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Our gorgeous 8mth old IRWS has been diagnosed with hip dysplasia in both hips :(

After noticing a couple of weeks ago that Poppy was holding her right leg and having periods of lameness, we took her to the vets. The first vet we saw - our usual vet was on holiday - said to have her on Metacam for a week as she thought it was muscle strain. At the time, I said that I would prefer to have her x-rayed as her hips weren't symmetrical and I suspected she was suffering from CDH - I explained that my eldest daughter suffers from the same thing and the symptoms were similar. She rotated the hips, not to a great degree and thought I was been over cautious.

A week later and she was still the same so I booked an appointment to have her seen by my usual vet today. As soon as he rotated her left hip, you heard it 'clunking' in and out of joint. The other hip couldn't even be rotated to that extexnt because it was too painful for her. When I saw the x-rays, it was like looking at my daughter's hips!

He memtioned about building up the muscle with hydro but I said I want her to have a triple pelvic osteotomy, as this is the best way of making sure she has as normal a doggy life as the other dogs.

She's booked in for next Friday for the op but I don't know whether to get her referred to Noel Fitzpatrick - the 'bionic vet'. I did mention it to him and he says the orthpaedic specialist they have have a great success rate with this procedure. It's just I know from past experience with my daughter, you need to get it right first time!

Also, he recommended changing her diet to Hill j/d, as this greatly slows down the arthritic process but I really don't like that stuff. We feed her on the BARF diet and give her salmon oil and glucasomine. This diet would be a lifetime thing, not just until she's recovered.

Any advice on the vet referral/food would be greatly received.

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Thank you for all your good wishes!

We did have an emergency trip to the vets today though! She manged to pull out all of her sutures in the time it took me to put my walking shoes on, despite having a lampshade on! I couldn't believe it, the wound was gaping open to the muscle, thankfully I had some post op dressing in the house! Good job I'm not squeamish :) She now has a rubber ring around her neck instead :)

Hope Poppy is alright and decides to settle down and be a model patient for you for a few weeks at least! 

She hasn't bothered with it - touch wood - since being restitched! She's really bored bless her and eager to run with the dogs, I'm sure she will be before we know it.

Well, Poppy had a set back on Saturday and has been in hospital ever since.

After being out for a couple of hours - and leaving Poppy in her crate - we came back to find her lame and her hip sticking out.

They operated on Tuesday and fitted a slightly larger head to reduce the 'give' in the hip so hopefully that will stop it happening in the furture.

I wouldn't care, on Saturday morning we were just saying how she was starting to favour the hip replaced leg over the other one! Typical!

Well, she's coming home tomorrow so hopefully it will be straight forward from then on in!

I hope it all goes well for Poppy now. thinking of you and her

Really hope everything will be fine now, and very soon your beautiful Poppy will be happy and full of joie de vivre.

oh no poor Poppy. I really hope her luck improves and fingers crossed that will be the end of surgery for her. She's very lucky to have found owners who love her so much and I'm sure she can't wait to start chasing birds, squirels and anything that moves.

I can't imagine anything harder than keeping a young IRWS calm. Best of luck to Poppy and your family and thanks for keeping us updated with how she is getting on xx

I hope it is straight forward for you and Poppy too. Paws and fingers crossed even tighter. Positive wishes

Thanks for your well wishes everyone.

I was speaking to the nurse this morning who was saying that as soon as they open the kennel doors she tries to dart out! At least they can see how bouncy an IRWS puppy really is!

I can't wait to have her home, we've all missed her especially Hattie, our little GR puppy :)

Poppy's home! She doesn't look overly impressed with the lampshade but she was so happy to see us :)

Welcome home Poppy, try to be a lazy on the couch setter.

Great news Emma, lovely Poppy is finally where she should be - at home!!!  Now all what is needed is a very speedy recovery  :-)




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