Judi Schuerman

, Female

United States

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
One, Annie
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
32 years
About Me:
Annie is our fourth Irish. She seems to use her "nose" more than our other setters. She is interested in birds and loves to dig. Annie hides her favorite bones in the corners of our house and then buries objects outside.

I am not experienced in showing dogs but I might have a friend take Annie to the local dog shows. I am interested in obedience and agility training. Annie for the most part will have a great life traveling with me.

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  • Meldor-Sett

    If you are looking for a name for your new puppy, look in a celtic dictionary and you'll sertenly find something:) Good Luck
  • Lise-Lotte Persson

    Hello Judi!
    I Like Your pictures! Whish I could go to some of this places ...
    Sorry for my bad english, I never talk or whrite other language than Swedish before this summer, then I meet Mr Jingles and Aleksandra!!
  • Laura Kolbach

    Hi Judi, thanks for your comment. You should see my computer with thousands of photos and videos on it :-)
    When does you puppy arrive? My little one's name is Dana which is a Celtic name (i call her Danka, this is the diminutive version of it), Dana is the goddess of fertility :-). Just type in 'celtic names' into some search engine and you'll be surprised about the outcome. Good luck!
    best wishes, Laura and the girls
  • Jelena Kreitmayer

    Hi Judy! Thanks for the comment :) he is really a gentle sweetheart. they are great, arent they? :)
  • Judi Schuerman

    I love an Irish Setter. I love their gentleness, I love their "clown" like happiness. My Molly would not want another dog by me, she would come between me and a dog trying to be close to me. She was possessive or maybe I will say protective too!
    What a great friend these animals are.
    Best wishes, Judi
  • Lise-Lotte Persson

    Hello Judi!
    Thank You for kind words about English-writing! I will go on an trying, hope You understand some of it;))
  • Agnieszka Rola

    Hello Judi!
    Thanks for your nice comment! On that video there are one irish - my Conner and one chocolate labrador - Efra :) I love to watch when they play, especially in summer and on a beach :)
    I look forward to seeing your new girl.
    Greetings from Poland!
    Agnieszka & Conner
  • Mary Crumrine

    Hi Judi !
    I know you are so excited about your puppy coming ! I know for me my dogs are my joy in life, they are there to make me smile thru good and bad !
    Our rescue dog Riley has brought us abundant joy since he has come to live with us! He and Sasha (our 9 yr. Golden Retriever) are great friends. Blessings, Mary
  • Mary Crumrine

    This picture of Riley is from him laying on our country kitchen sofa...right after he came to our home. On the way back from picking him up from his foster home my husband and I agreed that we would NOT have him lay on the furniture like our setter that just passed this summer. Our furniture is well worn yet with having dogs on it we just don't buy new, I would like to purchase some new for people to sit on...needless to say...we won't be buying any new anytime soon ! LOL
    I have always said there is nothing prettier than a red dog on green grass...guess that goes for a green sofa too ! LOL Blessings, Mary
  • Jane Guidinger

    i liked the pictures of all the puppies. Hard to tell much at 4 weeks. Send me more as Faye sends them if you would. Stop by sometime. Jane
  • Mary Crumrine

    Hi Judi,
    I read about your dog having picked a chair to lay in! I bought Riley a comfy bed for the bedroom and woke to find him curled up in my small tapestry reading chair. Of all the places to decide to sleep this can't be comfortable for him but it is where he ends up every night. If I can get him to settle into it during the day I'll take a photo to share.
    We had company over the weekend, in fact she was the one who went with me when I bought my sweet Mahlie (12 1/2 yr setter) who passed this summer. She has fallen in love with Riley and couldn't believe how calm he is after the "welcoming" is over.
    How soon does your puppy come?
  • Mary Crumrine

    Hi Judi,
    Reading "Spokane makes me think you are from Washington State? My husband is from Chehalis, Washington. Uto the last few years we would fly out and spend several weeks there in the summer.
  • Nadine Bonjean

    Thank you for your comment and invitation!
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    HI Judi! Thanks for your nice comments! Best regards Jenny
  • Michael Tammy Doyle

    Thank you so much for your advise. Were in the process of trying to adopt 2 Irish Setters. One is 18 months and the other is 5 years. How often do you groom these dogs? Brush their hair daily, what type of advise could you give? Tammy
  • Marta Galuszka

    Hello Judi,
    Thank you for your nice comment on my film "Having fun". I was watching your pictures with a pleasure.You live in very nice place:-) I think it's great that you were always travelling with your Molly.I usually travel with my girls too, but unfortunatelly it happens sometimes that they have to stay home:-(
    Best regards,
    Marta & the girls
  • Mavis

    Congratulations on your new puppy Judi. Can't wait to hear that she is safely home with you.
  • Anna Przywecka Saturnii

    Hello Judi:)
    Im sorry that I answer You that late...lot of work with all dogs,puppies ect.
    Zorro is doing GREAT,he's so sweet young boy with excellant temperament.
    I see lot of differents between IS and GS..but there is no place to write everything:))heheh.
    Since a child I love IS,and I was never think that Gordons will be also my big love..now I can not imagine my life with out GS.:)
    Congratulations on Your new puppy!!!!
  • Charlotte Godart - Riverwood

    Hello Judi,
    Thank you for your kind words on my girls, my website and my pictures!
    I make the pictures with a Canon digital EOS 400D, I think that on your country it is CANON EOS DIGITAL Rebel XTi 400D.
    I wish you much love and much great adventures with your new puppy.
  • ursula wilby

    Thank you for your comment on my blogg about the book. Yes plenty of drawings of my life with setters and cats as well...
    (Not found any mistakes yet in the book and I am halfway through, so it seems good so far. All drawings in the right places and the correct way up. Thats a start!)
  • Marta Galuszka

    Hello Judi,
    Congratulations on your new puppy!!!
    I wish you and Annie all the best:-)
    Marta and the girls
  • Dusko Savic

    Thanks Judit,
    for those wonderfull words,I am happu You liked My pictures.The dog,from your faourite picture is also My favourite dog,I put a lot of hope in Him.He was the winer of the whole show,when that picture was taken.Much compliments.Dusko Savic
  • Lise-Lotte Persson

    Hello Judi
    Thanks for nice comments!
    I whish you lot of fun with sweet Annie!!
    Our Bella make me smile all day long :))
  • Mariana Åhnberg

    Thank you! Yes I think they succseded quiet well.. And for me it have been a good school :-)
  • Minnie

    That's "Rocket" Scientist. And by the way, dogs think people are just "dogs" who are great hunters.
  • Marta Galuszka

    Hello Judi,
    It's great to know that Annie is doing well despite so many new experiences.I like your stories about her.
    P.S. I am very glad that you like my photos and music:-)
    Best wishes to you and your little Annie
    Marta and the girls
  • Dusko Savic

    Hello Judi
    Thanks you, once again.
    we shall enjoy together in fun and success they are giving us and be happy for every single day spent with them.
    sincerely yours,
    Dusko Savic
  • Agnieszka Rola

    It's nice to see your beautiful little girl. I like her photos!
    We wish you and Annie all the best.
    Agnieszka & Conner
  • Nadine Bonjean

    Merry Christmas!
  • ursula wilby

    If you go on to Henk's page, you will see that he has irish setters with MASSES of white (thats why I wrote I was inspired by Henk). In fact there is a long discussion about it all. But I have never had this either = Three puppies with white back paws...but it is so little that unfortunatly I dont think it will show when they are grown up. :-)
  • Meldor-Sett

    Hello Judi
    Thank you very much. Lucy's just three months old.
  • Bryan Stone

    All Irish are puppies for the rest of their lives. We had Copper I, Copper II, Shannon and Amber (shared with Susan who is on this list and my daughter, and now Ginger. They were all 'puppies' in one sense, even when old-and-grey took over. There was a glint in the eye which said, What's next', and 'Whoopee!' and 'This is going to be fun'. Or there was a set in the mouth which said 'Do what you like, I'm not having this'. Or, around 16.30, a nose under my elbow which said, 'Where I come from this would be nearly supper-time...' They were always mischief, without being wicked.
    When I go to a dear friend near here, two small children run around and shout 'Bryan' and throw their arms round me.. When I go to my daughter's home, the youngest two of her four setters do just the same.

    The interesting result is that, because they are always puppies, it ends up with us, somewhere in our personalities, forgetting our dignity and being puppies too. I think that's very healthy, for us and for the world around us.

  • Marta Galuszka

    Thank you for your birthday wishes:-)
    I see that you have a lot of fun with your little girl;-)
    Kissess to you and your little paper thief;-)
  • Marta Galuszka

    Hello Judi,
    I can't wait to see that picture!
    I hope both of you will have a great time in Mexico!
    Please send me a little sun we have a terrible weather now...
    Best wishes,
    Marta and the girls
  • Eileen Chesworth

    Our little red boy is not feeling good. He has a case of HOD. I can't explain what that is in English but their is a document on it that Faye faxed to our vet. He is suffering with pain in his joints, running a fever. He also has an eye infection poor little guy. My husband and I love him so much. We are planning a vacation and we want to leave our baby with Faye. Wouldn't that be nice for BaiLee to see his family and wonder Faye and her hubby again. They are both so wonderful. BaiLee has learned HEEL SIT STAY (he is not efficient at stay). When I come home he is so excited to see me. He does not paw or mouth us any more and has only 3 mistakes in the house. We are proud parents of a smart boy. I am going to add some pictures to the website soon as I get some time. I come home from work exhausted.
  • Eileen Chesworth

    I will keep you posted. Faye has a watchful eye on him as well. It is more likely to happen to males. He was so good the day before, he played and everything was normal. That night he went into his crate, slept all night and the next day he was lethargic and we just thought he was tired. I lied down with him on his bed and he felt too warm. We took him to the vet the next day. The vet sent us home with him and ofcourse we emailed Faye. She was communicating with the vet and us. BaiLee had a bunch of test and it was confirmed that that is what was wrong with him. He is feeling a bit better I think. He still lays around and walks gingerly. There is information on the web and Faye faxed an article to us and our vet. But yes I will keep you posted and thank you so much for your concern.
  • Judi Schuerman

    I've been reading a little about HOD and I've seen some scary photos showing the welling in the joints. I'm so glad you were up on it and acted swiftly. Do you have any ideas on what causes this condition? I've been watching Annie carefully, she is a little clumsy going down my stairs, she has gone down too quickly and sprained her front leg joints. So far she has no fever. How much does BaiLee weigh now? I did not know tha males are more likely to get this condition. Best wishes. Judi
  • Vojna Medvedec

    Hi Judi,thank you for your kind words about me and my kennel.
    I saw you wanted to find the name for your new puppy.Everybody does it his own way....I do it by myself.In our country all puppies' names of the litter must begin with the same letter,so I find the adjective I like and then add the suitable noun.These wonderful dogs deserve the names that are not repeated;they are like the children,they behave like the children and they stay the youngsters in their behaviour the whole life long speccially with their owner,or the person they love mostly in their human families.We choose the breed for ourselves,we choose the pet or show representative from the litter,their future lives are more or less in our hands,but the person they want as a guide,the person who will be their longlife greatest love they choose by themselves!
    These are Irish setters the most loving ,kindest and devoted dogs in doggy world.With one year or 12 yrs they are the same,in their behaviour, they always need you and love you with all their heart!
  • Eileen Chesworth

    You are so cute. BaiLee all of a sudden one day got something in his head as well. We have always given him those bully sticks (cows chewable dried parts) and when it got short enough to fit into his mouth he wanted to go outside. He just walked and walked until he came upon a neat place to dig - so he thought. He was relentless in wanting to go outside and wanting to dig. At first we thought no problem but now it is a big problem cause he wants to dig up my landscaping. We have stopped him from doing that by that quick sharp tug on his lead and making the SCHUCK NO NOISE that our trainer taught us.
  • Eileen Chesworth

    Continued from ...
    So a sharp tug towards you on the lead. At the same time make a noise that you will use everytime. Faye says "Uh uh uh" we use "Schuck" and redirect the attention to something else. I also do not leave the dog unsupervised because the minute you are not attentive he turns into demon boy.
    I hope that helps. Dogs bury bones for future hungry moments - and they never forget it is there.
  • Mary Crumrine

    Thanks for the nice comment about the pictures I posted. I was lucky enough to receive a digital camera for Christmas and have had fun snapping pictures. Since tax season (hubby is a CPA with his office in our home) is coming to a close I hope to have some time to catch up on favorite activities. Riley has really changed his looks in these last few months! He came to us as a gangly adolescent and has become a much more mature young man...LOL I didn't realize this happening so quickly until I compared some photos, too fast, too fast! Enjoy each day with your doggie blessing! Mary w/ rescued Riley O'Grady & Golden Sasha
  • Anu Rahikka (kennel Karhutarhan)

    Thank you for you comment to us. You have also nice photos and so beautiful puppy :)
  • Petra Kasznár

    Dear Judi,
    Thanks for your comment on my video. It's a pleasure for me that you like them!
    Bye, Petra
  • Marta Magi

    Thanks Judi for your comments on our ISBC advert.
    I am glad you like it :-)
    Hopefully you will have your own copy one day :-)
  • Marta Galuszka

    I haven't heard from you for a very long time...
    Hope that you all are welll.
    How is Annie?
    For sure she is not such a little girl now;););)
    Marta and the girls
  • Zatu Rimpisalo

    Thanks Judi!! It whas very kinde of you =) Nice page! Best Regards from us!
  • Laura Kolbach

    hi Judi, your Annie has matured a lot! missing her little blogs! hope you are very happy with her! how is her brother doing, is he okey?
    all the best, laura and the girls
  • Danica Morarova

    Thank you,Judi.
  • Mary Crumrine

    Hi Judi, Time is quickly flying by. Today I was wondering how you and Annie are doing. Hope you have a wonderful holiday! Blessings, Mary w/ rescued Riley O'Grady & Golden Sasha
  • Mary Crumrine

    Hi Judy, the photos have been fun to do. I am currently trying to get a few good ones to include in holiday cards. I read that Annie had a burr problem with her ear while hunting, I'm sure in time it will grow back out. I have a problem with Riley having ear infections, have never had any of my setter's have such a problem.
    A few weeks ago I attended a show in Howard Co., there was a dog there with BEAUTIFUL ears, we all decided the owner must keep them wrapped all the time. Wouldn't work here as Sasha is always tugging on Riley's ears to come play. Enjoy your day, Christmas in less than a week! YIPES! Blessings, Mary