Well we were in PA, Saskatchewan a couple of weeks ago and we managed a Master Snooker and Advanced Standard. The elusive standards have been a struggle as we are weak on contacts. My fault.....lack of committment to criteria. I have finally set one and though it may not work for everyone it does for Zena. We use the word, "Freeze" to Zena this means hold on for more information....it doesn't mean stop but she continues her motion but doesn't fly off the a-frame or the dog walk. I've been working it in practice sessions and it seems to be coming together. This coming weekend we are off to Moose Jaw for our last trial of the year. I am looking forward to a break from trialing as now need to look forward to some training.
We have a couple members from our club who have been working for the past 14 weeks with the jump chute. It has been interesting to see the progress that they've made. I haven't worked the jump chute but have used pieces of it.
Airess has been busy in her first agility class. We have had 4 classes and she is doing very well. I actually believe that Irish Setters have a natural affinity for weaving. That was one of the easiest things to teach Zena and it is seeming the same for Airess. She is very keen to complete anything I ask and as with Zena she likes to do things right.