Deborah Christopher

, Female

West Yorkshire

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
Since 1983
About Me:
I'm married with children. I bought my first Irish Setter from an ad in a local newspaper and have never looked back.

We also have an English Setter and 4 maine coon cats.

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  • Sandra Mather

    ive done that ordered some. ordered of couple of other things also.hope i get them sorted soon. luckily they are quite quick at getting orders out.
  • Sandra Mather

    hi ive put a load of new pics on of the little ones hope you like them now they are growing up.into little setters.
  • Sandra Mather

    well im surprised by that. afterall theyre puppies till 12mths and in my book theyre pups till 2 if a girl and 3 a boy.Thats going on there behavour.anyhow when you have sold yours i have a friend in nth yorks who has a litter of pups 15 in total and only 2 are sold.should you get calls let me know ill give you her no.she is on the breed club site.
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Deborah,
    Well as it states it is a junior Warrant, so when your dog reaches 18 months then that's it even if you only have 1 or 2 points to go. My Jasmin got hers on the last few hours of her being 18 months on the last day, she gained her last point.....Still if they are any good they will win their way out of each class without it. Good luck if you are thinking of going for it, probably best to try her out at some open shows first and hope that there is at least 3 in the class, oh by the way even if there isn't 3 in the class, you can still get one point if you get B.O.B. and that has been going on a lot lately, can't say that I agree with puppies getting B.O.B. but hey I only judge on occasions.....Dee and the girls, I am not going to Leeds, the judge doesn't like my will save my money but will be going to Richmond, Frank Cane (?) he hasn't an axe to grind he will do what he wants to. Maybe see you there, or N.E.E.I.S.C will be there too
  • Sandra Mather

    ive just started to let them go only one off next tomorrow. i dreading the last a week on monday it will have gone from all them dishes to no dishes and all that mess to no mess i hate it it will be dreading willows little face no one to play with.
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Deborah,
    I am going down to Richmond with Dave Laidlaw and his granddaughter Chloe, she will be handeling my Jas in the junior handling and their new boy will be having his first show, he is a cutey... Ollie... I think that Saffy will be in season soon, so will have to get the dog sussed out, don't know quite what to do about that as we are going to Ireland for the Circuit, just have to keep her in the car...Will probably see you at NEEISC I know that the judge likes my old girl lets just hope she isn't too old, we got a 'very highly CONDEMED' today at an open show two Irish Show Champions and one of them is also a UK sh ch he got 2nd and Jas got 4th dreadful, still never mind they owe us nothing. I always take the best dog and bring the best dogs home, if the judge cant see that well just their problem. Dee and the girls
  • Sandra Mather

    Thats another puppy on her merry way. the first little one is ok had a couple of emails and she has been investigating the garden.
  • Sandra Mather

    oh thats a shame. we still have ours through summer we just close on ch sh dates and then we close over potters usually as lots of shows and hols around that did it go at class.have you a budding ch on your hands. they are so funny when they meet all these strange faces.?
  • Dee Rance

    Oh well, I think that the last one for sale is the worst, just a wee bit worse than the first ever to go, I will always remember the first one ever to go, but Molly will be much more affectionate to her mother from now, and she can teach her what she can and cant do, well that's the theory, good luck at the puppy classes.. Dee and the girls
  • Sandra Mather

    the first session is always the funniest can only get better. I had 2 go yesterday and doogal goes today bailey tomorrow and finally holly monday. A rest no chance a couple of weeks maybe then she comes for the weekend and after that a week over my sisters to and fro to look after the dog and cat she has. ibe got to go to and fro as i cant have them here else it would be easier.
  • Laura Kolbach

    hi Deborah, thanks for your comment on the great dane party. i have some more photos of them in my album, in case you'd like to see them. not sure which type is popular in the UK, here on the continent it is the stronger, more "mastiff"-like version. i know that scandinavia has the elegant version. no idea about the UK :-)
    all the best, laura
  • Rachel Shaw-Rainey

    Hi. Sorry to say that we lost Flambouyant on 9 May this year. He was nearly 13. A wonderful gentleman, my heart broke.

    Live with setters, greyhounds and Irish Wolfhounds now so life is full of surprises.

  • Sandra Mather

    hi ive been to see katie this morning she has been ill since having her first jab and i took keely and willow over to see her. she is now picking up but she had been on a drip and having special food to get her eating. She is back to normal now thank goodness.
  • Sandra Mather

    hi back from leek show. it was so hot i didnt stay till the end. i did a.v. gdog but missed out on the av classes at the end. we had 2nd +3rd in breed our best day. but it was just to hot to run about. the sun and me dont mix i affraid.ill be at bakewell in couple of weeks.thats our next agric show.
  • Sandra Mather

    hi ive been busy for a few days andim now looking forward to seeing holly next weekend when she comes to visit and stop a couple of days.hope your little ones and big ones ok
  • Sandra Mather

    oh that will be nice, she should enjoy that.I like the pics of the the little ones.I love seeing them play and get into mischief.They soon grow and you forget what they did so the photos help to bring those memories come flooding back
  • Nicole Wilson

    Hi Deborah,
    That beach was near Ullapool in the Scottish Highlands where we went for a camping weekend. We actually live in Edinburgh but I love the remoteness out there and the beach and water were incredibly clean. I've never been to Hornsea but I hope you'll enjoy it too with your puppy and hopefully it'll be nice and warm. Will you be taking photographs?
  • Nicole Wilson

    Oh great - I'm already looking foward to seeing your photographs :-) Your children must be really excited about having a puppy at home. How does your Great Dane like being around wild setters? We've got two great Danes in our obedience classes and they seem very slow and I often wonder what they think of those crazy Gordons in the classes :))
    Yes, I don't think people buy many Gordons these days. There are still quite a few breeders but it might be a case of people who already own a Gordon that get the puppies. We got our boy in Switzerland when we lived there a couple of years ago and they seem to have become more popular there again. They're definitely nice to look at just very difficult to train!!! ;-)
  • Sandra Mather

    hi hope all is well with the puppy and family. My son got a new comp and its so diff from the old one very high tec.
    got a puppy back for a couple of days little holly.Also ive got to look after my sisters dog andcat so ive to drive over a couple of times a day to see to them.They wont mix with mine plus i cant have them ive to drive over 4miles twice a day.for a week.just hope they will be fine. My sister has a friend who will also pop in as i cant do it all alone.
  • Nicole Wilson

    I can imagine that it's now less interesting for the kids. But probably more interesting for you since you can begin with more serious training :-) Are you still thinking about doing field training with your puppy? Your English setter looks lovely too.
    I hope you'll have a great time by the seaside and lots of nice weather! Looking forward to the photographs :-)
  • Sandra Mather

    hi there i was at ashbourne on sat i got a 2nd with cory and 1st with willow so i was dead chuffed.It tuned into a nice day weather wise but i left a t 2.oopm.~I finished my week of house and animal sitting my sister is back home the dog and cat are pleased.
  • Sandra Mather

    were the dogs upset you leaving them and taking just the puppy for a little sisters havent left her alone since returning the follow her every move.Have you had you pics developed or do you have a printer to get them.I usd to spend a fortune having pics developed but now ive a printer i do them myself.Infact we have had one most of the time but i didnt know how to use it or put them on the comp its all changed for me in the last 18mths im having to learn fast with the comp.
  • Sandra Mather

    You might have some fluff behind the ears at that stage which will need trimming off and if you cut the edge of the ears so allfur is level with the edge of the ear that will do for that. the tail will need to have it cut to end of tail each time it grows past the end of the tail shank.the feet will prob have a few strands that need to be trimmed out but it wont be much but you have to start doing these while they can be done a bit at a time so they dont get shy over the grooming or paranoid which can happen
  • Eileen Chesworth

    Sorry I took so long to answer you and more over to thank you. I had not idea about grapes. Good thing we have this information tool. I love the pictures on your site especially a those puppies. Your floor must seem like it is moving at feeding time.
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Deborah.
    Sorry I wasn't able to help with the entry, my computer had crashed. I hope that you did enter her in Minor Puppy, it is best not to enter in more than one class at that tender age. Yes you do need to trim but just a little on the neck (from the jaw bone to the chest) and up under the ears and (it is up to you how you do this) around the ears, if you have entered (and as I say I hope you have) come and find me and we can give her a bit of a 'brush up' before the show, only if you want, and then there is the feet, if you have entered just get her claws short and I will if you want, show you how to do the feet, (it is an art form)
    The day before she should be bathed, I always use Pan-ten Ice shampoo and conditioner, I also add oil to the coat a few days before, you can use Almond oil or I now use Avon Skin So Soft. Wash out well condition and if she has a curly coat I would recommend a DryCoat on to dry it flat, she will get used to it
    In the 'old' days I just used to brush them before a show, now it is a lot about presentation, if you have two dogs, more or less the same, the one with the better presentation has a better chance.
    Do come and speak though if you don't want me to show you how to trim I won't mind, I have always offered help. I will give it to anyone who wants it, some say let the new ones find out for themselves, but hey if you know that 'your' dog is good it only makes the competition better and so the winning much better!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope to see you there. Dee and the girls
  • Nicole Wilson

    Hi Deborah,
    Sorry for being so late!!! but your holiday photographs are great :-) Hope you and your kids enjoyed it. The weather looks good too. We had such an awful August with rain every day and hardly any sunshine... But today is beautiful and already a bit autumnal.
  • Ruth Findlay

    Thanks Deborah. Your own pictures of dogs and family are beautiful! Not to be outdone, since I posted about Maeve's smile, the younger one Bridget, who's now eighteen months has perfected a song and dance act! I am now greeted by one smiling setter, and another little whirling dervish howling and bouncing. Don't our dogs make coming home a treat?
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there.
    I wish it only took me that time to get to a show. I tend to get there about an hour before the show opens but you just need to get there about half an hour before judging starts. I think if you could take the most of the 'fluff' of it shouldn't take a long time to 'finish her off' so to speak.
    See you there, we can speak then, Dee and the girls
  • Linda Andreu

    Hi Deborah,

    Your photographs are lovely. How old is your youngest pup? She looks about the same age as my Tilly, who will be 6 mths on 15 Sept.

    My youngest 'human' child is just 3, your littlest looks much more gentle with her puppy sister than he is. I adore the photo of them both peeking through the railings. My oldest daughter is 12.

    Good luck with her first show, I see Dee has given you some advice so you should be ok! Our first one is at end Sept - I am cacking it as I get butterflies even at Ringcraft!

    Linda x
  • Nicole Wilson

    Hi Deborah,
    I can imagine that the waves are a bit daunting for a little setter. She looks as if she enjoyed herself though and your children too! Mine didn't like the sea the first time he saw it but now he doesn't mind the waves at all and actually quite enjoys it. Saw that you're going for your first show :-) I'll keep my finger's crossed for you and all the best of luck :-))
  • Linda Andreu

    Lol at your description of Molly, it sounds EXACTLY like Tilly so you're not alone! I shall let you know how we get on...

    Linda x
  • Nicole Wilson

    Oh you'll just have to enjoy it. My first show was a disaster (lots of pulling and constantly lying down instead of standing!!!) but it's slowly getting better now the older Busby gets :-)). It just takes some time to get the hang of it but I'm sure you'll do fine!! Also, I see you get Dee as a coach - that's excellent! Good luck and maybe we'll see some photographs?
  • Sandra Mather

    hi not heard from you for a while hope all is going well with the puppy.ive loaded a vid on today so you could take a look at it. i look forward to seeing you at some show someday.Hopefully while your little one is still a puppy.
  • Sandra Mather

    you get tickets if its agricutal show and ch sh but not for open shows.,you either turn up or send sae with entry and last resort if worried ring the sec to make sure entry arrived.there usually isnt a problem unless strikes are on then you do have to do checks.where are you entered for..?
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Deborah, thanks for your comments on my photos - it was not actually as cold as it looks...
    I see you have fun with dogs & family!
    all the best
  • Sandra Mather

    you should receive tickets then if its multi breed our own we dont bother with them just turn upl.a week before going tickets have usually arrived if not ring the secretary ok.
  • Laura Kolbach

    at work now but will look for some everyday pictures at home and you'll see that the tounge is always 20 cm too long for being normal sized. wonder how it fits into her mouth :-)
  • Suzanne McDowell

    Your setters look like they are having a great time. Whereabouts is the beach? We dare not take our english on the beach - they see a fisherman 2 miles along the beach with no-one else in sight and run off to see what he has in his bag, including sandwiches! For some reason the fisherman are not too happy about that?!
  • Suzanne McDowell

    In that case you may know where abouts we are and I would be interested to know where that beach is as it looks nice and empty along with the walk. We live approx 15 mins from Hornsea by car towards Bridlington just off the A165. It is a village called Lissett.
  • Lynn Spencer

    What gorgeous photo's Deborah. You have a lovely family, and that beach looks amazing. Wish we had somewhere like that close to us. We do take our girls to a 'dog beach' occasionally, but it gets very crowded. Still, all the dogs seem to get along well, and love to frollick and play together in the water. Your beach looks very quiet. My girls would love that.

  • Nicole Wilson

    Hi Deborah,
    Thank you for your nice comments on my photographs :-)
    Your young girl is growing! She's very nice! Have you managed to get to some field training yet? And how did your first show go?
    All the best,
    Nicole :-)
  • Sandra Mather

    hi hope you are okl. im having trouble with my page i cant get into it only from email connection. so ive not been on as much lately because of this .; have you seen the video and pic i posted last weekend.And hows the little one coming on.just seen your new pics lovely soggy doggy my willow gets that way a lot any water and shes in it.
  • Sandra Mather

    glad you got it working. i wanted to watch some of the others an cant.comp have a life of there own i think
  • Susan Stone

    Thanks for your kind comment on the photo of our 'fuzzy lady Shannon' - I actually do a calendar every year with my 12 best of the year - this one may just make it...
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Deborah
    Really sorry to hear that, it would have been nice to meet, and see your wee baby, hope all is OK with everyone!!!!
    perhaps you will be able to make a small part of it???
    Perhaps another show......All the best Dee and the girls
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Deborah
    Sorry to hear that, I know it is difficult when that sought of thing happens, been there done that.....these things usually have a way of working themselves out. Perhaps we will be able to meet later
    It was a strange day, thought that I was in with a chance but it wasn't to be, Jas won the Open bitch class but got nothing more, hey ho, that's how it goes, I think she is just getting too old for some.
    Dee and the girls
  • Sandra Mather

    hi hope you are well . hows the baby going?i went a show sat but willow is now got to go into s.yrl. and as they dont have that at all shows its a mi of grad,pgrad,open accordingly.ill be at mid count our fall out of bed show.
    im still waiting for willow to have her first season which im hoping will be sooner rather than later.
  • Lynn Spencer

    Thanks Deborah, they certainly do like to play tug of war. Just like kids, if one has something, then the other one wants it.

  • Nicole Wilson

    Yes that storm was incredible! I drove down to the shops on the Saturday and my car moved from side to side :-) But we've had really beautiful and sunny weather since Sunday. Is it the same with you? Hope you and your family are keeping well. I enjoyed looking through your recent photographs :-)
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Deborah.
    How is your English now??? hope she is OK, Saffy did have Ultra sound that is what makes it all the more annoying, for my sins I took her to the Gundog Breeds yesterday and she thoroughly enjoyed herself.
    My daughter was doing research into bloat.........
    American research said that if you feed off the ground you had a higher percentage chance of getting bloat, it went on to say that this statistic may be that only people who are suspecting that their dogs may blow feed OFF the ground, I have been feeding on the ground ever since, it is up to the individual to do as they want, a dilemma!!!