Petra Kasznár




Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
2 - Stonemine-Hunter Andrew/21.01.2001 (2xCAC, CACIT, CACT Hortobágy Cup, CACT Pohár SKS, Res. CACT 20 hours blood trace,FT very good) and Stonemine-Hunter Beretta/03.06.2010.
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
From 1997.
About Me:
I love hunting with my dogs
Why are you applying for membership?
A. I am a human wanting to contribute to the community

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  • Laura Kolbach

    asszem tán csak akkor lesz view-számlálás, ha ki is nagyítja az ember.
  • Christiane Lohmann

    Finally today I found time to watch your 'hamster pictures' and still yours Andy is my type of dog, when it comes to hamsters;-)))
  • Marta Magi

    Mostanában nem olyan gyakran néztem be ide, mint szerettem volna, szóval 1-2 blogról, képről, videóról, fórumról stb le is maradtam, az utóbbi napokban próbáltam behozni a lemaradásomat, ha lehet ilyet, és olvastam, jelenleg is követem az ominózus fórumot. Nem akarok belefolyni, mert nem csak én folynék, hanem vér is. Nemhogy örülnének, hogy él még pár vadászó szetter ezen a bolygón, aki a világ tudtára adja, hogy még mindíg képes vadászni egy szetter, méghozzá nem is akárhogyan! Andy ezek közül a szetterek közül is az élen van, és te meg nagyon ügyelj arra, hogy ilyen barmok véleményét a szívedre ne vedd, mert ti igenis nagyon sokat tettetek le az asztalra Andyvel, elismerésre méltó a teljesítményetek, és nem is ragozom tovább, mert ezt te is tudod, remélem.
    Szóval csak fel a fejjel, és remélem még nagyon sok videót láthatunk tőletek, mert egy élmény nézni őket!
    Sok puszi nektek :-)
  • Danica Morarova

    Hi Petra,
    Thanks for the compliment and comment.
    Best regards
    Danica&"little energy bomb"
  • Renata Berlińska

    It's a pity, I'll judge's assistant on those trials and hoped to see at least one red dog, not only shorthaired german pointers, czesky fouseks and maybe some weimaraners. But there is luck in leisure, I'll wait for your next dog. Start saving money!
  • Laura Kolbach

    gondolom, zsolti hívott már, hogy Benus munka ch tegnap óta :-)))
  • Renata Berlińska

    I have to assist 12 times in trials to pass judge exam. I'm almost on halfway to do it.
    About hunting with irish setters - I think the main reason of IS low popularity among polish hunters is that IS are aristocratic dogs for well mannered hunters. And in Poland generally the culture of hunting with pure bred dogs is quite low. It's changing now but still many hunters don't have dogs or use dogs without pedigree or even strange cross-breeds. The second reason is small number of pheasant and partridges. If hunters decide to buy dog, they prefer more versatile breeds, recently wachtelhunds become popular for example. And next important reason is lack of kennels breeding setters mainly for hunting purpose since Harpol kennel stopped breeding their setters. In southern Poland, where bird hunting is more popular, there are quite many hunting english pointers because there are some kennels breeding working pointers. I think if there were kennel offering good working setters more hunters would decide for hunting with setters. I still believe that setters have future as hunting dogs. And what are reasons of so low popularity of IS among hungarian hunters?
  • Renata Berlińska

    Thanks for your wishes - maybe I'll manage to have the exam next year. We also have the problem with not trained dogs. Some hunters thinks that if they buy a dog with pedigree, he will know everything without any training. And than complains that the dog costed so much money and is so stupid!
    About Jager - three years ago he had broken both right legs and the wrist and hock joint are almost completely distroyed. The front leg is quite OK now but he has still problems with hindleg, where metal nail was put inside. It came loose and was removed two months ago but Jacht still can't lean on this leg. I'm afraid he will need the next operation. Or meeting with Lohmann's Momo in season, he forgets about all problems with his leg than ;-)).
  • Mikhail

    Hello, Petra!
    Which one from two pages you mean - Huntpics, or Huntdogs. First one in special resource for hunting picture associated with forums, the second - (and fprum overthere) pretty new data base for hunting dogs.
    Give me reference and I'll try to translate it for you.

    best regards,

  • Mikhail

    OK! If you have some questions about - I'm ready tiexplain!
  • Susan Stone

    Alright, my dogs are spoilt:-)) But I think your Andy gets his share of spoiling too when you see him hunting happily in the field - doing what so many setters never get to do!
    Happy times!
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Petra,
    the reason for the yellow jackets is safety & visibility - it was hunting season in the Engadin and some people can't tell a setter from a deer... !
    Whilst we were there a huntsman shot a fellow hunter in the stomach... by mistake!
  • Susan Stone

    See what the one on the right has over his shoulders?
    Hi Petra,
    it is funny (wrong word?) how in some countries even the hunters wear bright orange warning jackets for safety and in others (like Switzerland) they dress to blend and that is when accidents happen. I was told that deer do not see colours (?) and that therefore success on the hunt does not depend on the green clothes you wear. But as I am no hunter I do not know. Main thing for me is that my dogs are safe! I tend to dress in yellow during hunting season also...
  • Susan Stone

    Hello Petra,
    looks like a wild boar but is actually a Gämse latin Rupicarpa rupicarpa - and I think chamois in english & french.
    On my dogwalks in the woods during hunting season I wear a yellow raincoat - not to worry: I don't go hunting in yellow:-)) although maybe it is time for a change in fashion???
  • Dušan Rauški

    Szia Petra :)
    Thank you for great company, it was great to meet you.
    Wish you all the best and hope to see you on our hunting grounds also.
  • Danica Morarova

    Thank you,Petra.She´s 11 years old.
  • Laura Kolbach

  • Katariina Roiha

    In finnish lapland there is only grouse and rockptarmigan. Other parts of Finland offer pheasants,hazel grouse,capercaillie,black grouse,quail. So we have (mean others in the downland) alot of game to choose from. We lappish folks just have less to hunt. But everything is wild game...
  • Katariina Roiha

    yes we do go in the beginning of September, before the season starts back home...But our own environment is best ´cause the season lasts for 6 months. In other parts of Finland the huntingseason is shorter.
  • Danica Morarova

    Hello Petra,
    Thank you for viewing my video.
    I hope you meant pheasants/They are so ugly and foot away so quickly!/:-))))))
    Or IS and BI?:-O
  • Michaela

    sorry Petra, I was confused about this sentence "I don't think you put the autumn test report by my comment, but anyway thanks to enlighten me about the event." - but now I understand. Sometimes the communikation in another language and only by the internet gives some complications ;-) So now I'm glad that there aren't any bad feelings or worries between us.
    To translate my german blog posts and texts - sorry, it will be a life-task for me ;-))) So I only write some short words about my activities here in that panel and colour it with some pictures.
    I wish Waidmannsheil for your hunting on pheasants!
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Petra,
    thanks for your comments - and as long as I don't have to reply in hungarian I am happy:-)))
    Have fun with Andy & the ducks
  • Susan Stone

    What happened next? He tried to bite me when I reached to take the duck. Wicked me, I stood on one of his front paws, he yelped and dropped the duck into my hand... we passed the test!
    (this is all many years ago...I have not touched a GWP since!)
  • Susan Stone

    Oh dear, how I hate that kind of owner! Sounds like a bad injury if it is a deep hole - they can be very nasty and form dangerous abscesses.

    My story was 20 years ago but I have not forgotten. I would have been quite happy had the dog had been disqualified - I could hear him CRUNCH the duck as well. The judges at the time seemed to consider this quite normal for a GWP. Maybe things have changed since...?
  • Susan Stone

    I just hope the GWP never does get to mate a bitch - just imagine if he tried it the same way... how embarrassing for the owner;-)))
    Maybe stupid owners have stupid dogs???
  • Laura Kolbach

    majd küldök képet, csak még nem bírtam rendesen lefotózni, mert fényvisszaverős is, és akkorát villan a vaku, hogy a kutya nem látszik (sötét folt), ha meg leveszem a vakut, akkor semmi nem látszik :-) amúgy nagyon szekszi!
  • Laura Kolbach

    nem vót időm. elküldöm a bénákat mailben, na. :-) legalább látszik, hogy világít. kár, hogy éjjel nincs ami megvilágítsa. majd zseblámpával járok...
  • Susan Stone

    Thanks Petra,
    I am very impressed by my boy:-)) especially considering how rarely I manage to do field training. I'd never have dreamt he could gain an 'excellent'! But the judges thought so, and admittedly Glen turn on the 'turbo' when faced with the italian english setter...
  • Laura Kolbach

    és Glen sokkal szebb élőben mint a képeken!!!! és gyönyörű feje van, ha úgy fotózódik, hogy nincs a feje tetején a füle figyelő állásban! :-) kicsit beleszerettem, na.
  • Dušan Rauški

    Szia Petra
    Kellemes Karacsonyi unnepeket es Boldog Uj Evet!
  • Susan Stone

    Thank you, Petra, for your kind comments:-)))
    No, I still don't have a video camera but my husband Thomas got a new camera with quite a good video - just not enough capacity...
    I've never been shooting with Glen as I don't hunt myself. But maybe one day we will get the chance.
    Best wishes for 2009!
  • Laura Kolbach

    igenigen, amint rendeznek ilyet :-)))
  • Renata Berlińska

    thanks for your comment. Yes, I can't complain about them, but Fokka has some more such 'little crimes' on her conscience.
  • Laura Kolbach

    és minket miért nem vittetek el korizni? :-(
  • Laura Kolbach

    nincs, de tudtam volna kölcsönkérni. de amint néztem, nem volt mindenki lábán. ;-)
  • Carmel Murphy

    He is good photographer for 13 years!! Most Irish people dont get to skate, so we would find it difficult to stay up!! We dont get cold enough for ice! Younger people have indoor ice rinks but when I was young we didnt have such luxuries!! I think too old to learn now ;o))
  • ursula wilby

    Hello Petra...thank you for the comment on my bragging-blog! But no, unfortunatly no celebration...just feeling good about it.
    Reading your lines, I feel quite bad about not even giving Vilda a special treat! (She got all those while we were competing). I feel I should have been "Laura" at least for a day and baked a HUGE cake!
  • ursula wilby

    Well thank god for that! I thought I was the only one not baking fantastic cakes for my dogs!
    I shall have to order one from Laura!
  • Renata Berlińska

    Hi Petra!
    Two teeth on the surface now! But after few quiet days the little monster came back tonight, so I think next one is going. Thanks for your comment!
  • Dušan Rauški

    Serbus Petra
    Thanks for the nice comment.
    Hope to see you sometimes again.
  • Gudjon Sig Arinbj

    Thank you. Your photos are very good and thh video olso very god.
  • Laura Kolbach

    hát ne tudd meg, hogy megijedtem, amikor megláttam... azért fotóztam le, hogy meg tudjam mutatni orvosnak, ha baj lenne... aztán odamentem, felébresztettem. egy ideje már kilóghatott, mert tök száraz volt, el is ment inni azonnal, hogy benedvesítse :-) de aztán semmi baja van volt... odinnak is ki szokott nyílni a szája, dancnak meg úgy tűnik, a nyelve is kicsúszott :-)
  • Laura Kolbach

    igen, én is csak altatáskor láttam... ezért is ijedtem meg. mondom vazze, elájult a kutya... úristen, mi baja lehet... de lélegzett meg minden, és előtte is nagyon fura pozikban aludt tegnap. mind1, a lényeg, hogy kutyabaja :-)
  • Laura Kolbach

    ja, kimerült egy másfél órás szigeti hójátékban? előző nap miért nem? vagy előtte? meg elvileg nem is az a fáradós fajta :-) front tuti van, mert napok óta szétreped a fejem...
  • ursula wilby

    Here we go Petra...I hope to be able to upload a photo of my desk as it was a few years ago. I bet a lot of the stuff is still there and does not look tiedier to day! :-)))

  • ursula wilby

    Only part of the house in my computer...its L-shaped, so there is another (same size) part but at an angle facing towards where I stand photographing.

  • Laura Kolbach

    köszi-köszi! de látod, tettem be vadászképet, showképet, vicciképet :-)))
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Petra! Yes quite right, Alsace instead of Crufts...:-))
    So you met Suzanne Perret:-)) Yes, she is very nice and we get on very well together - despite being rivals in the ring;o) I'm invited to a 'Fondue' at her lovely home if we find a date... She will be able to tell me all about her trip and her puppies!
    love those pictures of Ursula's house:-))
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Petra
    My email address is I hope that will help. Thank you for contacting me
    All the best
    Dee and the girls
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Petra,
    thanks for your interest!
    All I found on the net was that there have been cases in cattle, a breed of cat and 'occasional domestic dog'... and I did find photographs of a dog with Ehler Danlos showing extremely loose skin.
    I did not mean to say setters are affected by these syndromes, I mentioned them more as examples so as to show that 'connective tissue disorders' can have many faces and some are clearly known and described in humans as illnesses that have a genetic origin.
    Sorry, I don't know more.
    best regards,