennels...they must have had a contact number for the owners....I do hope that he is found safely very soon...its the unknown that is the worst thing here...


I have been following the link to see if he has been found and up to yesterday he was still missing.  

Ten days is a long time, he could be anywhere now so his owners must be frantic with worry.

There is poster on the site that you can print if you live anywhere near this area and would like to help 









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