Thomas&Merete-Kennel Alvertoppen




Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
3 - two red and whites and one red.
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
5 years
About Me:

My fiance Thomas and I got our IRWS bitch named Toboggan's Amazing Skadi (Dalriach Highpoint x Dalriach Goshawk) from the norwegian breeder Thor Erik Pape in 2006. We live on the West Coast of Norway and we use our dog for hunting and field trials. We are very pleased with our dog and we would like to add another one with good hunting and field trial abilities to our little family during the next year. Norwegian field trials often take place in deep snow and up in the mountains on large plains (hunting grouse), where the dogs need to be tough, fast and have a very good "engine" to excel. Especially in the winners class, where the dogs compete against each others, finding birds first and most often being the number 1 criteria.

If you know of any upcoming litters that has the potensial to excel in norwegian field trials (good hunting desire, high intensity, among others), please let us know!

This february we got a red addition to our family. Her name is "US" Snoop Dogg" (Snoopy) (FTCH Valeheia's Killakee x "US" Lara) and she is from Elin Wittusens "US" kennel in Norway. She is from pure hunting lines and we are looking forward to see how the "pocket rocket" is doing in Field trials next year :)
We have not given up our hunt for a new IRWS pup, but we have realized that it will take some time to find just the right one :) It's a challenge to get an overview of the different lines when the breeders are spread all over the world :)

Comment Wall:

  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Welcome, Merete and Thomas. It looks very cold there!
    Cheers, from Down Under.
  • Laura Kolbach

    hej, har kollat länken ovan (grattis!), och undrar om du vet vem pointern är. skulle behöva stamtavlenamn eller något som man kunde idetifiera honom med. tack på förhand!
  • Laura Kolbach

    japp, ser ut som Pluto :-) tack! min pointerkompis letar efter nytt blod och när jag fick se hanen, så tyckte jag att ser helt ok ut. vi får se hur det blir, Ungern är ju ganska långt borta...
    ha en bra dag,
  • Margaret Sierakowski

    Thanks for the Norwegian breed programme, its ambitious and uncompromising, but if you stick to it, you will breed some real IRWS!
    I love the photos of Skadi, she looks very like her sire Goshawk when he was younger
    Merete, can you E mail me privately
  • Christiane Lohmann

    Hello Merete and Thomas !

    Yep, I am afraid, there is too much HD in the IRWS and it has to be taken care of. I was very happy to read the strict rules of NISK ! Congrats !
    Will we meet in Dublin in september ?

    Regards and Waidmannsheil
  • Fiorella Mathis

    Hi loved the photos. I am really wondering how versatile this IRWS has to be...running from the high heathers in Ireland to the burned plains in Italy and Argentina and the green ones in Poland and in the snowy scandinavian countries. I guess that - but this is my modest opinion - every country will have to train their IRWS in their own way, and it will be very hard to have them once running altogether in a European Trial.all at the same level...for sure some of them will be advantaged (depending on the grounds). Loved also your video.
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Merete!
    loved your videos and was interested to see the method of introducing a youngster. Look forward to seeing more!
    all the best
  • Kristina


    Congratulations on your FT. Skadi really is amazing. ;) Are you or your boyfriend hunters?

    Kristina from Slovenia
  • Kristina


    Thank you on you complimnet. I dont use my bitch for hunting, she is more a pet. My boyfriend is a hunter, but he perfers his German Short-haired Pointing Dog for hunting.

    All the best!
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Merete & Thomas,
    very happy to make new friends! I look forward to learning more about the setter-scene in Norway, something I know nothing about. Also I love the photographs of the landscape & the dogs at work. I had a browse through the website but sadly do not udderstand a word... - but good to see 'Amazing Skadi' making breed history!
    Can you tell me a bit about the 'US' setters that seem to be THE name in working irish in your part of the world?
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Merete,
    Thanks alot for telling me a bit about uS - I had come across the name on various occasions but did not know anythig about them. I also see they figure extensively on the records of the weblink nisk no. It looks as if she found the right mix for the ideal norwegian hunting setter, suited for your kind of mountains. With the high drive they have, are they still easy-going with other dogs?
    I will have to look up the uS website - there must be one!
    kind regards
  • Angie MacDonald

    Thanks! I have a good subject:0) I must have 1000 or more pictures of her and she's only 16 months old! lol
  • Christiane Lohmann

    Just wanted to tell you that on the CACIT trial yesterday also an IRWS started...DALRIACH GRAINNE. She got a 3rd price because her behaviour when birds flew up. Otherwise she would have been in for a second price. Nevertheless, as this is only an obedience problem, she has qualified for german breed program. Happy to hear that.
  • Christiane Lohmann

    It was a CACIT-Field Trial (lowland) on pheasants and partridges.

    And sure I remember Hilde ! They tried to scare us a lot the night before we were out judging together...telling about dreadfull Moskus Ox in Kolla Kaldvella and how dangerous and how to behave. Sadly I lost the knife she gave me, but the memories are not lost;-)
    Send her regards please.
  • Christiane Lohmann

    I remember that day judging with Hilde it was VERY foggy and we had some strange feeling of being watched. Moving ahead through the valley, climbing up and down the hills, we finally noticed that we have been supervised by the leading female moskus ox of the flock...standing across a small river on a hill, her gang behind. WOW ! And I thought it was a big joke when they told us at the judges meeting the night before, where to go. Only Hilde choked and spilt her Wiskey...should have been an alarming signal;-)))
    The warning signs along the way up to Kolla Kaldvella how to behave when in contact with Moskus Ox (never get between them, lay down, call in all dogs, don't shoot, don't move...) gave me some idea.
  • Rhona, Bruce n Lil Lucy Skene x

    lovely dog you have there
    lovely markings and moves so smoothly
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
    Rhona, Lucy and Bruce
  • Frost

    Thank you. Nice dogs you have...
  • Rita Haadem

    Takk for tipset. Skal se nærmere på den etter hvert. Kanskje det dukker opp noen som vet om valper et eller annet sted. Hvis ikke får vi vente til Jenny får valper på Ripa. Hun skal jo til Østerrike og parre snart.

    Rita og Sven
  • Susan Stone

    Thanks for your comments, the videos were taken in the North of the Netherlands and it is a pheasant. I've since taken Glen to training in Scotland and took the small video camera with me. But I could not possible film him myself as I had to keep him under strict control... I did take photos and you can see these under (you may have to copy and paste)
  • Jean

    We are doing very good. Our fields are in good condition and the dogs are doing great. We have pups both red & IRW so we are busy but it's all good.
  • sammi pease

    Hi Metete and Thomas, I am enjoying looking at your photos..I used to live in Bergen ( a long time ago) and have very fond memories of it...still have friends's a beautiful place indeed. best wishes...sammi
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Merete,
    thanks for the invite to the R&W groups - but I'm actually already member of both;-))
    Love your videos and look forward to seeing more of Skady and Snoopy!
    best regards
  • Chris Olborg

    Hei Meterete. Ja, dette var litt av en internettside. Her var det litt flere av oss med RHIS enn på andre sider ! Birk har nå rundet året, der han er i en alder som er noe utfordrende. Litt yr - kan vi vel si han er... men det roer seg vel litt med tiden får vi håpe. Ellers får jeg bare gratulere dere med prisen forrige helg. Veldig bra å se at rasen kan hevde seg på utstilling. Vi snakkes. mvh Chris
  • Deborah McNay

    Thanks Merete,

  • Chris Olborg

    Hei igjen og takk for din filmkommentar Merete. Kan vel si at også jeg er litt spent på hvordan Birk vil oppføre seg på Hjerkinn. Hans søk på Lifjell lover bra, så vi får se om han kan leve opp til våre forventninger. Var dette søket kun var et blaff, eller er det faktisk slik han er.....? " time vil sjå" Uansett lover det godt. =o)

    mvh Chris
  • Polly

    Det går fint med Polly. Såret i poten har grodd fint, så vi var på noen skiturer i påsken. Nå sykler vi en del. Hun er ei aktiv jente med mye energi som skal ut Vi er også med på avd 2 sitt dressurkurs og det trengs da hun er i "trassalderen" for tiden. Vi gleder osstil samlinga på Hjerkinn. Har dere tengt dere på Folldalsutstillinga i år?
    Hilsen Fred Harald
  • Chris Olborg

    Morsomt med filmen som er lagt ut på NISK sine hjemesider. Er det dere som er arkitekten bak den ?
  • Maggie Skene

    Hello, ...very busy weekend...just catching up. Duncan is from Canada..his sire is Shireoak Caniscaeli Windsong and the dam is Caniscaeli Just One Look. To go back farther, I would need his paperwork...which I left at work!!
    It looks wonderful where you live...Duncan can run for days!!!I am sure he would enjoy your countryside very much!!

    Maggie & Duncan
  • Wendy Bockman

    Yes, I've personally been to 3 Trials and there are two owners in CA and one in Ohio that have competed several times. No one has got a first place for points yet, but we have had several placements as high as second place.
  • Melanie

    Hi...I'm not sure yet if I can come, it depends on the date of my exams at university..but I hope it will be possible :-)
  • Linn Cecilie Moen

    Takk for kommentar! :D Kommer flere bilder etterhvert! :)
  • Ann Millington

    Hello Merete
    It was so good to meet you at the Festival ;o])) I am so pleased you enjoyed the weekend and have reported to Norway.
    Would you be so kind as to send a few words about what you thought of the Festival weekend? We would like to have a page of comments from our visitors for the next GB Club Newsletter.
    Many thanks
    I love your page here!!
  • Pat

    Hi Merete & Thomas,
    Your video of your two Setters is smashing.
    Thanks for your comments on my photos both at West Woods near Marlborough, Wiltshire where we spent over an hour walking in this large wood with carpet upon carpet of deep coloured bluebells - the scent was amazing.
    The landscape photo was taken at my favourite haunt called The Gallops which is near Calne, Wiltshire and only about twenty minutes drive from my home. You can walk for a couple hours and my boy, Ray, loves it up there both quartering the vast fields and training.
    Yes, we are into the working side of the breed and I am really pleased at how much we have achieved.
    To answer your question on the Bronze, Silver and Gold Kennel Club Good Citizen's Tests. These are obedience Tests for owners of all dogs to show their handling skills and good manners in their dogs. If you go to the website of the United Kingdom's Kennel Club you can read up on the Tests.
    It is a bit lengthy for me to type all of it up on here but if you email me privately I can send you more details. However, try the Kennel Club's website first.
    I am hoping to enter Ray, my R/W boy, into the Silver in a short while and then have a go at the Gold Test.
    I believe it is important to both exercise our dogs mentally as well as physically. I thoroughly enjoy training Ray on the working side of the breed and have made so many friends and close acquaintances since entering him into the different gundog events.
    Hope to speak with you again soon.
    Best wishes.
  • kristine thybo hansen

    Heisann, og takk for det.. Flotte bilder hos dokker åsså, av vakre hunder og natur :) Nei det e en Breton det der.. Kvalpen Wambli kommer ifra Tintoramas Kennel, Tispa Nouit kommer ifra Snyfjellets-Red Kennel og Gamlingen han Loke kommer ifra Tømtlias Kennel.. En dokkers da? :) Ha en knaill uke me dokkers fire beinte :)
  • Thor Erik Pape

    Hei Merete & Thomas. Angel er den tispa som kom på Lennigen forrige vinter. Hun var selvfølgelig alt for tykk og mannen trodde at hunden ble utlært av seg selv. Hun eies av Ann Jess som forteller at hun finner fugl og tar stand, hvis det er utgangspunktet så mener jeg resten er opp til eieren. Astor er en flott hund som jeg kommer til å bruke i avlen om 3-4 år. God apportør og går agillity. Emma, som eier han, liker ikke de metoder som brukes der hun bor så hun savner et godt miljø for fuglehundtrening.
  • Fiorella Mathis

    Thanks so much...I am still bewildered myself...Never would i have imagined years ago when I first started to celebrate such a champion. Plus she is sooo sweet and loving. Thanks again. Fiorella
  • Margaret Sierakowski

    Excellent result for Skadi! Congratulations! Now go, go, go in the Winners Stakes!

    Two more IRWS puppies are arriving in Norway today, Dalriach Pink Pepper (Dalriach Auchindoun ex Pepperstown Polly) is going to Thor Erik Pape, and her brother Dalriach Philosopher is going to Kari Michelsen Einarsson
  • Christiane Lohmann

    Many fugle for christmas;-)))
  • Catherine Carter

    Hi Merete,
    Thanks for adding your comment to the discussion...I have left the discussion because some of the comments directed at me became rather abusive. I have in the UK some extremely old lines of show dogs who actually are quite similar to some some working dogs lines. I quite apprecciate your comments about the coats...I have witnessed the same when I go on some field training sessions and I know that a lot of UK Show Champions carry far too much coat to be of any use in the field as a Gundogs! Regards, Catherine.
  • James Gregory Williams

    Since I belong only to the United Kennel Club (UKC), I can only speak for the red and whites there.

    The interesting thing about UKC is that all its trials are open to all breeds, so the IRWs compete with Brittanys, red setters, English setters, German shorthairs, pointers, and the like.

    The UKC has one major champion that I know of now, Buzz O'Nichol. He is a dual-dog champion in show and the field. We have several others working their way up the ladder. UKC has several levels of field dogs from the beginning TAN title to champion with Hunting Dog and Gun Dog titles.

    As to the AKC, I am not associated with that registry, so I don't know where their red and whites are in their quest for field champions. The AKC's trials I think are breed-specific and have different rules and regulations.

    As I mostly hunt my dogs, I will be going to a UKC trial in March. I will see what dogs are progressing.

  • Marthe L.

    Heihei :-)

    Oscar er etter Skårgangen Troya og "US" Orkan. Har vel vært på kurs i irsksetterklubben med Skadi tror jeg? (Våren 2007?)

    Ellers så lurer jeg litt på om neste hund skal være en rød og hvit, men det er neimen ikke lett å bli klok på ulike linjer og oppdrettere, så foreløpig er det nok mer en drøm enn en plan. Siden deres,, er i hvert fall til god hjelp :-)
