Exclusively Setters

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When is time to brush?

Is anyone getting new teeth now? We already start loosing our baby once.



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Hi All ~ Joss lost his last baby tooth last night. I thought it was just planning to stay in there! All the others had dropped out awhile ago but this last tooth just hung on. However it was no match for a game of tug o war and out it popped. James managed to save it so in the end I have 3 puppy teeth. And if the rain stops tonight Joss graduates from his last conformation class too - then we are flying blind for the rest of this year. Outta the nest we go and into the ring - he has another 2 shows in mid June and we are looking forward to the trip. It should be a big 2 days for us, there will be 2 other pups Joss age there and I am stoked to meet them!
I can't wait to hear how things go for you. Rio finally lost her last baby tooth a couple of weeks ago. Like you, I thought it was going to hang on forever. Rio's first show is this weekend. I am must hoping she will keep all 4 feet on the ground!! Keep in touch with how the shows go. Kisses to Joss. Pam




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