Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

some of you might remember me from earlier on :) i posted loads of photos. then facebook took over...

i have a photo in a competition on facebook, so all of you who are on there, could you please click on the link below and LIKE my photo of this beautiful Irish Setter. we cannot let the spaniel win!!


thanks so much!

photo attached for reference :) 

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Lovely photo, Laura. I'm not on FB, but best wishes with the competition. Hope you win with the IS.

the result was announced this morning  and yes, we did it :) thank you!

Well done Laura:)

thank you!

Great laura !! I am not in Facebook either so I hope you will still visit es from time to time ! Wonderful picture !!

will see, maybe i upload some photos again :) i learned a lot since the last posts here (photography wise) :)




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