pat predeth


gomersal west yorkshire

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
none now
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
28 years
About Me:
I started in 1978 with a pet ,as you do. I then bought a bitch & started to show& was hooked.I met up with Gilli Barker & got a dog pup Gold Digger of Balintyne from her 1st litter he ended up with 2 RCC after he won 4 limit classes The entries at that time were big .His first ch sh. was L.K.A. in which he was 3rd out of 43 minor puppy dogs , & carried on from there .I was passed in 2000 to give CC & my first CH SH was S.K.C. on my birthday, what a present? I dont have any Irish now but keep in touch with what goes on .I have 2 Schipperkes that keep me going & I sometimes show the dog who is a K.C.G.C bronze award winner . I now make greetings cards for the soldiers in Afghanistan so they can send them home (free of charge) to their families Well thats about for now ,so by by Pat .

Comment Wall:

  • Susan Stone

    Welcome to this site Pat! Would love to see some pics of your dogs when you've found your way round...
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Pat
    Welcome to the site Hop you will enjoy it
    Dee and the girls
  • Linda Baldry

    Hi Pat,of course I remember you, glad to hear you are well. You will find a lot of the old faces on this site, especially Wilko Jansen's page,its a real trip down memory lane. As you have no doubt gathered, I have just started back showing my Scarletti dog from Rita, having a bit of fun, but not taking it too seriously just doing a few Ch Shows here and there, not too far from home and of course the local open shows.Glad you still have some little dogs for company, I don't think I could be without one......enjoy this site, x Linda.
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Pat,
    I remember seeing your ISBC advert of 'Digger Predeth' many years ago... I can still picture it now! Must have a look in my old yearbooks... Somehow the b/w pictures were special.
    I'm afraid I never met Judy Russel, sadly, I do remember some lovely Ballywestow dogs though.
    Not many shows around here, next will be in May in Germany.
    all the best!
  • Kristina Brannlund Westin

    Hi Pat!

    Wish you very welcome, and I am sure you will enjoy this site,
    All the best//Kristina, kennel Cherry Bloom´s
  • Maureen Mitchell

    Hi Pat, long time no see! Hope you are well, its good to hear from you! Dont worry you will be buzzing around the websites in no time once you get used to your new computer!! Its great fun and such a time waster! We must keep in touch, speak to you soon Maureen
  • Michelle Webster

    Hi Pat,

    Good to see you on here. It won't take you long to find your way around the site, but be warned it's very addictive!!!!
    Best wishes,
  • Rita Pike

    Hi Pat
    A lovely surprise to hear from you - yes I do remember the beautiful cards - and what a lovely thing to do for the soldiers in Afghanistan. Luckily I do not have anyone there but I do feel for the families of those youngsters.
    Good to see you are keeping in touch I hope to see you at a show somewhere.
    Luv Rita x
  • Lynn Spencer

    Hi Pat, Welcome. I'm sure you will enjoy yourself here. Lots of lovely people to meet and beautiful photo's to see. As Michelle said, it's very addictive here but lots of fun.

    Lynn & the girls from Oz.
  • Colin Wheeldon

    Hi Pat Thanks for message and nice to hear from you. Yes getting settled back up north and getting use the cold again lol. I usually walk the dogs on the Coatham end part of the beach and go along towards South Gare its got such a vast amount of beach that end, well that will be till start of May when I will have to pay to park the car lol and the dogs love it up that end to gallop along. Haven't bumped into your freind as yet but will keep and eye out for him and say hello. Mind I have thought about talking the dpogs up that end too for a change. Ive met a lady who has a youngster and lives in Redcar and she goes to the ring craft training cub I found up here. Colin
  • Lynn Spencer

    Hi Pat, Nice to hear from you. The Championship shows over here are held at 2 large venues. One close to the city, the other in a 'country-ish' area approx. 1-1/2 hrs out of the Melbourne. They are shows like the Irish Setter Champ. show, the Royal Melbourne Show, etc., very big shows. Shows are held there just about every weekend. There are also many country shows which can involve many hours of driving.
    Usually, to go to a show, requires the whole day out.
    Don't know if this helps or not. Hope so. This time around with my 2 girls, we have been more into obedience training than showing, although we have shown. Tess, my Irish, is such a beautiful girl but somewhat shy with strangers and has never quite been at ease with the judge going over her. For some reason she was fine with a woman but not a man. Didn't want to stress her out so we took up obedience where she did really well. Again, the 'stand for exam' has always been a problem, but we have managed to get through it enough to pass.
    Take care,
    Lynn & girls in Oz.
  • Susan Stone

    Hello Pat! I see you are finding your way around ES with no problems whatsoever:-)) When do we get to see some pics of your Schipperkes???
    Seems my offer of Swiss chocolate has really got people joining the Crufts 2010 group!
    As to the differences in judging, well you have much higher entries and do not write critiques, that to me seems to be the main difference... Dictating critiques for each and every dog present can be pretty hard work!
    Hope to meet up with you 2010:-)
  • Susan Stone

  • Susan Stone

    Hi Pat! I thought you must be fully uptodate with internet language...;-)
    translation: By the way (BTW) your ta ta for now (TTFN) had me rolling on the floor Laughing (ROFL)
    Susan (S)
  • lyn hathaway

    hi pat thanks for your birthday wishes for layla.on reading about you its so very nice to know that you are helping our troops in afghanistan by making them greetings cards to forward to their families youre doing a fantastic job and im sure the recipient of any card from their loved one serving out there will be extra special.
    luv lyn layla and lucy
  • lyn hathaway

    hi pat sorry it was not me.i have a nephew who is a serving soldier and hes been to iraq afghanistan twice and is due to go back to afghanistan so anyone or anything that can be of support to our soldiers has my upmost would also be nice to meet you sometime
  • Kristina Brannlund Westin

    Hi Pat!
    Thank´s for your words, such a sad story. But I really understand your point not wanting to leave thedogs to other humans and that is something to be proud of and not egoistic at all. That is how a real and true doglover would say also, and so do I. You must have gone thrue a very hard time loosing all setters in such short time..
    I really feel sad for you. Lucky you have this shipperkes now.
    Always wondering what kind of dog they are? Probably very nice dogs aren´t they?
    Have a nice evening,
  • Michelle Webster


    Hope you're having a great day.

    Best wishes,
  • Michelle Webster

    It's sad that as you get older the cards get less. But at least you got 1 card!!!! Not many remember my birthday as it's quite close to Christmas, so I know how you feel.
  • lyn hathaway

    best wishes for your birthday pat,have a good one
  • lyn hathaway

    hi pat ,
    anne elizabeth sandle left birthday wishes in an email which has come up in my box for some reason?
    youve got the message now love she also says its her 50th this year
  • lyn hathaway

    yes pat send us a draft and ill see what i can do .enjoy the holiday we should have been going this weekend but my other half had a total knee replacement 3 weeks ago due to have the other done in a couple of weeks ,so dont know when well get off
  • Kristina Brannlund Westin

    Happy Birthday dear Pat!
    Wishing you a great day, with a nice cake and your dogs;-))
  • Carmel Murphy

    Happy Birthday! As its the beginning of the weekend you can celebrate for a few days!!;o))
  • Carmel Murphy

    Hello Pat! No we have never met, as I have only been showing since 2001! Although I have had setters since 1972 I decided to concentrate on my children first and when they were big and bold enough to mind themselves, I decided to start showing!! At the beginning it was very nice and I managed to make up my first bitch to Ir.Sh.Ch. But in the last two years the show scene has changed and many people have left(due to serious politics!!) Hopefully if we persevere, things will go back to a bit of fair play in the show ring!! But I will always have my red heads regardless!!;o))
  • Carmel Murphy

    Very true!! Perhaps we will meet some time over here in Ireland or at Crufts next year? Take care!!
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Happy birthday Pat! I hope you have celebrated and enjoyed your day! You still have 25 more minuts! Best wishes Jenny
  • Sue Randle

    many happy returns for yesterday Pat :-)
  • Sue Randle

    Good morning Pat .. I started with my Affix Rionore back in 1981 so there may be something somewhere :-)
    I had the privilege of working with Army horses too .. my brother was in the Life Guards, when based in Germany the horses used to come over for their 'holidays' .. funny that's when I had my holiday too .. please keep in touch
  • Lynn Spencer

    Hi Pat. Please let me wish you a belated Happy Birthday Wish. Have been off-line and just noticed it was your birthday. Hope your day was super fun and filled with much happiness and celebrations.
    Lynn & girls in Oz.
  • Lynn Spencer

    Hi Pat, and thankyou. I think what you do is wonderful. It must feel really nice to know that you're helping so many people.
    Perth is a lovely city, although very far away from Melbourne. We have family in the U.K. My husband is English and comes from Coventry, although he was born in Wales. I have been there many times and my husband thinks it's time we had another visit.
    Take care,
    Lynn & girls.
  • Anne Elizabeth Sandle

    Hi Pat, have justed booked our holiday for end of June up at Leyburn will wave as we pass your way! Hope you enjoy your holiday down here!
  • Kristina Brannlund Westin

    Well shame on you, Pat living so close and haven´t visit this great, great Shelsea Flower show. You just have to do it some year. I was there a few years ago and it was magnificent!!!!
    We only had time to be there for one day but it wasn´t enough. And if you go there bring a lots of money, because I promise you it will be expensive;-))
    All the best and take care//KristinaXXX
  • Linda Baldry

    Thanks Pat for your kind wishes, will be back from Sweden on Monday so sadly no holiday, back to work on the Wednesday. Really looking forward to seeing the dogs there, yes you are right it looks like they have some really nice ones. Take care, speak again soon, x Linda.
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Pat,
    thanks for your comment - I'd almost forgotten that 'Master of the Glen' picture...
    Now which one do I send in for the ISAE competition???
    Take care,
  • Agnieszka Rola

    Hi Pat,
    thank you for the comment about my Conner, this is my very special boy :)
    I like your Digby, wonderful dog he was!
    Best wishes
    Agnieszka & Conner
  • Susan Stone

    Hello Pat, I think I know what you mean... I remember that pciture of your Digger all those years ago and thinking how nice he looked. Yes I agree, Camilla's 'Light my Fire' looks similar in type to Digger. Not sure about Glen, I think he is shorter in leg - he could do with maybe an extra inch;o)
    I think I've just got far too many photos... I've actually spent most of my life trying to get that 'perfect setter' picture but have only really managed the good action photos since the advent of the good digital cameras.
    The cool weather has ended here... now we are in for more sweltering heat!
    Enjoy your judging apointment!
  • Kate Cleary

    Hi Pat, good to hear from you. The photo of Poppy was taken at Windsor in 2003 after winning a good post grad class under Valerie Foss. I haven't shown her much as my hobby has had to take a backseat while my two boys have been growing up and pursuing hobbies of their own. Poppy has just had her tenth birthday and is looking youthful but has lost her waistline!
  • sue morgan

    Hi Pat, long time no see, hope you are well, every one in Burnley o.k.Take care.Sue
  • Catherine Pil

    hello, thank you for your nice reply on the photo of my little Irish. I'll put a new photo on the site at the end of the month (show in Mechelen-Belgium). So you can see how he developes. To bad you don't have any setters for the moment but you can enjoy all the other red devils on the site. Hopefully we'll meet at Crufts next year. gr. Catherine
  • sue morgan

    Hi Pat, thats a lovely kind thing to do , I am sure they really apreciate that, those lads deserve the best..........take care ..Sue
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Thank you so much for your best wishes and kind words, Pat! They mean a lot. We had a wonderful day - a day to remember! Love Jenny
  • Liz Staveley-Churton

    HI Pat yes its me LIZ nice to hear from you again. Yes I still do the St John bit but not as much as I once did. After I left ST J i moved to Kenya for a year came back and strated my own 1st aid training business with my new partner. I am supposed to be retired hence back with the Irish, Cannot get a Cornevon as my last lines were so went to Mary Gurney Danaway for my dog as its similar to cornevons . I have one dog Tobias comming up two now we hope to have another from Mary later this year. I am showing but its not the same as it used to be. The sjhow circuit was always a bit facey but now its awful. In fact my partner who has never been showing before after our 3 rd show where a well know breeder got BOB with a 6 month old puppy who bit judge and wouldnt let judge go over it he wanted to call it a day it was so blatent, but still going and had some nice places with Tobias.
    Some of old faces remember me but many choose not to. Remember Bernard Poppleton he rememebrs me we have a good chin wag when we meet. Tobias is out of Gwendarriff Dom perignon so is bernards dog but our dogs have different mothers. I am sure I have seen you at a show but cannot remember where? I tried to catch you but you got lost in crowd. All for now I will give you a ring for a chat. Take Care LIZ