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last two weeks i have sent out many mails, letters asking for help. IF YOU HAVE EXPERIENCED A BLOAT, TORSION OF YOUR (OR BRED BY YOU) IRISH SETTER mail me. thanks a lot.



Hildebrandstraat 24

5242 GE  Rosmalen



Email: wilko@malcompetsupplies.nl


Rosmalen, 11-10-2014


Dear Irish Setter lover,


This summer I started my project "Bloat is hereditary in Irish Setter". I write regularly since three years about the Irish Setter in the English weekly Our Dogs in the breed notes. If you are interested what I recently wrote about bloat, I can mail you a copy. Furthermore, I publish the magazine Jansen & Jansen with photos and articles about the Irish Setter. On Facebook, we have the Jansen & Jansen group with many photos and news, also from the past.

The reason I started my research. 1) In 2012 announced the AHT to do a survey about bloat in our breed. The aim was to find out whether it is hereditary or not and then trying to develop a DNA test for this killing disease. I thought that was a great initiative and after reading the proposal, I funded the total amount needed for step 1 of Phase A. And then the Animal Health Trust knew me no more. And then in 2013, the survey of the approximately 12,000 Kennel Club registered Irish Setters was finally started. Slower than planned. But asking more things and measuring the dogs. Then we would hear more in the summer months of this year. 2) This year I came into possession of the card index of the now 90-year-old Nel van der Sijde. And there was a lot of information of bloating Irish. 3) After looking in my large archive I decided to start my research.

As a result, in 2011 I was still of the opinion that bloat, as epilepsy, was not always hereditary. But now I'm of the opinion that it is hereditary. I have been looking at the internet for even more bloat messages. I did contact owners, breeders and have now already several hundred pedigrees over a period of 100 years from all over the world. Daily there are still coming in more. I get a lot of help from owners and yes also breeders. I'm still looking for additions to my pedigrees confirming my idea how it is inherited. Not only recent cases but especially cases in the past. Those old bloats every time confirm my idea.

Therefore, I contact you with my kind request for your kind collaboration.
I only need pedigree name. Operated on bloat yes / no. Died after bloat yes / no. And if yes, at what age. 

i am not only interested in bloat of you owned dogs but also if you had bad luck producing one or more in your breeding.
You can tell this confidential. But I'm a great believer in openness. That eases my publication in due course I look forward with great interest at your response, preferably by email. wilko@malcompetsupplies.nl


Yours sincerely, best wishes


Wilko Jansen


For those who don’t know me, I am in this breed since 1968. And started in 1973 in the Dutch Ierse Setter Club a yearly questionnaire amongst Irish setter owners about their health. The 1st club who did that and still does. I was then member of the Breeders Advice Committee and together with Wim van Gemert we have done quite a job (not appreciated by every “breeder”) to get less defects in a very popular breed. My experience will be published in a Jansen & Jansen special.

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Wilko I hope for the future of our Irish that your survey helps to find the answers.

We have had Irish Setters since 1973....strictly as companions but so far we haven't had to deal with bloat.

Our Molly is a rescue so no pedigree to help you with your studies. Thank you for all your work for

Our beloved Irish Setters.

Sherry and Molly

Unfortunately the kennel club will keep registering puppies from 'bloating' close siblings because its all money....one of the puppies from my last litter bloated, I would never now use my dog at stud.....but people will still use animals even after being told that a close sibling has bloated, probably thinking that it will not be a problem....as for the COI that again comes down to money and people thinking that ''close line breeding'' is a good thing for the breed......that is a difficult one....is it line breeding or in-breeding????? that is where the problem lies.......if it works and no problems its called line breeding if it doesn't well its in-breeding.....you can only tell after a few years. 

Hi there, just came back from the vets today as jamie kept having bouts of upset tummy. he put me on the raw food diet and since then not only has jamie been a lot better but he informed me that no dog has ever had bloat that has been fed on a raw diet. Its the grains and the fermentation that causes bloat. I am going to agree with him as jamie has so much less gas than when he was on the royal canin, he sleeps better, less fidgety. Did they do a survey on dogs fed on raw food?

hi, sorry my conclusion is since summer last year and confirmed beginning of this year that bloating, stomach distension in irish setters is hereditary. you can mail me the pedigree name of your dog.:  wilko@malcompetsupplies.nl

and i can ask you and others to join the american project to discover the dna.



I'm sorry to have to inform you Alison that bloat CAN be a problem in 'raw food' diet, we always fed raw back in the '70's and '80's .....and it is probably mostly hereditary, though for me, and this is just my opinion, some can get it through stressful situations, (being pre-disposed by the body shape setters have) please still keep an eye on your Jamie.

And if a dog is given a 'Gastoplexie' (have got to say I don't know how to spell that) if your dog is operated on, they can still get bloat with that too....

I am not just 'spouting off' I do have a lot of experience of bloat, having lost all my lines back in the '80's with bloat, as I said please still be watchful about it. And I hope that you never have the problem.

the end of 2014 i published a 16 page update. i am now working upon another update.

you can still share your bloat experience(s) with me. also from years ago are very helpful

Hi there Wilko

I am quite happy to let you know, (although I think you already have my ''kids'' names and pedigree's) although I don't think that you have the information about the wee bitch in my last litter ''Kirkavagh Darara at Mayfred.......X.....Sumaric Shadow of Mr Jingles'' she died of bloat last year.....if you want any more info please don't hesitate to ask me....

Hi Dee,

yes you were one of those who gave me lots of information in 2014. and your last sad experience is new. i do really hope that some wake up and contact me with their experiences with bloat cases. i started sending out emails and "advertising" on sites two weeks ago and once again i got much response. it are also old cases from the past that help me with the research and confirm every time my idea. i think i got in last 2 weeks more than 30 pedigree names and am still waiting for more. and yesterday evening i had a very good conversation and got a name and that gave me much work to trace. by the way that yesterday evening mentioned case was the third in the litter. something the informant doesn't know. if you have something for me you can mail me wilko@malcompetsupplies.nl

Thank you for that, and I will of cause get in contact if I hear more....but I do think I said at the beginning of your quest that my daughter gave up in the end because of a lack of enthusiasm from the breeders etc.....its only the people that have the pet dogs that are willing to say something......because the 'breeders' have their money to think of unfortunately....good luck with your quest do keep us informed of your findings.....me thinks you will need a lot of luck.....the breed certenly needs something doing.


well. last month i published another 24 pages with my conclusion and warning. and it is now up to the breed what they are going to do. anybody interested in this edition. mail me wilko@malcompetsupplies.nl

I can still use bloat, torsion cases of Irish Setters. not only recently. mail me your experience. THANKS. 




I’ve just seen your post on the forum and wanted to know if you are still interested in cases of bloat in Irish Setters.  My 9 year old has recently had this a second time.





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