Liz Staveley-Churton


Snaith , East Yorkshire

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
3 years
About Me:
Had Irish Setters in 80/90s . Sarted full time work as the setters aged and died I never replaced them due to work commitments.
My work load has eased somewhat hence buying another Irish and hopefully another one on the way

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  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Hi Liz,

    Fortunately I never had this problem, but I was told that when this happens, we should "re-train" them, that is going out with your pocket full of treats and starting again to let them go just a couple a metres, call them, give them a treat, and increase little by little the distance AND the time between calls.
    Good luck, as setters can be very strong minded as we know!!!!
  • Maggie Smith

    Hi Liz just thinking about you - how are things?


  • Maggie Smith

    Happy Birthday Liz - hope you have had a great dayx