My Sweet Boys

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    rob winemaker

    I just wanted to say that Rooker (forefront) left us this past Sunday. He was 13-5mos. I am beyond heartbroken as he was truly a Daddy's boy. Keba is not well himself with a large tumor. I'm sure many of you as well but I measure the periods of my life by the dogs I've had. Rooker now rests out back by the stream with those that came before. Please give your reds and others an extra hug for me. They are the bestest good dogs.

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    Catherine Carter

    Only just seen your post...I don't come on this site very often anymore...I know too well the pain of losing our Irish so my thoughts are with you free Rooker xxxx

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    rob winemaker

    That's not too far away. I believe it is a little too soon but I would look at the post. In the future, if you happen to spot something and maybe think of me, please send it along. I prefer a puppy but am not adverse to a young adoptee and then a pup. Thank you Catherine.
    May I ask, have you had both males and females? I have always had intact males and I just love the size and athleticism they exhibit but am wondering if a smaller female might be different. So the question would be, how do you see them as different? Sensitive, more cuddly, stick a little closer??? Thanks