Irish Setters in Iceland

  • Maureen Savage


    can we have your comments in English please, I gather you were telling Gaui about Albert.

    Love M xx
  • Gudjon Sig Arinbj

    Sælt veri fólkið.

    Írsk setterdeild ætlað að fara í göngu þann 20. des. n.k.
    Við ætlum að hittast við Olís í Norðlingaholti/Rauðavatn kl.13, keyrum svo í convoy að Silungapolli og gerum okkur glaðan með voffunum okkar ;)
    Endilega hafa með sér nesti, fyrir menn og hunda, til að gæða sér á þegar komið er á leiðarenda. Alltaf stemming að fá sér heitt kakó/kaffi í kroppinn og jafnvel smákökur með, (eins og í gamla daga).

    Hlökkum til að sjá ykkur sem flest,

    f.h. stjórn írskt setterdeildar,
    Guðjón Sig Arinbj.
  • Gudjon Sig Arinbj


    Irish Setter department intended to go hiking on 20 December.
    We intend to meet with Olís in Norðlingaholti / Rauðavatn kl.13, then drive in convoy to Silungapolli make us cheerful day with our four legs frends;)
    Please have a lunch, for humans and dogs. It is aways good to have hot coco/ coffee in our boody and even brownies with, (like in the old days).

    Looking forward to see you all .

    Happy Christmas,
    f.h. Board Irish Setter Department,
    Guðjón Sig Arinbjarnar.
  • Maureen Savage


    I wish i could join you all.

    love M xx
  • Maureen Savage

    Iceland is a fantastic country for dog owners. Been there many times and seen quite a lot of the country. Did a couple of treks and a bike ride with a charity group from the UK. I could certainly live here quite happily.
  • Trudy Walsh

    Are there any results for the Junior Handlers who went to the Nordic Winners Show in Finland?
  • Guðrún Dögg

    The Icelandic handlers did very well and three of them got into semifinal (10 handlers) and the Icelandic team was in second place =)

    1. place individuals:Hilde Fredriksson (FI) with Saluki
    2. place individuals: Linnea Sandberg (SE) with English Springer Spaniel
    3. place individuals: Katrine Jeppesen (DK) with Wire Fox Terrier

    1. place teams: Finland
    2. place teams: Iceland
    3. place teams: Norway
  • Trudy Walsh

    Excellent results!
    Well done everyone.
  • Trudy Walsh

    Happy New Year to all of my Setter friends in Iceland, from a very cold and snow covered Dublin.
  • Trudy Walsh

    Can someone give me the e-mail address of the Icelandic Kennel Club please?