Camera Corner

For anyone interested in dog photography or photography overall!
  • Robert Krajnc

    Thanks Jarno for establishing this group. Hope to see a lot of good photos.
  • Susan Stone

    Thank you Jarno & Nemo!!!!
    Now what would you photograph on a grey and rainy day like we had today? I did admire the rainsdrops sparkling today but my camera stayed at home, warm and dry;-))
  • Catherine Carter

    I hope I can join this group....I am interested in photographing our beautiful dogs but I am not very good at it yet! I hope to learn from all of you ! Thank you for accepting me!
  • sammi pease

    Hi Jarno...and everyone...look forward to some good discussions we all love and appreciate our dogs and nature...
  • Robert Krajnc

    Anne realy beautiful photos. I am glad to have oportunity to see this.
  • Zsuzsanna Kázsmér: Maya and Skíp

    Hi Jarno and everybody!
    I love photography too.I've got a Canon EOS 450D with 70-200mm, 50 mm macro lens and 50-lens and 18-55mm lens.
    I don't know how to make photos but i want to learn.
    my album, the place where I live:
    photos about dogs:
  • Jo Ottinger

    Thank you for starting this group. I need to learn how to take better pictures also. Any help is appricated
  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    probably all photos on my profile were taken by other people but I really love photography.
    Maybe i'll learn here, I hope;)))
  • Mariana Åhnberg

    Hallo really fun idea!!
  • Maggie Smith

    I would love to take shots like Susan Stone - I have all the gear but no idea! This group looks good.
  • Laura Kolbach

    lurking lurking :-)
  • Susan Stone

    You are right, Jarno, we kept pushing you... but as Barbara says: we are the pupils, you are the expert;-))
    Maggie - I feel very honoured! But to be honest I have not got enough understanding of the technical side to always get what I want. On the other hand I try to keep an eye open for situations and conditions where I think I may shoot that 'ultimate' picture. I find good dog photography needs to be planned and you need to be willing to spend time without loosing patience...
    A good lesson to learn from Jarno's photo gallery: never take dog pictures when YOU are standing in an upright position. It pays to kneel or lie down flat:-))
    Have fun:-))
    It can also help to have a well trained dog:-)) I'm thinking of Nemo in the Moon!!
  • Susan Stone

    Sorry, Barbara, now you will lie down flat at dogshows:o))
  • Monique VIRY

    I'm a beginner and I have so much to learn !!!

  • Susan Stone

    Haha, Monique, at least you got a bit of dog on the picture:-))
  • Robert Krajnc

    Hello everyone! I am glad that this group is spreading so fast. And allready now at the beginning you can admire beautiful photos from our members. And these are all kind of photos not only photos with our beloved setters. This way is more interesting. For all that wants to know more about photografy I propose to view the link below. It is a good site with lots of advices for good photography. It is intended specialy for Nikon camers but you should ignore this. Because there are many good advices in general regarding photography. On the page you can view 23 videos each 10 minutes long. Scott Kelby author of bestseller Digital photografy is taking you trough basics of photography: flash, lenses, exposure ...
  • Robert Krajnc

    Just for fun

    Very cool video with famous photografer.
  • Nicole Wilson

    Wonderful idea with this group! Thank you for having the idea and creating it. I used to love taking landscape photos and wasn't too bad at it, I don't think, but setters are a totally different subject and it's so hard to take a good photo.
  • Patricia Collins

    Hello group! I just love to take pictures of my 2 year old Irish. I bought a new camera a digital SLR and am looking forward to exploring ways to portray him!
  • Jeanette Lilja

    As Nicola said, wonderful idea! A place to give and get tips and tricks, and of course to dream away when looking at all photos.
  • Kay Donnelly

    Such a great idea. I live in hope of getting the perfect photo so count me in.
  • Kerstin Thaens

    Hi there, I luckily found this group when I read Cornelia's comment on the Main page some minutes ago. Sometimes it is very hard to realize that either my camera, my own limited skills or even the object (too fast setters:-) are the reasons for poorly taken photos. I hope to benefit from your experiences!
  • Susan Stone

    I think dogs moving a high speed are pretty difficult subjects: you never know where they will turn up next!... not like trains that stay on a fixed track;-))
  • Catherine Carter

    Just managed to upload some of my photos...they were taken with a new tiny Sony camera(Christmas present)..As you probably guessed I love action shots of setters...after all they are not statues but moving superb animals....I am a bit dissapointed with some of the focus but perhaps my hands were frozen and the I did not hold the camera steady enough! I will welcome any input and advice!
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Catherine! I saw your new pics and thought: new camera:-))
    re Focus keep the camera's manual as bedside reading and find out what functions are hidden away in your camera.
    Bonding exercises are always good!
  • Catherine Carter

    Hi Susan,
    Yes I have been reading the manual....a lot....unfortunately by the time I come home and look at the photos I don't remember what setting I used! Do you write it down after each photo you take? Or how do you go about it? No more snow here at the moment....boring English rain today!
  • Robert Krajnc

    Catherine! All data about photo: aperture, shutter speed, etc are embeded in file. You can see it with program (Photoshop, View NX, ....)
  • Catherine Carter

    Ah right! I will try this....Picasa will do this too I suppose then.....
  • Maggie Smith

    Hi to you all. Its my birthday soon and would like a macro lens fingers crossed. I have a Nikon D90 DSLR. Could anyone offer advice on what would be suitable?