In memory of our beautiful setters.

A place to post memories of our setters who have passed on to the forests & fields in the sky.

  • Christine Pullen

    On Sunday 27th May we had to sadly say goodbye to our beloved Jack at just 5yrs old.Right from the start he was an "in your face" dog being the only puppy who licked us when we went to see them. He was coughing when we brought him home from his breeder and continued to be unwell for 3yrs until he was finally, by chance, diagnosed with megaesophagus....of course he didn't know he was ill and when he felt well would "talk" all the time, poke his nose into any bag or cupboard, open any door or general a typical naughty and affectionate setter. He had episodes of being poorly and needing antibiotics and always bounced back...sadly, on this occasion he couldn't.We miss him terribly of course but have so many happy memories, loads of photos and several videos and he will always have a very special place in our hearts. Merlin and Harry are still coming to terms with him not being here as are we but we feel very lucky to have had so long with such a lovely boy. I like to imagine him running you monkey xx

  • Lois McCullough

    in memory of our 4 beautiful Irish Setters Sheena 14.5yrs, Zelda 14yrs, Dempsey 15.5yrs and Wellington who left us at 4yrs of age so young and we had so much fun in your very short life. Rest in peace you were loved so much and we will never forget you.
  • Lynn Spencer

    Christine, I feel for you so much.   I'm so sorry that your're beautiful boy is now at the Rainbow Bridge but he will be happy & running free with all his lovely setter friends. 

    I have two Setters who have left us & I feel & love for them every day.  My beautiful Irish girl Skye, a free spirit, an amazing girl who I loved dearly & my special, wonderful little English girl Megg; special in every way. 


    Love you so much, by beautiful girls.  Forever in my heart.



  • Jo Ottinger

    In memory of my special Scout who was only 2 1/2 when he was diagnosed with SLE and we let him go two months later.  Such a happy boy and so loved by all especially by Lady and Tiz who are now with him. Scout opened the world of setters for me as he was my first. Run and play love, lots of kisses

  • Ellen Turberfield

    In memory of my first boy Muffin who brought these wonderful dogs into my life he was 12 1/2 when he left due to old age, and my next boy Paddy (Hazelbeck Jack be Nimble) another wonderful boy who left aged 13 1/2 he survived bloat at 12 to stay longer, still miss them both, Forever in my heart xxx

  • karen jewitt

    In memory of my first irish Ellie, Still miss you after 3yrs and 3 mths, Rest in peace you were loved so much, we will never forget you xxx

  • David Darragh

    In memory of my first boy Daxter he came into my life as a 3 year old dog and made himself at home from his very first day. He was my best friend and loved me with all his heart and I loved him too. He stayed with me till he was 13 years and I know if he could he would have stayed longer but it was just his time. Good night my baby I will see you again some day. 

  • anne logie

    in memory of my 1st girl maisie who died on the 6th aug we all love and miss u and will never forget u she was just 9 im proud of bein ur mum for the 5 years i had u xxxxxxxxxxx

  • Judith M. Meek

    Tonight, I was going through this site.  It brought back so many memories of my heart dog, Maxie.  His real name was Kenobi Maximum Force, but we called him Maxie.  He was a rescue.  He was about 2 1/2 years old when we adopted him.  He was extremely sick with infections and parasites when he came into our life.  After innumerable trips to the vet and endless prescriptions, we got him cleaned up.  Besides his ailments, he had so many behaviour issues.  We worked through them with him.  He was our second rescued redhead.  He turned out to be the best dog ever.  I truly believe we were blessed to have him in our lives.  He did have medical issues throughout his lifetime, but we were able to manage them with the help of our vets.  He was the most loving dog we've ever had.  He had the softest brown eyes.  Maxie crossed over the Rainbow Bridge on June 22, 2008.  He developed ideopathic hemolytic anemia, an awful disease.  It struck without warning.  So, we had him transferred to a specialty hospital which had an intensive care unit.  He spent 5 days there being treated & transfused.  The veterinary internist gave him a good prognosis, but his coming home was not to be.  While there, he bloated, but then he torsed.  Because of the anemia, he couldn't undergo the surgery,  We lost him that night.  We would have given anything to save him.  I still miss him and will always have a special place in my heart for him.  Our final gift to him was to have his ashes buried at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in southern Utah.  They have an animal cemetary (Angels' Rest) there.  I think it is the most beautiful country on this earth--Utah's redrock country.  It's a fitting place for this beautiful redhead---he would have loved it---the high desert with all the wildlife a redhead could wish for.  Run free, Maxie, on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge until we meet again.

  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Last year I lost my two girls: beloved and unequalled Bajka and her daughter beautiful Kruszyna. Five years ago I lost my boy Pielgrzym. There were fantastic  15 years with them. They completely changed my life.

    In few day it would be Kruszyna and Pielgrzym 12 birthday. I'm still thinking about my red friends

  • Eileen Chesworth

    I have had the pleasure of owning one red boy and I love him so much. I try to think about the day that we will have to say good bye and it saddens me but I will always do what is best for him. I could never stand to see him suffer. I am grateful the years and joys we have had together equalling 5 years. He is a smart and beautiful creature. Too human if you ask me.

  • karen jewitt

  • karen jewitt

    I stood by your bed last night I could see that you were crying

    I whined to you softly as you brushed away a tear

    It's me, I haven't left you, I'm well,I'm fine, I'm here.


    I was close to you at breakfast,

    I watched you pour the tea,

    You were thinking of the many times your hand reached down to me,

    I gently put my paw on you and smiled and said I'm here.


    It's possible for me, to be so near you everday

    To say to you with certainty "I never went away"

    You sat there very quietly then smiled, I think you knew

    In the stillness of the day, I was very close to you.


    And when the time is right for you to cross the brief divide

    I'll rush across the rainbow bridge to greet you and we'll stand side by side,

    I have so many things for you to see, be patient live your journey out...

    Then come home to me.

  • Dianne cook

    I have just read this poem Karen, it is absolutly beautiful. I've read a few but this would have to be the one that makes feel, like I'll meet up with my long lost souls we have said goodbye to.... one day. :0))
  • Dianne cook

    And oh yes, the picture.....beautiful!! Take care Dianne and Irish.x
  • Erin

    Ember came into our lives as an adorable and shy eight week old baby girl, Irish Setter. My children were three and five year old boys and they thought they were raising her, but in truth she ended up raising them. Being their playmate and best friend for 14 years. She celebrated their joys and soaked up many a tear with her soft red coat. She saw my husband off to war and my oldest son off to college and cried loudly at their returns! She was an amazing dog and family member!!! At the end we were all there with her...her human boys 17 and 20 years old by then. We all cried uncontrollably during our goodbye, but we knew it was not right to keep her with us any much as we wanted to. She taught us all so much about loving, forgiving and life! Ember is sealed in our hearts forever as our first girl..our first redheaded love!
  • terrie lynn stauffer

    On April 5th I lost my great boy of 14 an a half Radley brought so much love into my heart I can't even tell you how much. He was a rescue boy from SOS and Allissa gave us excactly what we asked for. He was perfect for us. My heart is still  hurting and There will always be a whole in my heart. I loved you so much Radley.Someday I will be with you again and we will run the hills together again.

    Love to you Radley Terrie

  • claire Rabaiotti

    Lucy has been gone only 6 months. She's still here. I can feel her presence. I miss her so much. I walk home from work almost excited that she'll be there-knowing differently. A weird feeling. How she made me laugh. Still can't open the fridge without expecting an irish jig. I love you so much and miss you every day. You'll probably be having great fun, up there in the sky. Until we meet againxxx
  • karen jewitt

  • karen jewitt

    Together again....mum and daughter miss you both so much xx

  • Angela Clarke

    Started this group a long time ago, not thinking that I would be posting on here one day. Remembering Abbie our 1st. of three Irish.

    Abbie 7/5/94 -28/11/13

    Wonderful memory's are all I have left of my funny girl, she had so many health problems yet still enjoyed her life.I love and miss this girl and think I always shall. We shall be together again one day, until then she lives only in my heart, love you sweet pea.