Ruth Findlay

, Female

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
We have two Irish - Maeve who is now four and her half sister Bridget is three.
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
We have had setters for more than thirty years.
About Me:
We live in rural Scotland and are both retired, although I still do some freelance graphics work. Both dogs are Therapets.

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  • Yvonne Wark

    Hi Ruth Cassie says not to worry she will be there with bells on. The walk along the beach sounds like a nice idea you set the time and we will be there xx
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Ruth.
    She just loved it at the show on Sunday, really enjoyed meeting and greeting, and then the icing on the cake was the result yesterday, wonderful news, although it isn't a cure, it may give her a little more time, but comfortable time, she won't be having the operations that they suggest or the radiotherapy, they will all mean pain and 6 more anesthetics, So am not going down that road, but have high hopes for the vaccine.
    love to all Dee and the gang
  • Yvonne Wark

    Hi Ruth yes it was a good day pitywe did not have a crystal ball to look into as they could all have had a good run.  Thanks for the good luck wishes x