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Testicular tumour & risks of general anaesthetic for older setters

Hi all,

My name is Tony and I own a 11yr 2mth old English Setter boy who's name is Mitch. I stumbled upon this forum whilst researching the risks of general anaesthetic and testicular tumours in older setters, which much to my dismay Mitch has just been diagnosed with. This website seems like a kindly and knowledgeable place to get some much needed advice/thoughts on the above, which I hope you don't mind is the main reason why I have just joined.

The current situation is that I have Mitch booked in with my vet on tuesday morning for pre-op blood tests to check liver & kidneys, which if ok will be followed by testicle removal on the same day. She (my vet) has informed me of the risks involved with the anaesthetic and that surgery generally has a good success rate. She also said that if I choose to not have surgery  then this type of tumour is usually not particularly aggresive, but couldn't give me an estimate of how long Mitch could go on for.

Even though I have Mitch booked for surgery I am still at sixes and sevens (to put it mildly) whether to go through with it or leave well alone and let things take their course. Most of my family and friends think that surgery would be the best option and am leaning slightly that way myself. I realise that the decision is down to me in the end and that no two cases are the same but would welcome and appreciate any thoughts, especially from members who have had experience with testicular tumours  in their setters or had older dogs put under general anaesthetic for something else. Goes without saying really that I love my boy to bits and only want to do what's best for him.

I should also mention that with the exception of some arthritis and being on medication for an underactive thyroid, Mitch is in good condition and when we're out walking people often say how good he looks for his age.






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Thanks for the info Howard.  One question - is it ok to give him Kaolin with added "Morphine"?

He has not been to the toilet since, did see him straining to go once but nothing came out, this often happens when he han an upset stomach. It must have been extremely uncomfortable for him this time though.

Mitche's stomach is also very noisy when upset - sounds like he's got a mini Zebedee bouncing around in there on times.


Cheryl and Lyn, many thanks for your kind thoughts. 



Thankyou Tracy, Yes, he was given pain medications. My vet asked me to go back if I thought he needed more pain relief but he seems fine at the minute. I am currently giving him the stomach soothing paste my vet prescribed yesterday. It is a 3 day course of treatment, if the condition persists following this, I will do as you and my vet advise and go back for further consultation.



My vet advises kaolin only ,which is available from a dispensing chemist(or should be). I think the children's version is morphine free.Remember that kaolin can cause constipation too.

I think the advice to see,or at least talk to,your vet is very sensible.

Latest on Mitch is that he's recovering well. Bowel problem has cleared up and his appetite is back to normal.

I have attached some photos of him taken today. The bedraggled thing he has hold of is his favourite toy....yuk!


Oh Tony, what an absolute sweetie.  Gorgeous boy.  I am so pleased to hear he is doing well.  Wonderful news.

Hi Tony

I just read this discussion and looked at your photos of Mitch .. what a beautiful English Setter boy. I am so pleased Mitch is doing so well. I own 4 English Setters, 3 boys, 2 aged 10yo and 1 aged 7yo, and a lady aged 12yo. Remember that the feeling our beautiful friends pick up more than our worry is our unconditional love for them, and I am certain they appreciate our worry. Love is the greatest healer of all. Best of wishes to you and Mitch.

What a gentleman he is ,Tony.  I know even when they are our  old gentleman dogs they are still our babies so I am so happy he is coming along after the surgery.  Hope you are soon able to take those wonderful walks with him and I bet Mitch is missing those as much as you are.

Just recieved the biopsy results from my vet, and good news it is too!...I am happy to report that the tumor was an interstitial cell type, prognosis is good with no further treatment required. :-)))

Thank you Lynn, Susan and Sherry for your kind words and for the nice comments on the photos of my precious boy.

Great news,I am so pleased for you and for Mitch.
Fantastic news Tony.  I'm so happy for you & of course your gorgeous Mitch.  Go give him a huge hug from us.  He is a lucky boy to have such a devoted Dad. 

Wonderful news, I am really glad to know all turned out to be okay and that Mitch will not need further treatment.

He truly is a gorgeous boy. All the best for you, I hope Mitch continues to recover as well and fast as he seems to be recovering so far.

Now you are free to enjoy your boy worry-free again!

Great news x




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