Kirsty williamson


north yorkshire

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
8 years
About Me:
I have had dogs most of my life firstly Dobermanns but now my passion is irish setters, i also have horses and have bred and worked with top quality competition and racehorses for most of my working life

Comment Wall:

  • Agnieszka Dufrat 'Neiven'

    Hi Kirsty,
    Welcome here!
    What is name of the dog on the photo? His head is very much like Eddie's (Glennara Long Way Home) head!
    Best wishes
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Helllo! And very welcome to this site! Really like the photos of the puppydog. Really nice backangulations. I hope that you will enjoy this setterpage! Allt the best! / Jenny
  • Susan Stone

    Hello Kirsty! Didn't we meet last year at the ISAE champ show? I think you have a bitch by Nigel's Anlory Muscavado? How is she doing?
    all the best
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    I´m so sorry about your loss. Hope to see more of his young brothers and sisters and may them bring you alot of joy.
  • Jane Mugford

    Hi Kirsty
    been very busy over the last few weeks, so many shows.
    We had to make the sad decision to have Erin ( Timeltell )
    put to sleep in the middle of it, just old age had caught up with her, nearly 13 years.
    Connor will not be going to any more shows, his coat has gone all fluffy & I have cut off alot of his feathering. Makes it much easier to manage as it used to take longer to get out all the burrs & knots after exercise than the time to walk him!!
    Hope you have sold all your puppies
  • Sue Clifford

    Hi Kirsty - what lovely pictures! Sorry to hear about your health problems - appendix must have been hell. Do hope all goes well. Yes, I saw your litter on the website - very tempting but at the moment I cannot add to numbers as the new house isn't suitable. A lot has to be done here yet. Not been to many shows - too much going on and the love of my life is not to keen though of course he wouldn't want to stop me going. At long last my young
  • Sue Clifford

    sorry Kirsty, the last message I wrote was sent before I had finished writing it! I was saying that my Ellie (litter sister to the CC winner at Nat Gundog) is putting on some weight and I am showing her at Bournemouth. So I expect I'll be doing a few more shows, sometimes with Robert and sometimes without. Hope to see you at some of them.
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Kirsty,
    thanks for your comments, I agree about Eddie - shame he has not been used more, but as you say he is not the type preferred.
    Like the look of your pups! Bet you will have fun with them.
    I don't think I'll do any showing with Glen in the UK - certainly not yet as he is still immature and also: very like his dad...
    But I am planning to visit the UK in February with him and take part in a field training week up North in Kelso! I'm looking forward to that tremendously!
  • Susan Stone

    Quite right, the Driscoll training week. I'll be going more for the training and less for the empty bottles...:-) Should be fun!
  • Sandra Mather

    hi kirsty you found the site then. hows the puppies are they all fixed up wirth homes now.I went to visit my ill puppy dont know if i told you she had a problem over the jab ok now though . i had another back for a couple of days this weekend.
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Kirsty,
    Thanks for your kind comment on Dillan.
    Well, I see you like the Copper's bunch and so do I... young Dillan's father is Copper's Mean Mr Mustard (lives in Sweden!). This is Erin's second litter, so Dillan is a half-brother to my Glen.
    you can have a look at the pedigree on my website
    (copy & paste)
    I'm very happy for Nigel & Jane!
    Bye for now,
  • Sandra Mather

    hi there are you coming stafford sat.ill be there you didnt miss much on sun at stoke gundogs, di richie was there.
  • Sandra Mather

    hi ill be at isae , i didnt keep one of the pups , they have all got nice homes and ive got a dead arm so i couldnt cope with another at the moment ., ive a hosp app for nov..
  • Chris Knight

    Hi Kirsty ,
    Thanks for your message I saw Furgus this evening he looks lovely ( nice head ) it always brings a lump to my throat when I see Setter babies !! Chris
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Kirsty,
    I'm pleased you think so as Paige is a real beauty! I wonder is the likeness due to the same sire or due to the same photographer???
    How are your youngster doing?
  • Susan Stone

    Thanks for your comments, Kirsty. I could not do the field training on my own - it helps to have a prfessional gundog trainer to go to for lessons. There is sure to be someone within a reasonable distance from where you live?
    Good luck!
  • Jane Mugford

    thanks Kirsty, we had a great day.
  • francesca Reynaud

    dear kirsty thanks for your answer,i pass a very good cristhmas whith the family,and i will pass the 31of dec in my country house whith all my dogs.i belive to see you at crufts where i will show 1 male and 1 any case a very very good HAPPY NEW YEAR FRANCESCA
  • Chris Knight

    Hi Kirsty ,
    I am glad you are off the crutches and might be back showing very soon , I hope you are not in too much pain. Thanks for the good wishes for 2009 , the same to you and all the dogs.Certainly if I hear of anyone wanting a young dog I will let you know or pass on your number. I went to the meet on Boxing Day at Brompton and there was two Irish amongst the crowds and Riley was getting very exited when he saw them , reday for a good gallop and play. Hope to see you very soon. Chris
  • Rhona, Bruce n Lil Lucy Skene x

    lovely dogs you have there
    bet they do you proud
    love Bruce,Lucy and Rhona
  • Susan Stone

    We woke up to a beautiful morning - hope 2009 starts and continues well for you and your dogs!
    Best wishes,
  • Sharyn Latchford

    Hi Kristy..... just had a wander though your have some lovely Irish boys & Girls

  • Susan Stone

    Yes! I'm getting ready and Glen had a new coat to warm him after a day's hunt in the cold rain...:-))

    Can't wait!
  • ursula wilby

    Thank you for the comment on my page Kirsty...even wellgroomed setters are dogs, however much they share our homes and beds. :-)
    Given the chance of a good chase, most will go for that, and quite honestly, so would I if I was a dog!
    Glad you liked the was just too good an idea to ignore. But I was slightly dubious as to how some people would react to the total "piss-taking".
    Have a super weekend!
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Kirsty, I only have back, side on, and chin pictures on my site, but if you look through the pictures you may be able to put it together with who I am.... I hate having my picture taken, that is why there is only my back and side etc, Oh well its nice to know that I am so well known....Ha Ha glad that the dog is well known though, may speak to you at Crufts?? Dee and the girls
  • Dena Abbott

    Hi Kirsty
    thanks for the link
    the photos are lovely
    speak soon Dena
  • Susan Stone

    Thanks for your comment, Kirsty.
    Don't think I'll be showing in UK this year, will think about next year, maybe combined with a working week.
    I must now get down to sending Nigel the photographs I took of his dogs...
  • Susan Stone

    Yes please:-)))
  • Sue Clifford

    Hi Kirsty
    I'll take a look. Sky (Chianti) is about to be 10 - it's dreadful how time flies! She is still her old self, demanding everyone's full attention! Is Gemma like that? The Corriecas Irish are born with 'attitude', I think!
    I hope to see you at Crufts, if I can get there. Dog sitting problems here, but fingers crossed that we'll get there.
    PS I can't get the hang of this website - I thought I had just replied to you and then realised I had added it as a comment to myself!
  • Elaine Joan Wall

    thanks ,pictures are on the iscw site ,see you guess where,I think I have got Amy sorted now.but what she will make of that big green ring I dont know
    How is the coat going???
  • Dena Abbott

    Hi Kirsty

    A little bird tells me that it is your 40th birthday.

    You kept that quiet, when is the party.

  • Dena Abbott

    Nearly ready, just a few more bits to trim.

    Lots of bathing this week

  • ursula wilby

    Hello there Kirsty!
    Thank you so much for your kind comments about my work! And yes, the cats LOVE their beds!!!!!!
    I have actually done some cards of irish setters for the swedish setterclub ages ago. They used to use them to greet new members.
    Also I have done sets of Christmascards, in fact quite a lot of sets, but all sold out by now.
    Very pleased you like my work! :-)
  • Elaine Joan Wall

    Hi Kirsty Look forward to seeing you and Julie . George is handling Amy!!
  • Alison Ashley-Turner

    Hi Kirsty,

    Yes, my boy went Best of Breed... very pleased... onto Crufts now...
    many thanks for your comment..

  • Susan Stone

    Hi Kirsty, sorry, I only just saw your comment on our sweet lady Shannon:-)) Thanks, she sure is!
  • Susan Stone

    Yes, I admit I am rather pleased:-))
    Have fun at Crufts, I'll be thinking of you whilst training Glen in the Alsace...
  • Dee Rance

    Thank you so much for that, will look at the picture and all will be answered, great, it was a lovely day at Crufts it was so nice talking to all, a lot, of the members, I saw a few in the pictures that I wanted to see but didn't. Next time..
    Hope to see you soon Dee and the girls
  • Dee Rance

    Ah so we were both correct......he is a lovely boy, beautiful shape etc etc. start practising now and you WILL get there, he's so worth it. Good luck with him... hope to meet you soon Dee and the girls
  • Charlotte Godart - Riverwood

    Hi Kristy,
    Thank you for your lovely comment about Girly at Crufts.
  • Dee Rance

    Thank you so much for that...And I will keep an eye on the 'inbox' thanks again. Thinking about a new Forum but just got to get the words rite...Dee and the girls
  • Dee Rance

    Haven't read it yet, I have found before that you are only aloud 200 words, will read and wait for the second chapter.
    Dee and the girls
  • ursula wilby

    Ill have a look if there is anything Kirsty.
    The problem is that all of my setterdrawings that go with the stories I write, end up at the kennelclub. So I have nothing at home at all to scan...apart from scanning directly from magazines or books, and then the quality is normally not good at all.

    But I will keep it in mind.
    And I am very glad you like my drawings!
  • Kasia Czapla

    Hello Kirsty, photos are on the way, as requested :)
    All the best, Kasia
  • Elaine Joan Wall

    Didnt see much of you on Sat.Yes it was very nice for our Lucas and of course Amy and George.We shall see uou at the ISBC. I must be losing my marbles I entered Amy for Puppy at the age of 12.!!!!!.Keith has put it right I hope.
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Just about to add a blog, but if you are happy to give me your private email, I will write to you there.
  • Carol Gill

    Thanks Kirsty..what is life if you cant share a joke and a giggle with good friends? Carol G
  • Sharon Hopewell

    Hi Kirsty
    Sorry not got back to you. Dave been off colour so had the dogs to sort - nearly back to normal now - good to see you yesterday

    See u soon
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Thank you for the nice comment about Bono! I think we will have fun with him! Love your photos of the puppies, real sweethearts.
  • Maggie Smith

    Thank you Kirsty. It has been my intention to join for some time but could not face putting a photo of me on the WEB! My girls do the job well. I have been an avid reader of the sites belonging to those members who I know. I have met such a lot of great people through my dogs - they, and showing are just the distraction I need. I dare say this site is going to distract me even more. Looking forward to the summer and outside shows. Enjoy your lovely dogs. Kind regards Maggie